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Disappointed by the size of the "fat" female option.


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I don't like Body Type 3 for girls because it's too manly looking, but I like Body Type 4. I was sad when I hit level 14 with a Body Type 4 because her butt used to swing when she was running and with Sprint, it doesn't anymore. IRL I'm very small, but when I look at Body Type 4, I don't think she's fat. I'm surprised anyone does.

Of my 5 female characters I have 2 Type 1's (bounty hunter / sorcerer), 2 Type 2's (consular / trooper), and 1 Type 4 (knight).

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Hardly insensetive, just a case of you being too sensetive...


Just because you cant make a toon look exactly like you doesnt mean they have to implement it...


i couldnt find a beard that looks like my own beard, does that mean they should design a beard just for me?


also, i wear glasses (far more people wear glasses than are fat in the world) but i couldnt have glasses in the game, so they should change that too.


Also, i have a friend who is a little over 2 meters tall and he is skinny as well, so should they implement that option as well then?



What you want is a character customisation system like APB has.

Not gonna happen in this game (and it doesnt need that many options either).



EDIT: actually, implementing a Fat female toon would probably be insensetive since most who used it would use it because "fat people are funny" (as that is why most use the fat male toon) witch is in fact very insensetive.


Warning to all: it is a fact that witches are now insensitive. Thank you, you may now move along.


Also link to more fat facts: http://thingsfatpeoplehate.wordpress.com/

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


I noticed that myself (and I'm a guy). When I first got the game and was making a female character, I kept cycling through the body-types thinking there were more or it was a bug or something. The "largest" female model in the game seems to be normal/medium --maybe leaning a bit towards "thick/curvy" but not even that much. I would have expected there'd be two more additional body types: a truly "thick/curvy" female and one that was actually "fat".


Given how enormous the fat male body-type is in the game compared to the female, I guess the only women that the Bioware developers have seen...were on tv or in magazines...

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How is that even possible BTW? The reason people have visible six-packs is that they have very little body fat in that region in addition to being physically fit. And the shape of body type 4 suggests that he's got quite a bit of fat :confused:


roid gut is due to human growth hormone causing EVERYTHING to grow.

Your muscles grow, but so do your internal organs, etc.


So, many bodybuilders who abuse HGH will have balloon shaped guts, sure you can see a six pack on top of it all, but their stomachs still puff out.



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type 4 body = a real woman, type 1 and 2 = anorexic and type 3 = amazon, there is no fat body type, just 2 super skinny ones, one muscle woman and one normal one.


Type 2 is not necessarily anorexic. Athletic women can look very slender but it's because they're extremely fit, not because they don't eat properly. It's all muscle, and very compact.


Type 1 does look a bit anorexic though - the face kinda gives it away.

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First of all:


there are no girls in the internet.




If there were girls, they wouldnt be fat, therefore the "fat-size" is supposed to be "strong", not fat.


Oh goodie, so does that mean I don't have to use "I'm not fat I'm big boned" aymore? I would much rather be "strong" in real life than "fat". My style 4 Chiss female has all the stuff in all the right places, and she's "strong" too!



By the way, Al Gore not only invented the internet, he also invented girls being on the internet!

Edited by Annedromeda
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roid gut is due to human growth hormone causing EVERYTHING to grow.

Your muscles grow, but so do your internal organs, etc.


So, many bodybuilders who abuse HGH will have balloon shaped guts, sure you can see a six pack on top of it all, but their stomachs still puff out.




Ack! That was awful :mad: Still, nice information, thanks mate. But does body type 4 strike you as a 'roid gut shape? It looks more more like a sumo wrestler to me, and the face shape suggests body fat...

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Type 2 is not necessarily anorexic. Athletic women can look very slender but it's because they're extremely fit, not because they don't eat properly. It's all muscle, and very compact.


Type 1 does look a bit anorexic though - the face kinda gives it away.








What sort of women do people see all day long??? Most of the women I see every day are type 1 or 2. Type one is just a slim build of person, not anorexic!


I will admit that the waist line of type 1 is a bit thin, but if you look at the waist line of all 4 body shapes compared to their hips, then they are too thin by comparason.



