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    Computers, politics, and religion.
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    part time Jedi
  1. I have in-game reported and was recommended I add it here. I did the first part of the Star Fortress mission. Then I got to the part where you have a bunch of missions going to different planets. I tried Alderaan and Belsavis. In both missions I go to where you are to use the scanner, but when I do, nothing glows. I got in game help and confirmed where the glowing object is. No glow and not able to click. I tried clicking anyway just in case the bug was graphical only. Didn't help.
  2. I spend 90%+ leveling alts doing PvE, and yes I agree with you, but these ideas are good and it could be mentioned that the PvP servers and PvE don't have to take the same path with these new changes.
  3. Imagine a space station bigger that anything we have seen to date. The outer ring has big landing bays, with lots of parking spots. As people arrive, the ships auto park and stay there so others can see and admire all the new ship cosmetics they are no doubt planning now. Leave parked ships there even if the player logs out so the bay always looks full. Simply have the ship logged out the longest disappear when a new arrival shows up.* With a little extra coding you could have a 'taxi' unit move the ship for the new ship. Like what you see in the real world at airports. Only in this case hovertech is used instead of wheels. Also, the ships should have character names over them so friends can go find your ship and ogle it. How about letting us name our ships, maybe even have a 'decal' on the ship there we can put the name on it. The center of the station is a giant biodome. All the housing could be build around the sides of the dome looking into the parks and fields of food. Maybe a hutball stadium in all this where people could come and watch others play hutball. i.e. you go and sit down and your view changes to an actual PvP match? If the coding is to hard for this than maybe start with a dummy stadium and add code later if wanted. Have a promenade with venders around the point where station becomes dome giving a beautiful view of space, maybe with a planet and moons in the distance? *The other option would be to have a 'parking spot' assigned with your housing so the ship is always there when you are. I like this option less, but i suspect it would be the easier one to code/implement.
  4. I can't wait for true space combat and not a rail shooter. For me, space combat is a MAJOR part of star wars and needs to be an integral part of this game. For the record, the rail shooter is fun and i play every week. I just expected more, and still do. Connecting servers for flashpoints and PvP would put the Massive back into MMO. I like the idea of a connected trade network. If the suggested price that all noobs will use is set right, than the economy would work. My only fear is the gold seller argument. I think it could be handled, but is the man hours worth the benefit in this case?
  5. ^this^ I mostly PvE (with some crafting) and this makes a difference for my merc; makes it harder to survive. An AoE need to actually be an AoE. Bottom line for me, I am giving this toon up for now and am going to level another toon. /begin rant It seems to me that every change I dislike involves 'hardcore' MMO stuff. I read that this was to be a CASUAL MMO. This means that people like me who dislike MMOs but love star wars will be able to enjoy this game for the story and atmosphere. What I am experiencing is the game getting harder and harder.* I read in these forums about people defending this move to a more difficult game every week. I think the hardcore MMO types are stealing this game away from the masses. *Crafting being an exception, it was broken at launch and still need lots of attention. Very clever. This is probably a common sense thing that hardcore MMO types wouldn't bat an eyelash at, but is in the 'wow, really?' category for those of us who don't 'get' the MMO thing. Bottom line, I want the PvE section of this game to remain accessible to those of us to stupid and/or old to play at an 'elite' level.
  6. I would love to see tons of work done on the companions, their AI, and abilities. All companions are bad about breaking cc (tanks>DPS>healer) and they all get stuck now and then. About once a day my companion will run the wrong direction and aggro a new group. It's like the AI is a little schizophrenic. I would like to see a better play through for PvE. I think the companions could/should be make to shine while leveling. I hope this will be a natural evolution of the game as it develops, since we are playing a new game. Bioware has done wonders with the storyline and character interaction. I just want my companion to feel that way in combat(PvE) to. I play a lot at night and there is just not enough people online to do most group stuff. I feel that expanding the PvE and companion options strengthens this game. After all it takes nothing from PvP and raids, since these are DIFFERENT parts of the game mostly played during peak hours. After all, it's the leveling of alts that will keep players like me paying the monthly subscription instead of paying for a month every time an expansion or major update comes out. On a side note, the legacy system helps to do just that.
