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Datacrons I Give UP


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Make it possible for ALL datacrons to be acquired by ONE person.


Improve the jumping controls.


Other than that, I love the concept.


No, This is a multi-player game as such there will be things that require more then one player to get : )


As far as datacrons go, they are not nessasary to get and they are a nice little diversion for me to go do when I am done with my daily's or what ever else it is I want to do and need something to do. To be honest I wish there where more things like this in the game.

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I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


Sorry, but this isn't WoW. Some things are going to be different. This is one of them.


Bummer you're not very good at this aspect of it, but the datacrons are fine. Skipping them if they're not worth the trouble to you is the exact right approach. Complaining publicly about your failure? Well, I wouldn't do it, but whatever floats your boat, I s'pose.

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It would have been nice if you only had to find them once to get the stat bonuses on all your alts. In other words, make the stat boost account wide, not character specific.


And for those of you who like to hunt them, they could give a nice cash and bonus xp reward in lieu of the stat gains on alts if you've already gotten the datacron on a previous run through.


Those who hate the system would only have to find them once. Those who love it could be given extra loot and xp for pursuing them on alts.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


They are prejudiced against twileks... and so am I! *Hits you with a nerf bat* :D

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Ah yes. This would include the 40 minute balloon ride in the Dune Sea, right? This is obviously a strange and interesting new definition of fun I've never heard of.


Took me 5 minutes jumping next to the end sandcrawler while a jedi friend force pushed me.


I also got him up using my concussive push (trooper).

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It would have been nice if you only had to find them once to get the stat bonuses on all your alts. In other words, make the stat boost account wide, not character specific.


And for those of you who like to hunt them, they could give a nice cash and bonus xp reward in lieu of the stat gains on alts if you've already gotten the datacron on a previous run through.


Those who hate the system would only have to find them once. Those who love it could be given extra loot and xp for pursuing them on alts.



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My problem is controls, animation errors, and what looks like lag (but it's not because the connection is prefect.)


The game doesn't control like mario, so to ask for mario precision jumping is unreasonable.


This is what I experience as well.


For example, in the first city on Tatooine i can cross the sunshade and the buildings and get across the first catwalk and onto the bridge between buildings with no problems. Then when I go to jump off the railing onto the pipe section, my character does a double knee bend and falls.


I don't know what its doing, it looks like it wants to jump because it does the knee bend like its going to jump and then doesn't.


Second problem is getting dumped off the balloon just before getting to the datacrons. After an hour of waiting and walking on the balloon so I didn't get logged out, I'm pretty well pissed that I didn't get them due to an obvious game bug.

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Yeah, I freaking DARE you to tell me that the willpower datacron on Taris is not DESIGNED to frustrate players into saying **** it I am never bothering with these things again. It is INSANE. They moved the willpower datacron from a place where you just had to find it to putting it on a ledge 4 stories up in the *********** air so if you miss one jump anywhere along the line to get to it you fall to your death and because they put it in a HEROIC area you have to spawn half way across the zone and drive your *** back to the area to try again.


When they had it in an area where it was hidden from view and you had to basically find a hidden hallway to collect it the datacron was a fun treasure hunt. Now it's a FREAKING NIGHTMARE. Bioware are a bunch of sadistic jerks and can collectively kiss my big fat ASCII.

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Yesterday I finished up all my datacrons except for Hoth. I knocked out:







Balmorra (needed 3)

Nar Shadda

Tatooine (needed 3)


Belsavis (needed 2)


I already had Hutta, Taris and Dromund Kaas complete as well as my +10 datacron from fleet.


FAPDegren has the best video guides, hands down, for the Empire datacrons


Edited by iain_b
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Took me 5 minutes jumping next to the end sandcrawler while a jedi friend force pushed me.


I also got him up using my concussive push (trooper).


That's how I did it. A Inquisitor buddy knocked me up on the crawler and I then grappled him up.

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Wow this thread is full of "waaaaaaaaa".


Some of the datacrons are as annoying and tricky. If they are too tricky just move on - some are a piece of cake to get!


Why are people making out like its all or nothing! Collect the ones you are capable of and leave the rest. They are not all Mario Jumps - some need to complete a boss, some need some lateral thinking, some are explroation.


