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Why I <3 my PT


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So I started playing as a Jugg. After several very frustration days, I got him to 20th. I started surfing the forums looking for alternatives and discovered the PT. Since then, I've been bouncing back and forth from Jugg to PT, just for comparison's sake.


So last night, I'm running Boarding Party with the wife and kid. We attack some random trash mobs. I instantly draw aggro on the gold and silver with RC, FS, RP, RS, send the kid who plays an Assassin off to deal with a couple reds that were present when we attacked. All of a sudden three more reds pop out of a side room. I love the way they did that in this game, by the way. Nasty little surprises all over the place. I'd wisely saved DFA and ED, So I targetted them with DFA, followed up with ED on the middle one. Switched back to the gold, RP, RS and a pewpew followed by a taunt on the Silver for just in caseys. Wife/healer never broke a sweat and never had to pop her Sonic Scream CD (that's an IRL ability where she starts yelling at me cuz there's mobs on her). Kid never even realized the 3 reds had popped out. He rarely looks around anyhow but it didn't matter cuz they were growing cold on the ground by the time he finished with his two.


It's times like these that I love my PT. They are, hands down, the funnest tanks I've ever played. And that's coming from a guy that was playing EQ the day it released (and MUDs before that!). Most tanks are all, hack, followed by a slash, repeat with another hack, and maybe some more slash. There's just no comparison with the fun factor that comes with PT play.


Oh, and my Jugg? He would have had a tough time keeping aggro on the gold, let alone the silver and I would have just had to have the wife take care of the 3 pop-out reds. Her Heal spec Sorc does more damage than he does anyhow...


Bioware, I love my PT. You hit it out of the ball park with this one. Please don't change him one bit. I love him exactly as he is. But please, please fix Juggs. Sometimes I like to go all whow-whow with the pretty glow stick and sexy Jaessa is hotter and cooler than Mako, but man are they frustrating to play...

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So I started playing as a Jugg. After several very frustration days, I got him to 20th. I started surfing the forums looking for alternatives and discovered the PT. Since then, I've been bouncing back and forth from Jugg to PT, just for comparison's sake.


So last night, I'm running Boarding Party with the wife and kid. We attack some random trash mobs. I instantly draw aggro on the gold and silver with RC, FS, RP, RS, send the kid who plays an Assassin off to deal with a couple reds that were present when we attacked. All of a sudden three more reds pop out of a side room. I love the way they did that in this game, by the way. Nasty little surprises all over the place. I'd wisely saved DFA and ED, So I targetted them with DFA, followed up with ED on the middle one. Switched back to the gold, RP, RS and a pewpew followed by a taunt on the Silver for just in caseys. Wife/healer never broke a sweat and never had to pop her Sonic Scream CD (that's an IRL ability where she starts yelling at me cuz there's mobs on her). Kid never even realized the 3 reds had popped out. He rarely looks around anyhow but it didn't matter cuz they were growing cold on the ground by the time he finished with his two.


It's times like these that I love my PT. They are, hands down, the funnest tanks I've ever played. And that's coming from a guy that was playing EQ the day it released (and MUDs before that!). Most tanks are all, hack, followed by a slash, repeat with another hack, and maybe some more slash. There's just no comparison with the fun factor that comes with PT play.


Oh, and my Jugg? He would have had a tough time keeping aggro on the gold, let alone the silver and I would have just had to have the wife take care of the 3 pop-out reds. Her Heal spec Sorc does more damage than he does anyhow...


Bioware, I love my PT. You hit it out of the ball park with this one. Please don't change him one bit. I love him exactly as he is. But please, please fix Juggs. Sometimes I like to go all whow-whow with the pretty glow stick and sexy Jaessa is hotter and cooler than Mako, but man are they frustrating to play...



you have an awesome family.. also i also just switched from a Jedi G to a PTST and im loving it.. other then loosing my apprentice dont miss the JediG at all!!

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I made the switch also. While I greatly enjoy my Jugg for the story and the overall character/RP I've created, she is getting played less and less. Once you've gone Powertech there's no going back.


Now let's step away from this thread and bury it where the nerf bat can't find us. There's nothing to see here :mon_trap:.

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We're close to the enemy's end zone in Huttball. They just dropped our ball carrier and are moving as a group up the side of the pit. You see this and knew it was coming, you're waiting for that pad to glow orange on the catwalk facing the pit. Enemy ball carrier is whipped up away from his teammates and roasts in fire. The enemy spawn opens and a Juggernaut charges you with a Marauder. Laugh as you rocket punch their carbonized frame and walk the ball to finish.


