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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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OMG lol girls don't game eh ? - this is the most sexsist post I have read on these forums to date. Show me the facts where it states that this or any other game is specifically targeting at male players. (you were joking right) ? :D


to the OP, well does it matter if you don't get a fat female option ? - its role playing, but sure its an interesting point why there isn't that body type. It is role playing, and we should be able to choose what ever appearance we want. I couldn't get my real life eye colour. But chose the hair style and body type that is closest to mine.


Dudette, he was kidding... I think you missed the "but seriously..." in his thread :D

Edited by archifikoss
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I really think there is something wrong with people's eyes, or perhaps the monitor settings on my pc.


Am I really the only one who thinks that option 3 female body is a bit 'chunky'. Ok she doesn't have a tubby tummy, but everything else about that body shape screams 'plump'.


Option 4 is simply a giant hulking wwf female wrestler, well, not the sort they have now who are all models, but the sort they had when I was a kid who just looked like the men, but with *****.


Am I really the only one who thinks option 1 is perfect? Maybe it's a cultural thing, most of the women (under 35) that I know are option 1 or 2, with perhaps a little more tummy, but the game is a charactature of real life, not a simulation.

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It's not an acceptable hobby for us. Where is my sandwich etc.


I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I think your second paragraph somewhat answers your first. Is it the end of the world that there's not truly 'fat' model? No, of course not.


But if the game wasn't made for men, or at least what a designer thinks an acceptable woman should look like or aspire to, why isn't the option there? Even if they just plum 'forgot', isn't it interesting that they did, even if their own 'important' game npcs commonly use the fat male model?


Also, again, it's really not fair to compare eye color to body type. Sure, both are tied to genetics, but one earns you ire and disgust, the other is generally ignored or complimented in current society for being unusual.


your generalising. My comparison is valid, because there is a lack of blue eyes to choose from. Mine are more grey blue ? - this is no different from being able to choose a suitable body type, so on that point, you seem to have misunderstood why I made that comparison. If a girl or a man wanted to play a fat model, then that's their choice, its not something that needs to be dictated to the person who is doing the role playing.


If this is short sightedness on the dev's part, that I can believe. If anyone feels any kind of disgust for the way a person has either chosen to look or, for some reason can't help how they look, then its not that persons fault, its the fault of society and the negative opinions and attitudes that are associated with that appearance, and how we are mentally and socially conditioned to think and look at people in the world around us.


Thank YOU for your enthusiastic response also :)

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If a girl or a man wanted to play a fat model, then that's their choice, its not something that needs to be dictated to the person who is doing the role playing.


While I agree that it's up to the individual to decide what, or how, to play, these choices can only exist if the option is allowed. It would be dictating if you were denied something you already had, but not if you had to choose from what was available.

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These toons spend all their time running & fighting so being obese makes no sense.


Also, set in the future, supplements and medicine etc. help keep people at a healthier weight. I'd suggest people also got smarter or less gluttonous, but I'm not counting on that ever happening.

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I'm off to bed now, but I wanted to thank you guys I interacted directly with for good discussion. It was a great pleasure compared to the nasty trolling that was commonplace on the WoW forums. Even if we disagree somewhat, I find your method of discourse very refreshing :)


I'd suggest people also got smarter or less gluttonous, but I'm not counting on that ever happening.


Except for you. You go straight the stereotype penalty box with no ice cream. Ever.

Edited by Amyiss
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Simple solution. Change the type 4 male to be relatively the same fat level as the female one. Equality. Also, OP is annoying as hell. God I hate fat people like this, who think everyone should put in ****loads of effort just to make them feel accepted. Hey, I'm an alcoholic and a drug addict, but everyone should accept me the way I am and refrain from any comments, that may be insensitive to my condition and all games should have an option to be a druggy and a drunk. Unless you are tied to a chair and force-fed McDonalds or KFC or whatever every day, you have no excuse to be fat. It's fine if you are, it's your choice, I chose to be a c.unt for example, but I don't expect people to praise me for it or even be ok with it. Seriously, go on a diet or stop being a ***** and whining about how the whole world doesn't tip toe around you to make sure you feel accepted. And those fat models make no sense. Maybe a bounty hunter could get away with it (though his jetpack would have a hard time), but a jedi? They are supposed to stay fit ffs. And I'm sure the commando and imp agent have fitness requirements in their appropriate organisations. So it does break immersion. Imagine if Bond or Jason Bourne were that fat. Stupid topic, this is.
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


I hear your point.... But.... This is fantasy. I play to escape the real world. I am chunky in real life and i want a sexy body in the game. I cant Imagine the republic Dancers outfit on a fat chick. I want eye candy good looking unrealistic fantasy when i play a SCI/FI FANTASY MMO.

