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New it would come to this Bioware


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With every warzone you cap a point cap a door carry a ball all the premades now days are running 2 healer/2 tanks with guard


or 1 healer 2 tanks with guard and 1 DPS


Game today with my premade we had 3 of us with over 380k damage and our healer had 440k healing yet we lost because of GUARD alone


the highest DPS on their team was 83k damage.


I knew it would come to this it was only a matter of time when people saw how overpowered GUARD is in warzones since everything is cap cap cap hold hold hold




p.s. and guard ALONG WITH AOE Taunt your can make it so damage is reduced by 80%




Tell me again this isnt overpowered and doesnt need looking into

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Tell me again this isnt overpowered and doesnt need looking into


Because it's supposed to be a reason to go after the tank instead of the healer?


If you're taunted and trying to attack a Guarded target, you're DOING IT WRONG.

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Sounds like your dps is bad then.


380k each and you couldn't kill a tanks healer? Your doing it wrong.


What did you guys not use stuns? no ints? no pushes?


Clearly your premade is lacking coordination and general pvp knowledge start there and get back to me.


Because me and my wife can stop a tank/healer gaurd combo by ourselves.

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With every warzone you cap a point cap a door carry a ball all the premades now days are running 2 healer/2 tanks with guard


or 1 healer 2 tanks with guard and 1 DPS


Game today with my premade we had 3 of us with over 380k damage and our healer had 440k healing yet we lost because of GUARD alone


the highest DPS on their team was 83k damage.


I knew it would come to this it was only a matter of time when people saw how overpowered GUARD is in warzones since everything is cap cap cap hold hold hold




p.s. and guard ALONG WITH AOE Taunt your can make it so damage is reduced by 80%




Tell me again this isnt overpowered and doesnt need looking into


Man that tank must be the beast he won a match all by himself.


Guess what? Next time , if you dont waste so much time giving dmg instead of doing the wz objectives , maybe you actually win.

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I am still trying to figure out how it is broken. If you want to win a wz dont go for numbers and badges go for objectives. That is the point. Cap the doors and turrets and pass the ball to score.


Working as intended imo. Objectives = Win. Numbers = Nothing

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It will be seen soon when everyone is running tanks/healers there is no reason to argue the fact its overpowered. When you dont even need to kill anyone but you can help a point there is abit of a problem. 2-3 tanks can guard 2-3 people and single taunt and AOE talk an entire battle the damage reduction in itself is enough to almost AHH about.



Bio will see it soon and we can come back and discuss this.



Operatives were not overpowered as well right im sure everyone against this said that as well. It does need looking into PERIOD

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I am still trying to figure out how it is broken. If you want to win a wz dont go for numbers and badges go for objectives. That is the point. Cap the doors and turrets and pass the ball to score.


Working as intended imo. Objectives = Win. Numbers = Nothing


ya stand there like a brick wall and do nothing = working as intended i understand now lol

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Operatives were not overpowered as well right im sure everyone against this said that as well. It does need looking into PERIOD


No, you need to learn to play. If the enemy has 3 tanks, they've taken a serious hit to their ability to damage you.


It's the essential turtle strategy - 3 tanks, 3 healers, 2 DPS for example. The healers keep everyone alive, the tanks protect them. The defenses of this team are, overall, very difficult to overcome - however, if you do, they're completely and utterly screwed. But it requires tactics and team play.


Conversely, if you get the bomb planted, they're never removing it. They're probably never going to be able to plant the bomb. No way are they going to be able to take turrets from you.

Edited by Inarai
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ya stand there like a brick wall and do nothing = working as intended i understand now lol


I think the point that people are trying to make is that it isn't that tough to take them down.

You said you were in a premade yeah? So why weren't you focus firing the tank?

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ya stand there like a brick wall and do nothing = working as intended i understand now lol


Isn't that what a tank does? TANK DAMAGE?


I mean seriously your arguement is that a tank is taking dmg and mitigating it and using his abilities to mitigate anothers dmg as well... are you really serious or just stupid?


If they nerf a tanks abilities to mitigate and gaurd what would their function in pvp be? Run around hoping to do enough dmg to kill someone before they get killed by a solo player?


Do you even think or just cry when you lose and call mechanics and class's OP because you and your team just sucks at pvp?


You might as well call the healer that was healing him OP to. Healers shouldn't be able to heal while gaurded AMIRITE?


Seriously get some skill shut up and pull your head out of your you know what because you smell like sh*t. (infraction incoming but it was worth it)

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Going for the tank first isn't the best way to deal with it. If everyone is attacking the tank, the healer will keep him up, especially if there is another tank that taunts. Pound the crap out of the healer and split the two of them up, pull the tank one way, push the healer the other and the healer will get lolpwned.
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Going for the tank first isn't the best way to deal with it. If everyone is attacking the tank, the healer will keep him up, especially if there is another tank that taunts. Pound the crap out of the healer and split the two of them up, pull the tank one way, push the healer the other and the healer will get lolpwned.


What's that? Tactics more complex than everyone jump on the healer? BLASPHEMY! </sarcasm>


Of course, throw in a Guardian Leap or Rescue and it's more complex than that. I know on my Assassin I'd simply use Force Speed and/or Force Cloak to get back to the healer.

Edited by Inarai
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I seem to have no issue taking out guarded targets. Just means most of the time the tanks go down faster because the healer I am burning is busy focusing on their own survival.


Then the tank is probably not paying much attention.

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