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Everything posted by DarvaiXit

  1. The OP's suggested 'solutions' is why I find the tank spank game in many MMO's so utterly boring. I also think that the whole dps ranking is meaningless if you would be able to redirect threat so easily. Nvm, I find those rankings meaningless to begin with in static combat as this.
  2. OP doesn't seem to really hate voicechat or claim its not as effective as normal chat. It's more that the useless non related chat during raids annoys him. This has nothing to do with voicechat itself. But with idiots in their team. I agree with that too. I find it also annoying if you have people who have their mic turned on constantly while eating chips. Or you hear their music. I really dont want to hear any background stuff from someone elses house while playing a game.
  3. 1. User Interface. It has been set up in a way that I really don't like. Like having chat in top left corner. Quickslots all around the screen. This distracts me from the game itself. It is also too large for my taste. It has been a long time since I played a MMO with this lack of UI customisation. 2. Targeting. I use tab to target, because clicking is too unreliable with your companion standing in the way or the wrong mob. Tabbing is unreliable because with 3 targets, you never know if you target A B C, or A B A, or B C because the game selected A for you already because it is attacking you. This is also annoying, the auto targeting when mobs attack you (don't confuse with auto target nearest option). I want to be in control of the targeting and the game shouldn't mess with this. There should be at least an option to turn this off. 3 Global cool down length. I knew this game had a global cool down before I started to play. I just never imagined it would be this long. The game already has a lack of situational skills (except with 2 classes) and combined with this long cool down it mainly comes down to repeating your skill rotation. Combat feels slow and sluggish for me because of this. There is more, but it is either class specific or a minor pet peeve. These 3 things irritate me the most.
  4. If you set Camera Max Distance at 100% in preferences, you can zoom out quite far.
  5. I prefer the Smuggler/Bounty Hunter theme and rather stay independent. Seems to be the only classes where I can actually chose dialogue options that I like. Only bad thing is that with rolling one of those classes, I'm affiliated with a side in this war. Although as Bounty Hunter I find it very satisfying that I can insult those posh Empire nobs. Even my companion Mako appreciates that. So I guess belonging to the Empire can be fun too. I would never roll a Jedi or Sith no matter how awesome lightsabers are. Jedi bore me to death and Sith make me think of cheesy villain lairs. I think Lucas Arts should give Bounty Hunters and Smugglers lightsabers. Although such an overdose of awesomeness would probably make my head explode.
  6. I would even go a step further into the other direction. Allowing toons from the same account mail items to each other, even if they are not from the same faction.
  7. Very nice to see those options added. First step to a more customisable UI. I hope that you guys are also working on movable UI objects and resizing of UI.
  8. I am. The way they are going to handle the global cool down in 1.1.4 by adding several options for it in preferences, it shows to me that they are listening to the players. Doesn't mean that I don't expect bugs for 1.2 though
  9. Im ok with permanent Advanced Class choice for the same reason that you are not allowed to change your base class. But dual spec is still limited. It would offer a lot more variety if you could change skilltree specs whenever you want, straight within the skilltree window. And maybe with the option to save templates. (All within your chosen Advanced Class of course). This would make preparing for a certain group composition a lot more efficient.
  10. Dual spec is just another limited band aid. Why not immediately get rid of respec and add the option to change spec all the time in your skill trees, with an option to save templates? Within the chosen advanced class of course. That way you get a lot more out of your class and it saves a lot of LFG trouble. And no I dont want an instant lvl50 button or to receive free credits just for logging in. I just opt for more variety in gameplay.
  11. "We should also be able to sell back any gear after you've tried it for a few days at the same price you bought it. Maybe we get 5000 credits a day for logging in?!?! How about the ability to copy any piece of equipment for 1000 credits?!?! It all takes away those annoying aspects of the game and doesn't change anything ... i like it! " You assume here that I would welcome these changes that have nothing to do with my suggested change to make respec free and easy. Now you claim those are examples of what would change if my suggestion would come true. I never asked for that and you are just guessing here that I would want that. If anything, if you read my post more carefully, you should know that Im not interested in shortcuts in character progress. Respec doesn't interfere with character progress. You don't get points faster.
  12. Im getting a little tired of people that keep assuming things about me or put words into my mouth. But to clarify : No I dont think that. You are totally off topic and just guessing.
  13. You also find them on the planets. Like in tatooine in some outpost between other quests. Although I dont find it necessary, because mousing over the flashpoint npc, shows that it is for a flashpoint. But for heroic quests this could be usefull I agree.