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Unless you are tied to a chair and force-fed McDonalds or KFC or whatever every day, you have no excuse to be fat.


You have a lot of feelings about things that don't affect you at all. You may also spend time in the penalty box. All the time, in fact.


I hear your point.... But.... This is fantasy. I play to escape the real world. I am chunky in real life and i want a sexy body in the game. I cant Imagine the republic Dancers outfit on a fat chick. I want eye candy good looking unrealistic fantasy when i play a SCI/FI FANTASY MMO.


Oh god, what will we do if Star Wars doesn't enforce objectification of the female body?


Where will we go for our enforcement of stereotypes? Who will dare be so brave as to cater to the straight man?! Who?!




wait I said I was going to bed ***

Edited by Amyiss
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Take off the shirt of the "fat" male character, you'll find that he isn't fat at all. The "fat" male character has a football lineman type of body.

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Except for you. You go straight the stereotype penalty box with no ice cream. Ever.

Sorry, I forgot how sensitive people can be to this topic. I'm sure you (and all other obese people reading this) are victims of bad genetics and/or other issues totally out of your control.


I'm overweight, but am one of the very few people inflicted with this malady that is simply too stupid, lazy, and fond of unhealthy foods to do anything about it. I also drink too much which doesn't help.


If someone is otherwise healthy, being large in and of itself is NOT a bad thing.

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Tbh I tried creating a female toon, and when choosing the fat size I was disgusted.

They should just remove the fatty option for both male and female, I get physically sick and feel the need to throw up looking at some of those chars on my screen.


I feel sick and want to throw up when I see a man looking like he-man in body build.

I petition to remove that bodybuild.


More seriosly.

The games character creating sucks balls. A game released in 2012 (more or less) should have better character creatin then this. Even the "original" game that the Hero Enging was ment for had WAY better character creating then SWToR.

I am just baffeld over that EA/BW have not done something with that when they alredy have the system.

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You have a lot of feelings about things that don't affect you at all. You may also spend time in the penalty box. All the time, in fact.




Wrong. It does affect me when you whine about it. Like I said, I have nothing against fat people, I don't care if you're the size of an oil tanker, it's your choice. I also respect ppl who don't give in to the stereotypes you mentioned and don't give a **** what anyone else thinks. If you're overweight and proud of it, good for you, I respect that. What I don't respect is if you start creating problems where there aren't any and treat games that don't have big models as personal attacks against the overweight populace. That's just insane. People are so sensitive and whiny these days it's unbelievable. No wonder "Self help" books sell so much copies.

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Girls don't game.


But seriously, this game is aimed at the average 18-35 year old male. There won't be any "fat" female models.

This guys didn't know how the real woman must look like :( I didn't find anorexic models attractive, they strongly need to add some weight, maybe 40-100 pounds will be enough. Edited by Urukkhan
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


Are you saying that you cannot roleplay effectively because your character isn't the same size as you IRL?


Cannot tell if serious, good troll if not. :)


If serious, well they can't cater for everyone unfortunately. Maybe new races will become available with Legacy updates in March, that could include something larger, such as Hutts, but the humanoid bodysizes will probably be just the same.

Edited by Soazak
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Instead of wasting your time arguing over Body type 4 and cantina dancers and what the definition of "fat" is, you all should be demanding something more than 4 damned options for a character creator.


Sliders Bioware, shoulda used them. Sliders for bosom, upper body, thighs, neck, cheeks, etc. Then you could all look like Paula Deen or Karen Carpenter if you wanted to.

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i think you get the idea. not every option can be covered. you just have to accept it.


Are you saying you are ok with the poor customization level of the player creation?


Because, I've played quite a few games and this is one of the worsts.


How do I judge it? I ask my gf to create a char and sit by her side taking notes.


She couldn't even laugh (like in some other games where this is all you can do); she was sad, looking at me and asking "and, are you paying for this?"


This game doesn't feel it has been developed in 2012 in soooo many aspects that it hurts.

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Instead of wasting your time arguing over Body type 4 and cantina dancers and what the definition of "fat" is, you all should be demanding something more than 4 damned options for a character creator.


Sliders Bioware, shoulda used them. Sliders for bosom, upper body, thighs, neck, cheeks, etc. Then you could all look like Paula Deen or Karen Carpenter if you wanted to.


Agreed, complaining about a single option not existing when there virtually are none is silly.

They should add a lot of more customization to the character creator, its far to easy to get loads of "twins" running around.


Also, why the need to play as yourself? I cant make a character like me either but that's why its called ROLE PLAY!!!

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