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Datacrons I Give UP


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I have noticed the first time I go to get a datacron I have a tough time.

Almost broke my phone out of frustration while trying to get the Works Datacron, since then I have gotten it 2 or 3 times with no problems. yes, I'm an altaholic :)


And just the other day in Mos Ila I new I'd have trouble with the Datacron, and it kept me up later than I though, fell many times, but I got it :)

It's worst when it's a useless stat for you XD

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I understand your frustration and agree but I just can't stop going after them...the harder they are the more I want to get that cube.


Maybe that was the intent all along?


Yeah- the more frustrated I get, the more I want it- heck that one in the valley in voss- I am bounty hunter and it is willpower one- yet I tried to jump down into that stupid vally hundreds of times before i eventually found out you have to go on the other map and how easy it was to get to lol!


The one in tatooine on the ballon- **** not got it yet- had hte bug where you fall off the ballon or through it after sitting on it for what seemed like an hour lol!


that one got me frustrated and gave up on it!

hopefully they fix it someday.

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Seriously, none of them are hard to get, you just have to know "how" to jump. I got them all on several characters and I usually don't need more than one try to get them. The trick is to push "jump" and "forward" in a fluid motion; one right after the other. Sometimes it helps to turn off sprint, but it's not really necessary.
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The tough jump one's are actually a good to get you skilled for some of the Raid content. I haven't joined a group yet that hasn't bypassed trash mobs by jumping. Another thing is that one of the pet's in this game require substantial skill in jumping. So, look at it as practice. When you get good at one then move on to the next. By the time you start Raiding and get to the point of wanting that unique pet you'll be an expert.
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Oh Nar Shadaa and your yellow matrix cube......I bet you I tried to make the pipe jumps for 40 some minutes. I got it, once I failed for like the 8th time, I just had to prove to myself that I could do it.



Cube hunting is fine.

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This is incorrect. There is a total of +30 of each stat from datacrons (+40 with the +10 datacron). I checked just now.


Don't forget that not all datacrons are +4.



strange... I did a search and it does say that now yes but 2 months ago before the 1.2 update it certainly wasnt that.


I painstakingly sifted through them and seperated empire from republic ones and added up the available ones for my BH and those were the totals from what a guide told me about the locations.


Unless some have been removed or the values changed from +4 to +3 etc ..


so either the guide that I used was incorrect or its changed in the last few months.... but i'm not that crap at maths to be that far out.. lol

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Mos ila? Jump with speed-buff up the first ones (over the roofes and the construct and the "Wall" between the two buildings"). The jumps on the pipes without speed-booster.

Always remeber two thinks: you jump wider then you think if you reach an object and your character jumps later then you think. Never jump when you stand direct before a wall or the "end" of a way, 1 yard or atleast an half before you had to start to jump or your charakter will just drop instead of jumping.


It took me 3 hours the first time (yes, i am really bad in jump'n'runs), if nothing helps and you know a PowerTech, ask him to help you, he can pull you over (grapple) if he handle the jump or can attack-jump (jetpack) you if he fails. So you can be his "save or backup point" :D (you need to duell to do both).



thanks for the tip..



this has got me wanting to do a datacron hunt this weekend now...lol

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  • 2 months later...
What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


While 70% of them are possible to get there are a couple that are over the top difficult because they rely on the inconsistent jumping. Perhaps on some keyboards the spacebar is super precise. I tried these jumps on two keyboards and got the same inconsistent results. Yes it's fun to find them but when they rely on perfect jumping it's highly aggravating. Super Mario Jumps are way easier.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.



Don't give up!


Theres only a few that are tricky to get really and the rest are straight forward, and trust me with all of the datacrons (especially the ones for your class) they will make a difference!


And ofc you can also get the Matrix Cube relic!

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


I dont agree.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.

They are just a side game. No need to worry about them if you're having trouble.

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I honestly don't feel that they are difficult so much as the game itself makes it frustrating at times. I find that if I drop my video settings to Very Low, turn off sprint for some jumps and turn it back on for others that helps alot. Even on medium settings, with a brand new pc and using every optimization recommended on these forums I find my toon walking off and falling instead of jumping. On very low settings, the jump occurs right when I hit the spacebar so that problem goes away.


The other frustrating ones are the ones where you're dependent upon a slow moving game mechanic like the balloon on Tatooine or the moving crates on Hoth. The balloon resets randomly after such a long ride, but there is a work around with a friendly force push. The one on Hoth just requires good timing on that one jump (again, very low settings helps there) and I figured out a way to get on the last moving crate without needing the first one so that shortens the time somewhat from what you'd take if you did the entire walkthrough process.


As for the two man datacrons, those were frustrating back when many of us were on dead servers, but since the mergers, I've had no trouble getting a group especially for the one on Taris. Even the one on Quesh is easier to get help on since the merge.


With all that said, I agree with some, that this game engine isn't suited for a jumping game. The problems I had with these jumps before dropping the settings to Very Low are problems that I and many others never had with other games. So the people claiming it's a skill thing are simply trolls.

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These are not "optional"


Without them you cannot compete with someone who has them in pvp or in high end pve.


So, super mario is pretty lame as the way to get them.


Frustrating indeed. especially for those with multiple alts. Doing them once is torture, doing them 7-8 times each is the kind of thing that makes you wonder if you really need this sub.


Jumping puzzles should be for cosmetic crap, not mandatory stat gains.

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try +50 to each stat.


50 main stat, 50 off stat, 50 end...plus 50 pres if you are into companions performance.


Its like wearing an additional piece of gear over someone who doesnt have them.


Bottom line is theres probably a better way to handle near mandatory stat boosts than playing super mario bros.


Or at least making them account/legacy wide so you only need to subject yourself to this special form of torture once.

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There are lots of videos, search.


The only one that's hard is the republic version of the +10 datacrons (because the grappling points are buggy).


The imperial version is exactly the same. I've done both, I know. They actually fixed the grapple points some what, you don't need to hit spacebar anymore to land properly.

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Well it's more like +34 (I just added it up, not counting the fleet 'cron, since that's more of an event of it's own) if you manage to avoid getting any of them at all, even the ones laying around on the ground.


Hardly game breaking. Might give you an extra +5 damage. This is like those people who whine over being dominated by people in warhero gear while wearing full battlemaster, when the difference, while there, is really very minimal. There's usually something else at work there.


And that's about 1/3 the amount you miss out on compared to not taking biochem on your main for a reusable (permanent) +100ish to your main stat and another bonus to an off stat. Really, I'd be more annoyed about that than datacrons, except I chose not to use biochem and have done just fine.

Edited by Polebreaker
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They aren't that hard once you figure it out. On the platform ones the key is to turn off sprint.


I have them all for all 3 of my level 50 Rep characters, and am picking up them all as I level my 4th Rep characters.

My first character I struggled a lot with them, now I pretty much get all of them on the 1st or 2nd try.

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