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SWG'ers, are you content or bored with SWTOR?


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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control scrimmages.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I just was spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?




you forgot smugglers who don't smuggle..!

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I dont see why it is so hard to mix great elements like this. Ill never understand why companies feel the need to continuously release the same type of game over and over and over.


Im definitely already bored of TOR and I originally assumed I would be playing it for a very long time. I dont even log on but to raid and even that is now boring.


lets not forget X-wing or Tie Fighter for the space combat or freelancer, or even STO style no railroad and single player in a multi-player game.....

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Well, considering my experience from the start of SWG, this game (compared to the SWG in its hay-day) isn't so titanic. I know BioWare has much more, but SWG was more MMO, whereas SWTOR is more of a multiplayer RPG. As a role player, i find this game fun. However, as a hardcore gamer, it's kinda disappointing. WoW was best in vanilla, Rift is flat out terrible, Warhammer WAS good, SWG is dead but one of the greatest games ever, CWA is legit since Umbara was released, and SWTOR WILL BE good. I have faith in the great gaming titans who brought us gamers Mass Effect.


So yeah. I think SWTOR has the potential to go above and beyond SWG, but it's gonna take a couple years. WoW will die out, Rift went crash n burn, we all know what happened to Warhammer, CWA is growing slowly, SWG has a small but strong player base, and SWTOR will come out on top

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I had an elder jedi which i worked very hard for and some of the rarest items in SWG but that doesnt give me the right to bash a new MMO simply because it does not fall in line with my personal expectations.


Give BioWare some time to advance it's product.




I would like to be hopeful and optimistic. Its just that BW greatest strength had always been Single Player MMOs like Dragon Age/Mass Effect/NWN etc etc..

I go as far as to say I'm really enjoying the story aspect of it right now but I'm not sure how long this will last since they don't have the prior experience running an MMO.


And FWIW, SWTOR plays and feels like WoW, especially where end-game or crafting are concerned. Run Hardmode = WoW Heroics | Operations = WoW Raids.


Personally I would like some form of lateral progression in game or SWTOR to offer viable end-game to people with an alternative playstyle.

Which I don't expect to happen in the foreseeable future since WoW is such a huge commercial success and BW might just emulate exactly what WoW did.


While some people may be fine with this. I'm not really keen to go back to the WoW's type of end-game. Below is s summary for PvE end-game.


1. Spent hours in advance preparing for raid. (Check pots/consumables)

2. Spent hours in raid

3. Get good gear to do raid in Hardmode

4. Raid Hardmode to get better gear to go to Higher level dungeon.

5. Beat last boss in highest level dungeon in game.

6. Repeat the same in HM

7. Wait for Expansion - repeat step 1 all over again


It feels so much like the devs are stringing us along by dangling a carrot above our heads while we run the threadmill. Somehow this just doesn't scream fun to me and is an insult to our intelligence.

Edited by Cemellyn
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Difference between galaxies and this game is that in galaxies, you could log in and do anything you wanted, and there was so much more to do... here you are restricted to basically pvping, questing or doing ops.

While this is fun, I prefer galaxies because of the unlimited possibilities for entertainment.

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Difference between galaxies and this game is that in galaxies, you could log in and do anything you wanted, and there was so much more to do... here you are restricted to basically pvping, questing or doing ops.

While this is fun, I prefer galaxies because of the unlimited possibilities for entertainment.


^^ agree with this

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Difference between galaxies and this game is that in galaxies, you could log in and do anything you wanted, and there was so much more to do... here you are restricted to basically pvping, questing or doing ops.

While this is fun, I prefer galaxies because of the unlimited possibilities for entertainment.


Yep. Although leveling in this game is the best experience ever.

The options outside of 'combat leveling' in pre-NGE SWG were (and still are) unparalleled.

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Man i miss SWG. I actually liked the CU and would much rather be playing that then this game. I think the age of MMOs like SWG are over.


SWG, pre-cu was great. Cu, was almost great. The NGE - well, IMO, the biggest failure of any current online game. Not sure how people kept their jobs after that one.


SWG, pre-cu and cu, had a unique concept for mmo. One will we probably never see again.

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its the bugs that are getting me down and the half arsed crafting and the unbalanced class's i will be taking a break from swtor and i do hope they can get this game sorted as i like starwars and swg was the best mmo i have played todate i just want swtor to be better than swg
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SWTOR'ers, are you sick of seeing mention of SWG?


Yes. I never played SWG, and never heard about how great it was the whole 7 yrs I played WoW. Then I come here and everyone acts like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Well, if it was so darn good, why the heck am I finding this out only now!? (No really, why am I only finding this out now? From what I hear it sounds like I would have loved that game... sigh).

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My biggest gripes with this game is how small the planets feel compared to SWG. Less points of interest so less people out exploring. Rebel and Imperial hubs in space and you cant travel to opposite faction hubs. Player bounties not in game and probably will never be cause nobody really ever leaves faction hubs. In SWG your "hub" was your Guild buff house or the city you lived in or just your own house in the middle of nowhere. Last but not least is the crafting/harvesting second to none. You had to play the game for years to get good enough resources to make decent armor, weapons, food buffs ect.
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I played, in some manner or another, from beginning to end and it was a fun game. Even after the NGE that game still had sandbox features that no other games had. If they could incorporate Jump to Lightspeed style space, SWG style player housing and a dedicated crafter class I would faint and then log into TOR more often.


I must admit that I do get easily bored in this game but that's a loaded question because the answer will be different for every player.

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I played, in some manner or another, from beginning to end and it was a fun game. Even after the NGE that game still had sandbox features that no other games had. If they could incorporate Jump to Lightspeed style space, SWG style player housing and a dedicated crafter class I would faint and then log into TOR more often.