I really am starting to question if I have my monitor set up wrong and its affecting the way I see the body types, maybe it makes just type 1 and 2 female body shapes bigger.... :p

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What sort of women do people see all day long??? Most of the women I see every day are type 1 or 2. Type one is just a slim build of person, not anorexic!


I will admit that the waist line of type 1 is a bit thin, but if you look at the waist line of all 4 body shapes compared to their hips, then they are too thin by comparason.



I really am starting to question if I have my monitor set up wrong and its affecting the way I see the body types, maybe it makes just type 1 and 2 female body shapes bigger.... :p


no offense dude, but type 1 is not normal. look how large her head is. the body is just SMALL and thin..like, abnormally small.

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What sort of women do people see all day long??? Most of the women I see every day are type 1 or 2. Type one is just a slim build of person, not anorexic!


I will admit that the waist line of type 1 is a bit thin, but if you look at the waist line of all 4 body shapes compared to their hips, then they are too thin by comparason.



I really am starting to question if I have my monitor set up wrong and its affecting the way I see the body types, maybe it makes just type 1 and 2 female body shapes bigger.... :p


It's the face mostly that makes it look anorexic, not the shape itself. Create a female character and move the body slider. The face looks very drawn in type 1, a lot like an anorexic model, even though the body itself does not look bad.

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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.


I knew a woman that was EXACTLY the look of the female 4 is but she was a martial arts expert and had breast implants.


It's not "average".


Do you know anything about women?

Edited by Tiaa
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There's a reason most people choose the fourth body type, and I'd say less than 10% of the time that reason is "I want my avatar to be as fat as I am in real life" and 90% of the time "holy crap this is hilarious."


I'm not saying I agree with that mentality and I sure as hell don't appreciate that's the consensus in our society, but that's just the way it is. If Bioware allowed for the option you're looking for, you'd be a hell of a lot more insulted than you are because it isn't available.


Because chat would look something like this:



QueenLatifah: LOL

MatureAdult: This is so wrong.

RosieOdonnel: If eating is wrong, I don't want to be right.


And so on.


As usual, blame society, not Bioware. They're just trying to accommodate our ignorance.

Edited by TheFluke
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Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.

It would be hard to find gear in the game for fat women. Although I could swear I saw a Lane Bryant on Tatooine...

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Ignorance and social discrimination :mad:


Could you elaborate on that? How was my comment ignorant or how was i discriminating? I never said its a good thing, I just said it is to be expected. No one expects a highly skilled warrior to be fat. Heavy maybe,but not just lack of muscle and fat instead. That just makes no sense.


(On a side note : why does quote not include the former quote? I could also decide myself if I want to include that)

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I'm very happy with the male body type 4, myself, as it's the first time a game has represented my exact body type.


Most games have skinny, medium, super muscular and then, if they have fat, it's like morbidly obese/can't run up a flight of stairs.


SWTOR has given me a fat body more inline with like the World's Strongest Man competition. Lots of body fat, but ontop of a very muscular frame.

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I'm very happy with the male body type 4, myself, as it's the first time a game has represented my exact body type.


Most games have skinny, medium, super muscular and then, if they have fat, it's like morbidly obese/can't run up a flight of stairs.


SWTOR has given me a fat body more inline with like the World's Strongest Man competition. Lots of body fat, but ontop of a very muscular frame.


I agree with you.


I just have to add, for others who are confused-

"fat" doesnt have to imply lack of muscle. You can see olympic weight lifters who are, by all means, fat. Sure they might have great musculature, and maybe they even are aerobically trained. But all those extra body still is unhealthy (for many reasons I wont go into)

Edited by ThePirateMD
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The comparison to real life doesn't make sense. You don't see all day highly trained heroic warriors, do you?


If you look at the toons you can roll, you should compare to walking around in an olympic village. You would see mainly very athletic looking men and women. Or compare to spec ops in any army. The classes you can roll represent the best of the best. Real fat (like in medically unhealthy fat, not the chubby bodytype ingame) toons wouldnt fit in this.


If anything, you guys should be complaining about the npcs ingame that dont show the variety of bodytypes like in real life. That could be compared to what you see on an average day (apart from seeing alien races ofc).

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Female body type 4 definitely needs to be larger all around. In no way does Female 4 mirror Male 4. When I went through character customization, thinking about the possibilities, I wanted to make a really really large girl similar to Male 4 -- and to my surprise, I couldn't!
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