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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment to the level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.



You don't get it do you? there are people who are made physically ill by this change. There's no adapting to that. Try doing a Google search on video games and nausea. It's been well documented for a couple of decades.

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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment to the level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.


Adapting to what, headache and nausea? I've yet to play more than 30 mins since yesterday.


Let me spell it out for you: having your peripheral vision bombard you with flashing lights from left, right and bottom part of your screen is not good for your health and can cause serious physical illness.


Thank you for the feedback, bro.

Edited by darthtoph
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Again, it's not the skills and abilities a lot of us are talking about.. it's the headaches and dizziness the flashing is giving us. Although, I don't expect someone who uses the term "cry babies" to begin to remotely comprehend that we are physically unable to play for longer than 15 minutes since this was implemented.


Each day this stays in effect is another day we are unable to play which is another day of our sub wasted due to no fault of our own. We would have been happy with a temporary roll back until they could get an option in place to turn it off/on just so we could take advantage of the time we have already paid for. If they do not get a fix for this out today that makes two days in a row that several of us have not been able to play because of actual physical pain.


When this thread started and the reports of headaches, nausea and dizziness started coming in they were civil and calm. What you guys are seeing now is frustration over very little communication from anyone at BW and the inconsiderate trolling calling us names and telling us to get over it. They have put more effort into communication over the Ilum issue than this which makes some of us feel they have their priorities out of order. Is it going to take someone going to the doctor and threatening to sue because of migraines for them to actually give the impression they are listening and it matters?

+1 ^^^

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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment to the level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.




Look up video games and sickness, you know in BF3 on the flying the jet mission (it's on rails) makes some people "seasick"?


Also the GCD strobing is a no-no, strobe lights in general is unhealthy to look at. Back in the days if I ever saw a CRT computer monitor with 60Hz, I'd look away immediately, the horizontal lines were extremely noticeable and gave me headaches quickly, I only stuck with monitors 75Hz or higher.

Edited by Sookster
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They have added a poll about the UI changes



I am glad to see they are somewhat paying attention but it's disappointing to see them not put much importance on the headaches and such.


Wish they'd give option #4. "Having health problems with the new GCD graphic AND insulted by the massive downplay by other players and the Devs."

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Canceled my subscription.

Now I'm writing a letter to the chairman of the board along with a complaint to the better business bureau.


If you wish to do the same feel free to write to..


To Lawrence F. Probst III - Chairman of the Board

EA Corporate Secretary

Electronic Arts Inc.

209 Redwood Shores Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94065



To the better business bureau.

3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600

Arlington, VA 22201

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SO I've been keeping tabs with people through different vents while monitoring forums and surfing the web. I'm refusing to log in till we at least get an option to turn off this new GCD. One response was "when are you planning on coming back in if they don't change it?" People don't get it. Some of us CAN'T play through this. It's not going to get better just because we get "used" to it or some crap. It seriously messes with some people. This isn't an issue of some people being "prissy," we just seriously CANNOT play with this change. I have made some good friends in this game already, but people need to get a *********** clue. This isn't the same as a blaster shooting off in the distance of a battlefield. This is our hotkeys doing a VERY DIFFERENT kind of flash.
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Canceled my subscription.

Now I'm writing a letter to the chairman of the board along with a complaint to the better business bureau.


If you wish to do the same feel free to write to..


To Lawrence F. Probst III - Chairman of the Board

EA Corporate Secretary

Electronic Arts Inc.

209 Redwood Shores Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94065



To the better business bureau.

3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 600

Arlington, VA 22201



LOL I do not see how people threatening to contact a paid for rating for profit non enity like the BBb is a threat to any business.

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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment to the level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.


That is not a road you want to go down, sir. That road leads to children forcing themselves to play in spite of the health issue, Youtube videos of SWtOR-induced nausea and vomiting, expose-style TV "news" reports on the dangers of online games, parents refusing to allow their children to play, parents lobbying groups petitioning Congress demanding that the game be pulled from shelves and shut down.


You really do not want to go there.

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That is not a road you want to go down, sir. That road leads to children forcing themselves to play in spite of the health issue, Youtube videos of SWtOR-induced nausea and vomiting, expose-style TV "news" reports on the dangers of online games, parents refusing to allow their children to play, parents lobbying groups petitioning Congress demanding that the game be pulled from shelves and shut down.


You really do not want to go there.



Newsflash: None of the things you wrote won't happen.

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More misquoting.


I said FOR ME, the changes to the cooldowns are not as drastic as others believe them to be. That doesn't mean other's opinions are wrong, just that mine differs.


The people I was talking about regarding the "sky is falling" are those threatening to cancel their subscriptions, saying Bioware is purposefully trying to cause harm to their players, Bioware is neglecting them and ignoring them, etc.


Okay, I'm going to put my 2 cents in here because your spin tactic is getting terrible.


When you refer to people as "sky is falling"... that implies that are overreacting. It has nothing to do with right or wrong... you just hyperbolized others responses as overreacting to the problem.


I do think some people are probably overreacting, but I am not saying that I didn't say that. So stop saying you didn't say it as well.

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As far as the health issue is concerned, what you are seeing at the moment is people who are immediately affected by this change.


You also need to consider what the long term implications are.


Players who aren't currently experiencing any problems may well develope symptoms in the future as a result of prolonged exposure.


The current problems are a warning that should not be ignored.


I would also mention that some other games give players the option to tone down or turn off visual effects that they find distressing.

Edited by Micadog
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I'm adding my voice to those that dislike this change to the UI. It is too bright, while the button underneath is too dark. I am unable to see what is underneath. I'm sorry, but I am not a memory wizard with 1,2,3,4,2,2,4,1,3,2,2 in my brain. I actually look at my hotbar, buffs etc. However, since this change... I am finding my eyes turning away from this monstrosity and mashing buttons in whatever order.



Suggestions: Turn down the brightness and contrast between the dark and light. Make it a radial animation instead of horizontal.

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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment to the level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.


I adapted just fine, game gives me a headache so I canceled my sub.

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Been playing since beta, since the recent ui changes i have been getting headaches and nausea after an hour of play. On top of that the ui is now useless for telling which abilities are ready as they are always grayed out.


Only way i can play atm is to not focus on the icons at all and just use my abilities without looking, like playing a piano. Please revert or give us an option to turn this hack job off or i'll have to find something else to play.

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