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1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.



This one is really getting to me today. This bug hasn't hit me too often, but today it's really hitting me hard. I'm trying to gear up my alt, and I've won 10 games today, all in each of the 3 warzones, and so far only 3 of them have counted. Doesn't matter if we win fast, win slow, etc., there's no rhyme or reason behind it. It's beyond ridiculous, and the fact that it's not fixed just shows BW's incompetence. Having to win 30 warzones to get 9 of them to actually count is just.. no.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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This one is really getting to me today. This bug hasn't hit me too often, but today it's really hitting me hard. I'm trying to gear up my alt, and I've won 10 games today, all in each of the 3 warzones, and so far only 3 of them have counted. Doesn't matter if we win fast, win slow, etc., there's no rhyme or reason behind it. It's beyond ridiculous, and the fact that it's not fixed just shows BW's incompetence. Having to win 30 warzones to get 9 of them to actually count is just.. no.


HAHA !!! man I dont know what to do but laugh now.. im sry for you really..

this is the most retarded mmo support, pvp, end-game ever.

I cancelled yesterday and I still have 70 days of subscription !!! what im gonna do ???

I cant even let my brother play my remaining time cause the game is broken and I dont want him to experience this **** .


thank you Biofail :)

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ITT: kids ready to ragequit because their mom's basement guild got 50 in a week and qq'd over endgame from a game a month old.


These same kids ragequit aion, wow, war, rift, and will soon ragequit gw2 after that is out for a month, when they realize it's just more rehashed fantasy and pvp systems.




Please send me your stuff.

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You're wrong. People do care. The OP has listed alot of valid issues that needs fixing. Most of these issues should have been fixed a long time ago.


No some people have issues, they aren't the majority. And guess what there are actually people pvping and enjoying it. And i'm sure they want to have their needs and wants met also, but guess what they are enjoying the game still, not coming to the forums to demand fixes and say the sky is falling.


I understand issues, i don't understand no patience though.


They should have been fixed a long time ago? Really it hasn't been live for two months yet...and you think these "issues" should have been fixed a long time ago.


I just wonder what it must be like to sit at a long red light with any these posters demanding fixes now now now...

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ITT: kids ready to ragequit because their mom's basement guild got 50 in a week and qq'd over endgame from a game a month old.


These same kids ragequit aion, wow, war, rift, and will soon ragequit gw2 after that is out for a month, when they realize it's just more rehashed fantasy and pvp systems.




Please send me your stuff.



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Someone had to say this, so I will let you guys crucify me and flame me if you want.


Every MMO has launched with bugs.


To be honest, TOR had one of the smoothest launches I've seen in recent memory. Rift and Age of Conan launched poorly, Aion was a disaster. LotRO had all kinds of problems.


So yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need to be fixed. If you don't like it, unsubscribe and come back in a few months. If you still don't like it, then I guess we won't see you again.


Where the hell were you during the Rift launch? The game launched as smooth as silk and the only major problem they had was needing to tone down saboteurs and the unavoidable server waits. Otherwise it was flawless. Now from there, the Rift devs proceeded to meddle with everything and **** up half of it, but at launch it was much better and more polished than this game has been on its best day so far.

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OP...You are absolutely right. Have to say that I'm simply astonished at the extent of the incompetence of Bioware/Mythic/EA/Whomever's Developers. I just can't believe what is happening.


Last night, jokingly in our Guild chat, we mentioned that a new patch was being implemented so prepare for the game to be broken for two more days again until they re-patch. It's just pathetic. You guys have made a total and complete joke of yourselves.


You are blowing it on colossal levels, and in almost every phase of PvP and the endgame (yes PvE too - the endgame Raids are buggy as h*ll). I have a high tolerance level for this type of stuff, but even my threshold is nearing the breaking point. The problem is you can't fix anything. It's just crazy. And everything you attempt to fix, you break instead. Confounding beyond measure by a "professional" company.


Get this through your thick skulls BW. We want to like your game, many of us want to love it and play it for years to come. We want to give you our money, but it's like you're morons and can't do the simplest things to stabilize things.


Frankly, it's just bizarre. Clearly, you guys tried to outsource too much of the development work. Now your project management is shot and the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. It's verging on a disaster with no end in sight. You guys are promising stuff for the future, but what you've provided in the present is borked in every way. How are we supposed to get excited for what there is to come when the current content doesn't work?


Please BW, get your act together and come correct. My patience is at its wit's end with your tired act of breaking your own game.


/end rant

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I completely agree with everything you said, it's basically how I feel at the moment. What little patience myself and my guild mates have left is really, really wearing thin.


The biggest issue for us is warzone wins not counting, we are on a heavily Imp dominated server (aren't we all lol) who play a lot of premades in warzones so wins are few and far between, imagine the kick in the nads you get, when you finally win a warzone after a string of losses, only for it NOT to count. Incredible. Why there isn't an emergency or high priority fix for this I do not know.