Heck the + Strength on Nar Shadaa drove me crazy. My computer almost went through the wall. It wasn't the game that was at fault but my own ineptitude. I know this because it only took me two attempts to make the jump but my wife couldn't do it. I tried for her and EVERY time missed the jump. Was it the games fault? No coz a dozen odd people bounced past me whilst we were there and even I'd already done it. So we gave up... kicker was that the Sage got it and Warrior didn't grrr... What I didn't do is blame BW for my own failings.

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The other day I went with my guild to get the +10 Datacrons. I wasn't able to grapple to the last door. Each time Ii tried I hit the connection and the animation of me being pulled up was followed by me elastic banding back to my original position and taking dmg. i was the only person our of about 25 that wasn't able to reach the final door area.


I submitted a ticket and received a response from Bioware a couple days later. i'll paraphrase. "Sry dude... Hopefully a future patch might fix your issue. Gl with that."



This pretty much sums up the Bioware experience. Great game, very fun, buggy, and when you encounter a bug... gl with that.


Anyone else have this issue?

Edited by slonep
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Yeah, I freaking DARE you to tell me that the willpower datacron on Taris is not DESIGNED to frustrate players into saying **** it I am never bothering with these things again. It is INSANE. They moved the willpower datacron from a place where you just had to find it to putting it on a ledge 4 stories up in the *********** air so if you miss one jump anywhere along the line to get to it you fall to your death and because they put it in a HEROIC area you have to spawn half way across the zone and drive your *** back to the area to try again.


When they had it in an area where it was hidden from view and you had to basically find a hidden hallway to collect it the datacron was a fun treasure hunt. Now it's a FREAKING NIGHTMARE. Bioware are a bunch of sadistic jerks and can collectively kiss my big fat ASCII.


Its not designed to frustrate you.

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"I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements."


I guess that's because nothing in wow is actually an achievement. You know, where you actually have to achieve something or think it out.


What has it come to when people think achieving something is mindlessly running around getting free handouts for nothing more than minimum time spent?

Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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Why do you play games when all you really want is to be given everything. Maybe they can just give you all the codex and datacrons when you make your toon so you dont have to waste any time in the game doing them.


You Sir are a bucket full of WIN!


if i had some delicious chocolate cake, i would give it to you!

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What they need to do is make a few super easy servers. You make you toon and then there is a chest in the middle of the room and BAM your max level in every thing, 10 trillion credits, all mobs die as you walk close to them. PVP pfffftttt everyone wins. But really, it is just amazing the amount of complaining that is going on in the forums. Edited by adectus
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But he's a casual; obviously he's entitled to everything in the game without putting in any effort.


You have a point.


I play casually and I do believe that achievements should be challenging.


if it takes me 1 or 2 tries to reach a datacron and it takes me 15 minutes per try, then I can do that when I play for 2 hours once in a while.


If it takes me 23 tries and I am not even close to getting it... well now, that is just wrong.


For example, one Datacron on Tython is easily accessible. Follow a river, kill a few mobs, at the end on an easy ledge, datacron.


Another one in Taris, a few jumps, well timed and got it on the first try. Had to see it to know it was there, but I guess that is the point.


But one of them is located in Coruscant, in the justicar territories and a jumping game has to be done to reach it. Now, I am not against jumping games.... but why is the one on Tython so easy and why make this one so much difficult?


Many simply run through the game to level. The datacrons are there to force people to look around their environment to see them, thus slowing their pace a bit and getting them to smell the flowers (so to speak).

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The other day I went with my guild to get the +10 Datacrons. I wasn't able to grapple to the last door. Each time Ii tried I hit the connection and the animation of me being pulled up was followed by me elastic banding back to my original position and taking dmg. i was the only person our of about 25 that wasn't able to reach the final door area.


I submitted a ticket and received a response from Bioware a couple days later. i'll paraphrase. "Sry dude... Hopefully a future patch might fix your issue. Gl with that."



This pretty much sums up the Bioware experience. Great game, very fun, buggy, and when you encounter a bug... gl with that.


Anyone else have this issue?


Everyone does. If you rubberband back from the grapple point, it's because you were too far away from it when you did your first click. The game allows you to start your grapple process, even when you're not close enough sometimes. The trick to it is to click on the grapple point again while you're in midair. Just spam click the point the entire time and you'll make it. It's kind of a pain to do it, but it does work...

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