I must admit that I do get easily bored in this game but that's a loaded question because the answer will be different for every player.


I think there is a way to expand upon the current crafting system and gave it more depth instead of having a dedicated crafter class.


Currently there are two playstyles. PvE and PvP

PvErs run FP/OPs from Normal to HM etc

PvPers run Warzones or fight on Illum etc


Both requires the players to invest a certain amount of their time in order to progress. The same can be done for crafters by introducing Crafting Dailies. The dailies in turn reward the characters with points which they can use to purchase crafting specialization.


The dailies could involve the following below and would have to involve the player to take direct action in some cases as opposed to just sending out companions. Which forces the players to make a choice. PvP or PvE or Craft? You can do ALL but you may not be able to focus on all three within a day itself.


X amounts of raw materials of various quality in varying amounts

X amounts of crafted goods of various quality in varying amounts

X amount of credits - as a form of charity

Retrieval of certain rare components - for <insert whatever> reasons

Deliver X items to NPC on <insert planet name>

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Yes. I never played SWG, and never heard about how great it was the whole 7 yrs I played WoW. Then I come here and everyone acts like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Well, if it was so darn good, why the heck am I finding this out only now!? (No really, why am I only finding this out now? From what I hear it sounds like I would have loved that game... sigh).


Because you only played WOW. Alot of those players hated SWG for many reasons. One being they left after NGE to play WOW or WOW was just the type of game they prefered

Both games were similar to some degree but extremly different. SWG was more of a virtual world which had less followers but the people that played it and enjoyed it did religiously for 8 years.


WOW was IMO a massive success due to marketing, People that dont play mmos, know about World of Warcraft. Heck: Nightelf MOHAWK....that is marketing. SWG did not have that, it was just mmos players and mostly Starwars fans.


So you will hear about SWG because starwars fans that played it are playing this game.

Edited by kirorx
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Because you only played WOW. Alot of those players hated SWG for many reasons. One being they left after NGE to play WOW or WOW was just the type of game they prefered

Both games were similar to some degree but extremly different. SWG was more of a virtual world which had less followers but the people that played it and enjoyed it did religiously for 8 years.


WOW was IMO a massive success due to marketing, People that dont play mmos, know about World of Warcraft. Heck: Nightelf MOHAWK....that is marketing. SWG did not have that, it was just mmos players and mostly Starwars fans.


So you will hear about SWG because starwars fans that played it are playing this game.


I've played many mmos, including both WoW and SWG. WoW isn't good anymore. I liked SWG, and I liked WoW when there was no xpacs, no major nerfing or buffing. Just back when WoW was a mature gaming community. If SWTOR could have the best of SWG, then it would crush everything in its in path

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UH crew skill system is awesome except that everything but biochem is useless... The actually system though is amazing. Most people didn't bother with mmo crafting I know I haven't since doing the shawl and ring quests in velious (EQ 1 for you newbs). Being able to finally craft without it taking my valuable gaming time is amazing.


Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control scrimmages.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I just was spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?



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yes. i am completely bored of SWTOR. Honestly, i had high hopes for this game. straight up, the character customization is poor. the fact that you cant change your height, muscle mass, etc. was really disappointing. but i shrugged it off, and said to myself, 'its just a minor flaw, its alright.' and went on with the game. i created a jedi knight and started off. everything seemed nice. the intro was incredible. the classical star wars music, and everything. i was in awe. literally. i couldnt stop it. the planet tython was crafted magnificently. and the full VA! WOW! :) i was really enjoying the game. and then i got my lightsaber. ah. how epic and thrilling that was. i couldnt stop thinking about it for some time :3 and i finally reached coruscant. finally! :D then it started to go down really fast, and really bad. :/ the cities feel dead. and the fact that the game is so linear was really. really disappointing. like seriously. i opened the map and saw three spots. and obviously, the game would take me from one spot to the next. and i was right. i chuckled, and continued on with the game. the storyline is still incredible though :) then i got my ship. at first i was really excited. there were upgrades and space missions. i was thrilled. i bought upgrades and set off for my first mission. i was surprised to see that it was on rails. seriously. space missions on rails? what the hell? so after that, i never did a space mission again. next, i set off to the next planet. taris. i didnt have to do anything fun. all i did was click the galactic map and let the ship do its thing. it was really dull. ugh, so disappointing! at that point everything else seemed less interesting. the VA started to seem repetitive as the player kept saying the same words. i tried picking out different choices to spice up the game, but still, meh. besides that, the game itself felt like a singleplayer game as the planets were always empty. isnt this an MMO? a massively MULTIPLAYER game? and the combat. typical generic mmo combat. i did play some other classes too :) a smuggler, trooper, bounty hunter and an imperial agent. they were all quite fun, until the same thing happen. i felt bored and disappointed. nothing else to say. this game could have done so much more. but yet, it failed to do so. right now, im rooting for GW2, cause its the most similar to SWG, in terms of exploring and its open world-ness :) hope it wont fall short on expectations :) sorry for the long post. first time posting. :) first and last :) Edited by irrium
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Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

Game play options.


SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


Such as...


  • Player housing.
  • City building.
  • Guild/City wars.
  • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
  • Planet control scrimmages.
  • Cantinas with a purpose.
  • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
  • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
  • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
  • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
  • Fishing.
  • Social events.

...and much more...


In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


  • Cantinas that server no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
  • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
  • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
  • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
  • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
  • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
  • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

...and on and on...


I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I just was spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?




Bored. I was never crazy about Huttball, but now its the most fun i have while playing SWTOR.

SWG-PreCU seems Epic by comparison.

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