  14. Stop assuming please. I haven't respecced at all yet. I just tried to explain why I think that making it cost anything is a penalty that is in the wrong place. Easy and free respec doesn't change anything but take away some annoyance for some players. You are not taking a shortcut to max lvl and you are not avoiding content. It also doesn't give you an 'I win! ' button. It will only give players more choices to play with and players/teams will try more unusual builds.
  15. I'm glad that most game developers don't share the OP's opinion. Not to mention that I find it odd that the OP doesn't seem to realise how selfish his request is.
  16. I didn't play WoW and I think it is silly having to pay for respec. I enjoy trying out new builds untill I find one that really suits me. If I have to rely on the information from within SWTOR, I can't do better then just guess what would be good choices. This is also a reason why many players look up builds on websites. This is either because characterstats are a black box where the stats can only be used as relative measurement (higher stat is obviously better, but how that actually translates into dps or mitigation is anyone's guess) or skilltrees are very vague in description. Or in some cases even worse when it is both. Based on the lack of information from within the game, you shouldn't be punished for a choice based on nothing more then a hopeful guess. Trying out different specs could be a game in itself and has nothing to do with challenge or lazyness. The challenge should be in the encounters with mobs, not in having to stick with a regretful choice for your toon. How is that fun?
  17. I remember one on Hutta where I had to jump from pipe to pipe. If you don't jump right, you have to go all the way back. It is not a difficult jump though (there is a lot of leeway), you just need to take your time and maybe get a feel for jumping before that. Also look carefully where you know you can jump. It helps if you do a practice jump to get a feel for the distance and height you can jump. If you just go for it, chances are that you fail yes. Nimble fingers or not.
  18. If you feel burned out on the game, then there is not a high chance that you will find something that would change your mind in the current game. My advice, give the game a rest and check back in a few months to see if things have changed/added to your liking.
  19. I had this happen too. I always notice it during a fight lol. First time it happened, I thought I had lost the relic somehow.
  20. I love finding them by accident. And figuring out how to reach them is part of the fun. I always like to explore and although I know that this is somewhat limited in this game, I still have to look in each corner. Sometimes you find elites too with chests. Or when someone mentions a datacron in general chat, I have to start searching for it right away
  21. The OP's calculation only makes sense if people wouldn't care at what time they go to sleep. Even Bioware doesn't agree with this, you only have to look at the standard maintenance times. They specifically chose for a time when they expect the least amount of American players online to make sure that it causes the least disruption possible. That said. As long as you think that Bioware has options (like different EU downtimes) on when to do maintenance or patches, your complaint as customer is valid. It is normal to expect as customer that the service you pay for has maximum up time during daytime. They also can't expect you to be expert in this matter and to be able to determine if your claim is rightful or not. The only thing they can do is try to shut you up Anyway, my point is that you as customer should strive to make the service provider do their absolute best to make you a happy camper.
  22. I can understand that some like the look of the flashy new cool down. I don't care either way if it looks pretty or not. I also don't understand why this is part of the discussion. For me this is a bad change because it now lacks important visual information during global cool down. I find it a basic requirement to be able to see if my situational skills are available so I can queue them. This has to be visually very clear during global cool down (it is one long second). And this change has made it more difficult to see. So while it might look flashy, it lost in functionality. Aesthetics at the cost of functionality is just a bad call. There is no reason why one has to suffer for the other. Especially not because you could've made an option in preferences to turn this off. I really expected that the devs would do a facepalm after they read how rage users have to deal with this change. The fact that the devs even considered a poll about this, is mind boggling for me. This is really really bad. You gave the global cool down an in your face visual effect(which always happens and always has the same duration). It already has rhythm to it that any player would get used to. While at the same time made the visual information about individual cool downs very subtle (during global cool down). Please get someone with experience in UI design. And don't just read the 'Oooh its so pwetty!! <3' posts.
  23. A lot of the complaints on these forums come from players that genuinely want the game to be good. If they can't write a constructive post or have no patience doesn't really help of course. But that doesn't make a complaint less valid. Also, a lot of players have seen many MMO's and for them it can be frustrating if they think that certain basic features are a step back from what is already seen as standard (guild interface, UI etc). I'm positive that Bioware is aware of these issues, they probably just gave other features a higher priority before release. I think that the players that can't be pleased at all and want the game to actually fail are in the far minority and will automatically leave after their month runs out. Oh and maybe more important maybe for the OP. The people on the forum is just a tiny part of the player base in most games.
  24. No, if it wasn't Star Wars I would not play it. Not even if it was based on Mass Effect. The Star Wars ip just makes me a lot more forgiving towards games. With most other ip's my expectations would be a lot higher.
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