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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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I'm sorry but i got to flag you for the Iraq part. I take offense to that if you didn't actually lose an arm in IRAQ.


Because the subsequent sentences leads me to believe this is all made up and i don't appreciate that.



i lost one arm in iraq. i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, and class, any faction, when my character has both arms.


i am 3ft tall, i am legally a "little person" i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, any class, any faction, when my characters are ALL over 4 feet tall.


i am a banana irl. i find it really hard to RP......


i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.

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Would it be sexist to suggest that an obese male still has something to offer in the ***** kicking stakes whilst an obese female is actually just not cutting it at all?


Or is it being overly kind to females by not insulting them with a fat model?


I guess it depends on your perspective... Id like to know what the designers thought.


In all honesty, I'm with this. The girls gotta be strong to compete with the boys.

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OMG lol girls don't game eh ? - this is the most sexsist post I have read on these forums to date. Show me the facts where it states that this or any other game is specifically targeting at male players. (you were joking right) ? :D


to the OP, well does it matter if you don't get a fat female option ? - its role playing, but sure its an interesting point why there isn't that body type. It is role playing, and we should be able to choose what ever appearance we want. I couldn't get my real life eye colour. But chose the hair style and body type that is closest to mine.


Nope, real girls don't game. Rule of Thumb.... until I hear you on vent (even then it can be questionable) I figure you are just a guy who gets his kicks off of pretending he's a female. MMO's attract this type of person by the droves. :eek:

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I'm sorry but i got to flag you for the Iraq part. I take offense to that if you didn't actually lose an arm in IRAQ.


Wait...you find something offensive conditionally based on the life experience of the poster?


The point made by that poster is valid. There are a large variety of people with differing body conditions - and the game can't reflect all of them. One of those conditions could really be a missing limb. Nothing offensive about it.


Are you really so sensitive that you can only accept this fact from someone who actually has a missing arm?

Edited by Democratus
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Why would you want to roleplay as a fat tub of crap?


I despise people who claim that stupid looking characters and their players are superior to those who take it seriously. I happen to know a person like that and often receive insults because my character looks like an actual smuggler and not a body type 4 twi'lek who dresses like a drunk jedi at the circus.

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I think it goes to show exactly what the younger parts of the community here expect their virtual love interests to be like sadly. Starving adolescent children, i mean look at Vette and Mako! In real life conditions both would be seriously ill, bordering on anorexia. Its not a good look and not something i want my children to see or think is acceptable or infact desirable. People seem to forget exactly what is healthy and normal these days and perfectly healthy women are deemed fat and ugly, its not good by any measure.


Companies like Bioware are just playing to stereotypes, for obvious reasons. Basically they want your cash! But they do have also have a duty to their younger and impressionable community too in my opinion and should not force or reinforce dangerous and unhealthy stereotypes on them!

Edited by Halaek
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It looks fairly fat to me ..... why not make a suggestion thread asking for a morbidly obese option?


The answer is to have a body modifier for charecter buildier. I am saying one which lets you adjust different parts of the body..make them smaller, larger, etc. I mean if Rift can do it I am sure BW can. :cool:

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I cringed IRL when I read this. ZING!


Well..in RL 60% of the US population is overweight and 30% is Obese. Fact. Ignoring that fact is like the Ostrich with his head in the sand. Bioware made the decision to have fat guys and I do see some running around in the game world. So there are some who want to RP that type of body. I am sure the same would be true for fat females.

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Ever see General Garza, NPC on the Republic side and a main NPC for the Trooper storyline? She's the "fat" option, but really she's built like a brickhouse.


I get mixed signals when I see her: old and wrinkly, but packing!


This made me laugh so much. I've thought the same thing. Old lady face....not so old lady body. But you know, it really matches her personality. She'll kick your ***.

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no, its called making a point. and i made it VERY well. you are being insensitive to ppl with TRUE disabilities by claiming that the game should cater to you because you are overweight, but make NO mention of any of the examples i used. yes, they where examples, but VERY good examples.


Well said. Most often, size is a lifestyle choice. Maybe lose wait to increase your roleplaying immersion then?

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i mean look at Vette and Mako! In real life conditions both would be seriously ill, bordering on anorexia. Its not a good look and not something i want my children to see or think is acceptable or infact desirable. People seem to forget exactly what is healthy and normal these days and perfectly healthy women are deemed fat and ugly, its not good by any measure.


You're sadly mistaken. Slender is not seriously ill or bordering on anything. It's actually normal to be slender as a teen or young adult. Even nicer to take that into adulthood. One doesn't have to be a victim of too much snack food or bad habits.


Sheesh. :rolleyes:

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People seem to forget exactly what is healthy and normal these days and perfectly healthy women are deemed fat and ugly, its not good by any measure.


You have actually combine two things together there:






Its quite normal to be overweight, its not however, healthy.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.



If you're a "large" female yourself, isnt that worse enough in real life?

Why would you want a fat game character too?!

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You're sadly mistaken. Slender is not seriously ill or bordering on anything. It's actually normal to be slender as a teen or young adult. Even nicer to take that into adulthood. One doesn't have to be a victim of too much snack food or bad habits.


Sheesh. :rolleyes:


Being slightly underweight actually is a key factor in those who live longer than average (just heard in an obesity epidemiology lecture)

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The "fat" female body isn't fat at all. In fact, it's almost the perfect body for a woman. Curves in all the right places and not anorexic looking like model 1. Body type 3 is just well... not very attractive. Women and muscles aren't a good mix. Body type 4? All I can say is, "Awesome".
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Being slightly underweight actually is a key factor in those who live longer than average (just heard in an obesity epidemiology lecture)


Also, people who walk at least 3mph tend to live longer.

Edited by Meluna
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


The "fat" character model for males is actually incredibly buff. Roll one and take your shirt off, you'll see.

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i lost one arm in iraq. i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, and class, any faction, when my character has both arms.


i am 3ft tall, i am legally a "little person" i find it really hard to RP as any toon, any race, any class, any faction, when my characters are ALL over 4 feet tall.


i am a banana irl. i find it really hard to RP......


i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.


I want to hang out with you. Greatest post of the day!

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you mean they have roid gut? maybe they're all on human growth hormone


How is that even possible BTW? The reason people have visible six-packs is that they have very little body fat in that region in addition to being physically fit. And the shape of body type 4 suggests that he's got quite a bit of fat :confused:

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