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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Screw this, i'm done with Warzones.


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they opened 250 servers. even if OP went to a real high pop servers, theres going to be 220 other servers with people on them, all dead. blame those people for joining a random server when the other choice was to not play at all due to 3 hour queue, or blame EA for being greedy


Oh it's definitely EA's fault for not consolidating the servers better. They should have rolled servers out gradually on a need-basis, not slapped them all down right before and at release. That said, no it's still the player's fault for not rolling high-pop. Your own happiness is always going to be your responsibility alone. A server queue is always better than an indefinite warzone queue.


Case in point, I spent quite a bit of time trying to ascertain what the highest pop servers would be and which I wanted to roll on come the first day of early access. My sig should tell you I chose right, as I happened to choose a server that was not only a popular name, but a popular location in SWG and the EU lore. Sure enough it also helped that the vast majority of beta pvpers rolled there too. ;)

Edited by Khadroth
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Oh it's definitely EA's fault for not consolidating the servers better. They should have rolled servers out gradually on a need-basis, not slapped them all down right before and at release. That said, no it's still the player's fault for not rolling high-pop. Your own happiness is always going to be your responsibility alone. A server queue is always better than an indefinite warzone queue.


Case in point, I spent quite a bit of time trying to ascertain what the highest pop servers would be and which I wanted to roll on come the first day of early access. My sig should tell you I chose right, as I happened to choose a server that was not only a popular name, but a popular location in SWG and the EU lore. Sure enough it also helped that the vast majority of beta pvpers rolled there too. ;)


Oh me too. But i sympathize as my server is slightly less than high pop, so prime time and +/- several hours from it, we usually get 8v8s. But when I play in the morning, or early afternoon, there is literally 0 chance I do not get put into a 6v8 rapefest and it infuriates me. If I was on low pop and it was like that all the time, I'd quit the game rather than reroll. No one should have to reroll just so they have a fair experience in a warzone.

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I'm not even going to argue with that, because yes, you're right in saying that my personal happiness is something that I alone can fix, but a little hand-out from Bioware would be absolutely great, especially since i'm a paying customer. I'm allowed to make requests or complaints and they can do with it as they see fit.


I expressed my complaint about their system, the way they implemented Warzone queue'ing in specific. It's now up to them to either just let it go on untill whenever or actually do something. We all know that if enough people complain they actually will look at something seriously. So just sitting in the corner, not saying anything and hoping something will change is not really a solution.


Therefore I will also provide a possible solution, and that is one that would be absolutely amazing in my opinion. Instead of opening transfers (and again forcing people to transfer to a server that could very well end up dead) just combine several low-pop servers to create higher-population servers. If my low-pop gets combined with another low-pop we might actually end up with a medium-pop server! Wow, more people, more fun! Right? Hell, maybe i'm going crazy here, but perhaps we can even combine a medium-pop server with a low-pop and create a high-pop server.








Hell, i'm even saving you money here, because having to run less servers means more profit! (Since I take it that's the main thing you guys are aiming for...)

Edited by Snoxor
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This is true, we all pay so we can sit in a queue for 2 hours.... oh wait.


yeah well the smart people rolled on the swiftsure/fatman/ajunta pall and put up with 2 hr queues for the first couple of weeks and now we're the only servers without population issues.


i did what i do in every single mmo i join, i look in the server list, find the pvp server with the LONGEST queue, and join it.


It's done me well in aoc/WAR/aion/Rift, yes big queues to start with, until the inevitable population die off 2+ weeks later, which continues until they finally get around to merging servers.


foresight is hard i know.


just accept that you made a mistake and get on with it, re-roll on "the swiftsure", highest pop pvp server, will be the last one to die.

Edited by Evuke
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yeah well the smart people rolled on the swiftsure/fatman/ajunta pall and put up with 2 hr queues for the first couple of weeks and now we're the only servers without population issues.


foresight is hard i know.


3 healthy servers

247 dead servers



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I've really had it, this is getting ridicilous and so very irritating that i'm really considering just quitting SWTOR altogether.


Everytime I TRY to get in a warzone one of these 2 happens.


1: I get in a group with 3 people. The warzone will end prematurely but will always end in a Defeat since the opposing team consists of 8 people and they will smash your 3 player group of n00bs to bits simply because you're being overpowered. It sometimes happens that we actually get to 8 people, but this is usually after about 5 minutes by which time the Warzone is already lost OR the advantage for the opposing team is so huge that you can't win anyway.


2: Queue doesn't pop up for 3 hours and I go afk somewhere in the process. Eventually being logged out. If I DO get in a warzone, check 1 again.


Your avatar's a bird. I think.

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yeah well the smart people rolled on the swiftsure/fatman/ajunta pall and put up with 2 hr queues for the first couple of weeks and now we're the only servers without population issues.


i did what i do in every single mmo i join, i look in the server list, find the pvp server with the LONGEST queue, and join it.


It's done me well in aoc/WAR/aion/Rift, yes big queues to start with, until the inevitable population die off 2+ weeks later, which continues until they finally get around to merging servers.


foresight is hard i know.


Great argument indeed, so we should all reroll to the 3 servers that are working then. You sir win a badge! Why haven't I thought of this?!


I do wonder how much time you have to actually pull this off though, not going to drop the no-life argument here, because thats ******** anyway, but honestly, by the time i'm done working I don't have all the spare time of my life just to sit in front of my pc looking at a screen with a slowly decreasing number. Oh god yes i know you can alt-tab and do something else instead, but i feel like going to Disney World, I paid a freaking 150 dollars just so i can stand in a line for 3 hours for a 1 minute ride...(Not saying these 2 are the same, just merely stating my frustration by comparing it to my recent disney world experience!)


Your avatar's a bird. I think.