  7. The knife damage is added to knife skill damage. The knife does make a big difference for the one skill tree. I upgraded my knife to the L50 one from Correlia's commendation vendor. Everything became much easier in Correlia. Having the best knife is vital for this build.
  8. When my first toon hit 50 I thought 'great' now i get to go raiding and see all that end content. Did I, no. I was told my gear sucks so I can't go. I grinded some solo stuff (belsavis mostly) to get better gear, but that was not enough. I tried to use my crafting (cybertech) but found out that crafting does not give you good enough gear to get started. I couldn't believe it. Isn't crafting meant to get you to a point where you can go earn all the really good stuff? I am currently very disappointed in crafting. It gets better. I can craft mods that are as good/better than the mods you earn in the dailies. Was that good enough, no. I was told if the color is not purple that it is no good. Doesn't matter that on my screen the bonuses are as good or better. I was not allowed to play because I do not have all purple mods. Basically all this 'elitism' has kept me from experiencing what end game content is like.* I just don't get it. I don't have MMO experience to make sense of this. I mostly play FPS and single player games. I love star wars so I had to try this game. I love the leveling and storyline, but I seem to be getting ****-ed out of end game because I can't gear up good enough to play with the 'elites'. So I am leveling up alts so i can continue to enjoy the game until I can do end game raids. Maybe when we can make starter 'raid' gear as a crafter. And I mean starter gear that raiding group will actually accept instead of gear that might work, but isn't allowed because of color. Thought/request. My second toon is a trooper/armormech. I love this crafting for the leveling and armor for my companions. Some of this armor is really cool looking. I wish we could have 'cosmetic' armor as well. i.e. people see you in your favorite looking armor while wearing the best game stat armor. Since this is a fluff request I can see this being put off til an expansion. Also, cosmetic armor/weapons would be a great way for crafters to have more value without upsetting the other parts of the game. P.S. I don't do PvP, so for me that part doesn't count. Why? I just don't like it. *from the way people talk to me it seems I am an idiot and can't play this game well enough so I don't deserve to play with the big boys. How about some help for those of us new to this MMO thing. I listen and follow instructions well. I move to avoid bad things on the ground. I click on things when told to. I read my skill descriptions and use then as they say to. I am not stupid, I am just ignorant on how to get things done for end content.
  9. Not just trolling but very rude at that. Everyone I have chatted with who has this problem is an adult. Most kids would never think to go to a forum and even more would not have the patience to read all of this. Flashy light in a game as not what this thread is about. STROBING light is what is causing the problem. I play many games (for many years) and have NEVER had this problem til now. The 'How could they or anyone take this seriously' is very insulting. You who speak down to us from your mighty throne. P.S. this effect is well documented. If you were not so busy harassing others for not being like you, you could look it up online and see just how serious we all are. Expecting an immediate rollback on health affecting issues is very reasonable and the fact that Bioware did not is very serious. Most players? Pure propaganda. You have no way to know this. I can only play that enough cancel there subs. Seems like the only message left to send. Most have no issue? I can play that game to: Comparing the number of posts to the larger community is foolish. The majority never use the forums. Therefore if we look at this post as a poll, then the 'sampling' we get says the MAJORITY dislikes/hates the new UI. Troll Seems you are heavily trolling tonight. Why are you in here instead of playing? You work for Bioware? Doesn't make sense if you are just a player. You should be playing the game instead of harassing people who are being harmed by this game. If you just wanted to give your opinion, i.e. have your vote counted, one post would have done just fine. Your repeated attempts to hammer your point of view over the pain and misery of others shows you to be very shallow or having ulterior motives.
  10. Sounds like you are trolling. When you cancel your sub (like i did) you still have time remaining. i.e. still retain access. I intend to restart my sub just as soon as they fix this. I also feel that they should refund all of us our money for days lost. (that will never happen) I can't tell you how angry i am. I paid good money for this game and they make a change that gives me headaches. I feel abused and neglected. Clearly they don't care otherwise this patch today would have rolled back the problem. Since the old code and the new code exist it is possible to do a rollback. Anyone who says otherwise does not know what they are saying. Simply put they are CHOOSING not to roll back this mess.
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