Basically this game is in a right mess at the moment, things are not looking good.

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ITT: kids ready to ragequit because their mom's basement guild got 50 in a week and qq'd over endgame from a game a month old.


These same kids ragequit aion, wow, war, rift, and will soon ragequit gw2 after that is out for a month, when they realize it's just more rehashed fantasy and pvp systems.




Please send me your stuff.


This game is NOT a month old, please stop with that tired excuse. This game was in development for FIVE plus years and went through Alpha and several different versions of beta testing. During that time, many of the beta testers pointed out various glaring issues that went ignored or fell on def ears, and is continuing right now. The amount of glaring issues, exploits, and problems in this game is inexcusable.


The fact that they are changing classes instead of fixing exploits like the one where players can pull in more then the standard amount in a WZ is game breaking. The fact that WZ wins don't count is game breaking, the fact they keep messing around with the CD on the UI that didn't need fixing to begin with is a huge problem.


Bioware is not listening to their players, this is very evident, and if they continue this it will be the nail in their coffin for this game.

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This game is NOT a month old, please stop with that tired excuse. This game was in development for FIVE plus years and went through Alpha and several different versions of beta testing. During that time, many of the beta testers pointed out various glaring issues that went ignored or fell on def ears, and is continuing right now. The amount of glaring issues, exploits, and problems in this game is inexcusable.


The fact that they are changing classes instead of fixing exploits like the one where players can pull in more then the standard amount in a WZ is game breaking. The fact that WZ wins don't count is game breaking, the fact they keep messing around with the CD on the UI that didn't need fixing to begin with is a huge problem.


Bioware is not listening to their players, this is very evident, and if they continue this it will be the nail in their coffin for this game.


Agreed and for me this is the real kicker.


The money and time that went into this development suggest a much higher level of polish than what is evident.

This overflows into a feeling that the game developers are incompetent and that effects everyone that plays.


No one wants to be taken for a ride by a bulldoodoo artist amiright?

Edited by Foom
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ITT: kids ready to ragequit because their mom's basement guild got 50 in a week and qq'd over endgame from a game a month old.


These same kids ragequit aion, wow, war, rift, and will soon ragequit gw2 after that is out for a month, when they realize it's just more rehashed fantasy and pvp systems.




Please send me your stuff.




You: Fanboy tries to distract from the topic by posting irrelevant insults in the hope that it will mask his lack of logic and substantial argument.



Edited by Dovahbrah
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They have to have this to clone WOW right?


Is there a real reason not to have this?


It's incredibly annoying and makes me get sick of reinviting my friends after about the third wz.


I honestly can't believe this doesn't seem to be on anyone else's radar either.


As for the OP and a lot of the others, you guys all have very valid concerns and I agree wholeheartedly. I am not unsubbing just yet, but if things continue to get worse instead of better for another couple months, I will likely go back to playing standalone games again and hope for better in the future.


A shame, too, I waited almost 3 years for this. I really hope BW can rebuild some of the quickly deflating confidence that many fans like myself have placed in them to build a great Star Wars MMO that's worth playing for years to come.

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They have to have this to clone WOW right?


See, I hate these comments. Just because wow has a basic mmo amenity doesn't mean another game is a "clone" when they have it too. There are just some things that all mmo's should try to implement because they're standard quality of life features the mmo community comes to expect.


Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy this game, but it's pretty ridiculous that some of these high profile issues have persisted for as long as they have. It's beyond defensible; it's not an issue of community patience with fixes, it's an issue that any self-respecting company would have fixed these things by now. I'm surprised by the amount of people who adopt this "we should roll over and take what the company gives you" policy, as the time for patience has passed. This isn't the stone age of mmo's, bugs and exploits on the level present in this game should have been fixed after nearly two months of live play (not to mention months of beta where the same exact issues were present). I don't expect things to be fixed the day they are recognized, I expect them to be fixed in a timely manner and I believe that time frame has passed.


Each set of patch notes promises a fix, yet the same issue persists each patch, which just gives a sense of dread and fear that bw really has no idea what they are doing. Specifically for the wz wins not counting, I don't understand if the wz wins are somehow always counting on the ptr and not working on live, or if they are simply lying to keep players hopeful, but there is definitely a serious problem at hand. Maybe the issue is more deeply ingrained in the game coding than they are able to remedy immediately, I could understand that. But the fact that they promise a fix then don't deliver is what I have an issue with.


Here's hoping some of the fixes come through soon, it's getting harder to keep some of my friends playing.

Edited by Hesp
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I have to say I really had hoped Bioware was able to pull this game out of the fire, unfortunately we are now in February and their inability to fix keys bugs has pissed 90% of my guild off they are now playing betas of other games and have unsubbed.