This class is the best.

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Anyone else think Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep makes the class feel sorta like a shotoclone? I swear every time I hit RP I have a strong urge to shout "SHO RYU KEN!" :p


I make it a goal to get the kill shot with Rocket Punch whenever I can. The kid competes by trying to get the kill shot with that cool kick that Assassins get. It's good times. And yeah, the family is pretty awesome. Wife and I have been playing MMOs together forever (as I said, since the days of MUDs) and getting the kid involved was pretty much a no brainer. I'm just happy he's finally old enough that I have a built in group.


We have a lot more fun as a family running FPs every night than we would watching TV and because we're all right there in a same room, we work really well together. The three of us can usually run FPs when we're still a couple levels below mob level.


My advice to the singles out there. If it's impossible to get your girl to play MMOs with you, or if she tries it but thinks it's stupid, move on. It's a lot of fun playing with your sweetie and you'll probably end up spending more hours playing MMOs for the rest of your life than doing just about anything else. Playing MMOs makes up the majority of our at home entertainment, I couldn't imagine someone yelling at me because I play too much. What else are we gonna do, watch TV? Blech.


The only downside is when she gets mad at me for something dumb I did IRL. Those are usually bad nights for me because she forgets to heal alot.

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My advice to the singles out there. If it's impossible to get your girl to play MMOs with you, or if she tries it but thinks it's stupid, move on.

Ummm ... I appreciate that you have an awesome family life and can use MMOs as recreation, but are you seriously telling people to drop their love interests if they don't game?



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Ummm ... I appreciate that you have an awesome family life and can use MMOs as recreation, but are you seriously telling people to drop their love interests if they don't game?




Well to be fair my wife is not a gamer.


that said, we have two kids. My son and daughter are 13 and 11.


I am the tank, my son is the healer and my daughter is dps'er..


We clean up and have a blast!


So at least I procreated gamers :)

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Ummm ... I appreciate that you have an awesome family life and can use MMOs as recreation, but are you seriously telling people to drop their love interests if they don't game?




To a small extent I would actually agree with him, as a couple needs to have common ground in interests so that they can happily spend time together. If your primary hobby is gaming and he/she has no interest in it to the point of disdaining your choice in entertainment, all trying to continue the relationship will do is cause you both frustration until one or the other bends or breaks. Best to find a partner that at least partially shares your interests.

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To a small extent I would actually agree with him, as a couple needs to have common ground in interests so that they can happily spend time together. If your primary hobby is gaming and he/she has no interest in it to the point of disdaining your choice in entertainment, all trying to continue the relationship will do is cause you both frustration until one or the other bends or breaks. Best to find a partner that at least partially shares your interests.

I understand your perspective, but don't think gaming should be the most important thing in a person's life. Having said as much, if you're just dating and the person doesn't share your passionate hobby, yes, I see the point.


Rocket punch is fun btw. (Just to stay on track)


I'm enjoying Powertech much more so than the Merc btw, in both PvE and PvP.

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Ummm ... I appreciate that you have an awesome family life and can use MMOs as recreation, but are you seriously telling people to drop their love interests if they don't game?




You're right. That might have been dumb. Didn't mean to give relationship advise in a thread about Rocket Punch :).


But, consider this (sorry, here I go again). I've been married for 18 years. Lets say I game 300 days per year, and lets just say 2 hours per day (probably most of us game more than that). 18 x 300 x 2 = 10,800 hours. Do you honestly think my wife would put up with me ignoring her for 10,800 hours? For those whose wives get upset at them for gaming, are you looking forward to her yelling at you for 10,800 hours? Or are you ready to give up one of your (clearly) favorite hobbies for someone who's favorite hobby might be ... shoe shopping? 10,800 hours of shoe shopping? Good luck to ya. There are 3 billion members of the opposite sex out there. Odds are you can find someone that's shares your interest. I did...


Sorry, I'll shut up now, but I couldn't put this to bed without ya'll understanding my point of view and why I would make such an intuitively unpopular statement.

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Well to be fair my wife is not a gamer.


that said, we have two kids. My son and daughter are 13 and 11.


I am the tank, my son is the healer and my daughter is dps'er..


We clean up and have a blast!


So at least I procreated gamers :)




The genes are strong with this one...

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Anyone else think Rocket Punch and Flame Sweep makes the class feel sorta like a shotoclone? I swear every time I hit RP I have a strong urge to shout "SHO RYU KEN!" :p


did that for the first two weeks. my inquisitor friends constantly used emperor palatine quotes whenever they used force lightning.

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