I think so too yes. I thought it looked funny, at least, it made me laugh just by looking at it. God knows why...

Edited by Snoxor
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Great argument indeed, so we should all reroll to the 3 servers that are working then. You sir win a badge! Why haven't I thought of this?!




I think so too yes. I thought it looked funny, at least, it made me laugh just by looking at it. God knows why...


So blame everyone except yourself seems to work for you, so what was going through your head when you decided to roll on a low pop pvp server?

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So blame everyone except yourself seems to work for you, so what was going through your head when you decided to roll on a low pop pvp server?


Considering the vast majority of servers had queues before the mass exodus after the free month your argument is invalid.

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I guess it pays off playing on the servers with the longest queues when the game launches.


For sure, I originally rolled on a lower pop server to avoid que times but after a few days of playing a clearly sub-par pvp game, I quickly rerolled on the higher pop because I knew those low poppers would be dead in a matter of months or weeks.


Now if the game was outstanding and had loads of promise and momentum that wouldnt have been an issue and we'd probably even see new servers being released on a regular basis, a la wow in it's first few years.


I'll be surprised to see if there are more than 8 servers total by end of year.

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people really need to stop rolling on low pop servers in mmo's then blaming anyone but themselves when there's nobody to play with.


mmo rule #1, join the HIGHEST pop pvp server only!


Yes because people had that option when BW auto-imported guilds onto servers. And people should've definitely had the foresight to know whether or not their server was ultimately going to high population and what the faction balance would be.


Lastly lets place blame on the players who might be tied up on something else ingame or in real life and miss a queue and not the craptastic system that even allows something like that to happen or even BW for opening way more servers than necessary thus creating low populations.


I'm not one to blame BW for every little thing; however, I am able to see blatant reality when it's right in front of me.

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So blame everyone except yourself seems to work for you, so what was going through your head when you decided to roll on a low pop pvp server?


Quote the part where I blame everyone... I blame Bioware, they hardly make up the entirety of this vast world. I'll narrow it down for you though, since not everyone working at Bioware is even working on this game, nor has influence on the PvP'ing part.


I, specifically, blame the people, responsible for the implementation of the Warzone queue'ing system!


Anyway, what was going through my head? I dunno, maybe the part where I actually wanted to play a game instead of sitting in a queue. But you're right, i'll blame myself, reroll on a high population server and feel good for myself for being a part of the solution!

Edited by Snoxor
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Great argument indeed, so we should all reroll to the 3 servers that are working then. You sir win a badge! Why haven't I thought of this?!


I do wonder how much time you have to actually pull this off though, not going to drop the no-life argument here, because thats ******** anyway, but honestly, by the time i'm done working I don't have all the spare time of my life just to sit in front of my pc looking at a screen with a slowly decreasing number. Oh god yes i know you can alt-tab and do something else instead, but i feel like going to Disney World, I paid a freaking 150 dollars just so i can stand in a line for 3 hours for a 1 minute ride...(Not saying these 2 are the same, just merely stating my frustration by comparing it to my recent disney world experience!)




I think so too yes. I thought it looked funny, at least, it made me laugh just by looking at it. God knows why...


3 servers? you might mean 30 servers ;)


Seriously, move to a populated server if life is so rough for you, or go do something productive in game while waiting for a queue, like do your dailies or something.

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All I can think of is, start on a server with a higher population, or wait for transfers which could take some time.


I'm sorry you've had bad luck.


Fairly pathetic for such a new game...


This **** is going downhill fast.

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blame your 5 faction mates that did not join, not bioware.


or blame BioWare for not having multi-server battlegroups?


I know you love BW and the game, but people have a right to complain about a game that was rushed out the door broken without half the features it should have considering the IP and the money spent.

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3 servers? you might mean 30 servers ;)


Seriously, move to a populated server if life is so rough for you, or go do something productive in game while waiting for a queue, like do your dailies or something.


Okay okay, sum it up please.


After I've done my dailies, and I'm still in this hypothetical queue, what am I to do next. And we all know doing dailies takes up a whole 3 hours... or do they?


So what's next? What awesome thing am I to do after i've done the entirely new and innovative dailies for the 30th time, netting me with a ******** of gold and a few epics I won't be using in PvP anyway?


Go.. (and please say flashpoints, because going into those flashpoints totally doesn't get me out of the warzone queue.)

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I agree with the OP. I'm on a light server and on a Monday night at 11pm you can be qued for a WZ for over a half hour only to be put into a game and have it end early due to lack of players. This is annoying, frustrating, and a waste of time. Not only that, but the WZ exploit that allows a team to pull in more then the standard amount of players is simply inexcusable and should be hot fixed ASAP.


I played a game of huttball last night and our team had the normal amount of players while the opposing team had FOUR more. That is just ludicrous. Now that this exploit is known, its going to be spreading all over the net on how to use it, and this will make getting wins in a WZ almost impossile.


Mix this with the valor farming on Ilum, and you have quite a mess in PVP all around.

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If your true desire is to PVP there is no need to level. Jump on a high population PVE server, hit level 10, then que up. You'll get a WZ every 2 to 5 minutes at all hours, and can level up doing nothing but PVP.


I have a level 25 commando who hasn't finished the last quest on his starting planet. And the 1-49 que is more fun anyway.

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yeah except thats not how it works or what causes it



if there are 30 republic queueing (a stretch on most servers, where there are maybe 60 level 50's online at prime time), the queue will rather split that 30 in 5 groups of 6 under the assumption more people will join. except there are no more people. so basically bioware screws over the entire republic faction at the same time with a 6 v 8


empire never have this problem due to them having a *** ton more people anyway


BS, been in plenty where we were short manned. Love it when a person who only plays one side assumes it's all roses on the other.

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