Why the hell are the following still in game:


1. Warzone matches not counting. <--- That should have been emergency fixed the moment it was discovered. I have had 7 straight wins and not one of them count towards a daily. This combined with randomised loot in the Champ bags means the grind is beyond acceptable.


2. The ability for stealth classes to cap turrets while stealthed. Also for most of January stealthers could restealth while placing a bomb in Void Star making it nearly impossible to stop. Void Star also has LOS issues where people can in certain spots and you can shoot them standing in front of them.


3. UI Abilities and cool down. Has taken just too long to fix, how the hell it got past beta and stress tests is beyond me.


4. Having to reform groups after a war front. I havent even seen this appear on the radar.


5. Illum is one of the most poorly conceived end game pieces of content I have seen and really reflects poorly on Bioware. I can only put this down to EA Management forcing this out the door in time for Xmas.


6. The fact that there have been a number of valor exploits that have allowed people to farm valor without truly earning valor as it was intended has left most people that didnt abuse it feel that PvP achievement in this game is cheap and means nothing. Topped of with the fact the gap between a fresh level 50 and a Battlemaster 50 is far greater than the difference between a level 10 and 49.


7. Today they patch is another bug that means kill are not counting in Illum.


My guild has had over 75% of the guild at level 50 and purely focused on PvP for just over a month. The problems Bioware has had over the month and the fact that things like item 1 cant even be fixed has stretched the tolerance of my guild mates to the limit.


Unfortunately we are moving on as its clear that Bioware are struggling to make end game PvP fun and enjoyable. Its a problem when you release a game that is easy to max level on yet you have hardly put any development efforts into the end game features.


As my father taught me: "If your going to do a job, its worth doing once." Bioware should seriously work on their PvE content and stop wasting time and money on PvP. PvP in SWTOR is seriously flawed and broken and will take a mammoth effort to fix. Which wont happen over night.


Cudos for the levelling experience, it certainly was innovative and fun, just a shame the end game was such and abortion.


Thanks for all the fish.


Well done! Great post, if only Bioware actually read anything that the intelligent people posted on these forums.

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Great post OP.


It is astonishing the lack of competence we have witnessed from BioWare.


Either A. They can't fix these problems because they lack the skills to.


Or B. They can fix them but don't care.


The fact that they have said they fixed things that weren't even fixed makes me think it's option A.


I hate to agree because I love the SW universe and there are some great parts to the game.


For a AAA developer this is unacceptable. I almost wish Trion or gasp Blizzard had the SW TOR license.

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OP has hit the nail on the head for all listed problems. I too am sick of the constant lack of proper patches to address real problems in game. But instead we get lies on patch notes and stupid Nerfs to classes instead of addressing the bugs and not causing new ones.


I have played mmos for over 12 years and never seen such a buggy start and WOW was bad I know. I have a hi end gaming rig but ilum nearly grinds my system to a halt and I get booted from game about 3-5 times a day due to a memory leak where Swtor uses up 80% of my 6 gig then crashes.


Too many exploiters in game are wasting it for other honest players with BW not addressing problems like ilum kill swapping, the join wz bug and pvp daily wz not counting (7 in one day).


Ideas I have could possibly help are.


1/ Make ilum instance based , reduce map size, add reinforcements and when depleted team wins. Deplete these by kills, caputure and hold etc. Cap the instance to say 50 per side to help balance issues.


2/ Make valor worth having with an honour system where by you require a certain level to use certain gear peices not sets.


3/ Cross realm Warzones to help with low pop reps.


Not unsubbing yet but with Diablo 3 and Terra out this year SWTOR may just be a stop gap till something better arrives.


Sorry BW i had huge expectations of this game but youve not convinced me yet.



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Just wanted to add my support for the OP. The kills in Ilum not counting bug they patched in today is just rubbing salt into the wound as far as I'm concerned.


To the people that say the game is still new and bugs are to be expected at release this is true, but it's the fact that the patches either break more than they fix or just don't fix what they claim to is what irritates me more than anything.

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No some people have issues, they aren't the majority. And guess what there are actually people pvping and enjoying it. And i'm sure they want to have their needs and wants met also, but guess what they are enjoying the game still, not coming to the forums to demand fixes and say the sky is falling.


I understand issues, i don't understand no patience though.


They should have been fixed a long time ago? Really it hasn't been live for two months yet...and you think these "issues" should have been fixed a long time ago.


I just wonder what it must be like to sit at a long red light with any these posters demanding fixes now now now...


Umm you do know that the WZ's not counting was identified as an issue in Beta right?


So, it has actually been closer to six months.


And that is a very long time for a bug like this to hang around.


Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that they can't find the cause of the issue and are unable to fix it. Which if true is very bad...

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While yes i admit there are problems, u cant give it some time? The game came out a grand total of a month n a half ago, Give them a chance damn.

patches in wow came out in intervals of months, n your getting pissed off cuze its not happening immediately?

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