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getting sick of "PVB"


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This is really silly reasoning behind doing something. I pay to play what character I want to play many ways to fix the issues BW just have to think outside the box other than join the other side that is a silly argument.


CROSS SERVER PVP warzones and planets that have a player CAP both sides you fly to the planet and get placed in the queue WOW added cross server integration of warzones years ago same issue here BW should have had it at the start.


I am still waiting for people to actually make solutions instead of saying lots of solutions. Of course this person says cross server PvP warzones and planets. Umm, dude, you realize this faction imbalance is across almost all servers with a few actually even favoring the Republic? Really, that didn't solve anything.

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This is a sign that some people just don't even pay attention. The cap isn't a faction cap, so the imbalance remains, secondly again, smart Republic aren't going to feed free kills to derp Empire so their bads can keep getting easy gear.


LOL, and i'm the one who doesn't pay attention?


So lets go back to math 101 or whatever kind of math they teach to my 8 year old. If the ZONE CAP is 200 and you organize up some guilds and bring 100 republics to Ilum, do you not effectively now possess an equal balance despite there not being a faction cap?


Granted it won't likely last forever since there are ways around even the zone cap but there is no reason why if you aren't truly terrible players, you cannot take that time to have even enough PVP to get some work done on your dailies and have a helluva good time in the process.

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Trust me when I say we are not getting our quests either.


On my server I managed to get the ops on my side to back away from your base to let you come out and fight. After 20 minutes of waiting, and even asking you in /say to come out, we just went back to camping your base.


This was on Dark Reaper.


BioWare seems to not care at all. The amount of statements on fixing this are like what 1?


Ilum is a disaster because the Dev team at BioWare NEVER PLAY THE GAME.


As a programmer if you never ask yourself "What could go wrong?" then you truely SUCK AS A PROGRAMMER.

Any programmer that did this in a life or death programming field would be fired that day.

Example: Robot kills people as safety factor does not work or not tested.

Edited by Metalmac
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LOL, and i'm the one who doesn't pay attention?


So lets go back to math 101 or whatever kind of math they teach to my 8 year old. If the ZONE CAP is 200 and you organize up some guilds and bring 100 republics to Ilum, do you not effectively now possess an equal balance despite there not being a faction cap?


Granted it won't likely last forever since there are ways around even the zone cap but there is no reason why if you aren't truly terrible players, you cannot take that time to have even enough PVP to get some work done on your dailies and have a helluva good time in the process.


Here, let's use the basic zone set up, and the planet cap isn't 200 btw. You load up your 100 Republic to go to Ilum, however 150 Imperials are already camped out and waiting. Oops, your entire idea just fell apart. So now you have 50 Republic in one instance being farmed and another 50 Republic in another instance who might get a few Imps, until the zerg zone swaps or more Imperials show up.


Really now, the few times we've PvP'd we've always been outnumbered in Ilum and by the time everything is said and done, the Imperials bring more than 3 to one odds. So really, you aren't proving anything other than your own ignorance of this.

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Stop blaming the population imbalance for you repubs being bad. Ilum has population caps and then it flips to another instance. If you guys could organize and get off your *** and fill a zone up you wouldn't have to worry about it so much.


Besides, there are a few repub groups out there actually smart enough to get stuff done regardless. You aren't going to fight the horde of players camping outside your base with a 8 man group, obviously, but that 8 man group is more than capable of roaming the zone and getting some easy kills. That 8 man group can show up at central and jack a bunch of glossy eyed imps about to fall asleep at their keyboards while they drive around in endless circles looking for boxes.


These are the types of things I see the smarter and more talented republic groups doing. If you aren't getting in on any of this action and are just playing the push/pull farm game at the base then it's your own fault you're failing in this game.


Population caps at 100, yes. So as soon as a 24 repub ops shows up, 76 imps rolls in to zerg and lag us to death and call it pvp skills.


Please. Not blaming imps cause that's the nature of human, just blaming poor design.

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I'm sorry you don't like to hear that. Really now, people went Empire cause they thought it would be the hardcore PvP underdog faction like the derps they were.


Either that, or they just liked the classes on offer.


Seriously, how were the majority of people who are playing their launch (or in my case pre-launch) characters to have known about the faction imbalance?


Not that I give a ****. Ilum on my server is absolutely awesome. Epic battles all round.

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Yes, because Imps have proven they have no skill and as soon as they see one Repub the average is 5 to 1 odds against republic players. Please.


No skill?


LOL, these arguments by bad republics just grow increasingly laughable. If you think any of this has any relation to "skill," you are kidding yourselves. If the faction imbalance were flipped all of the skilled and unskilled republics would be doing the EXACT same thing.


If you can't find a way around this to keep yourself a productive and successful player in this game then it is you who is lacking skill. I've been on the beaten side numerous times in imbalanced MMO's, many of which were legitimately more imbalanced than this one. Somehow while playing Destruction in Warhammer and Asmodian in Aion those of us who knew what we were doing were able to maintain a high level of production despite massive disadvantages that greatly surpassed those you find in this game.


The same players who are complaining about "no skill players" camping their base in Ilum world PVP are the same players who then turn around and lose the majority of their warzones where numbers no longer matter. And if you arent losing those warzones it's because you're capable of utilizing group tactics and organization in a premade, so apply those same principles to Ilum and you'll find plenty of success. Stop fighting the zerg head on, move around.

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Yes, because Imps have proven they have no skill and as soon as they see one Repub the average is 5 to 1 odds against republic players. Please.


Obviously this has everything to do with "skill" and nothing to do with you being the only victim around for miles. Yes, I'm sure every single Imperial there went to Ilum specifically to kill you with 5:1 odds, and not hoping for actual pvp action. Just like every single Imperial player rolled Empire simply to be on the larger faction, even though most of us rolled at launch or before. And it's all Bioware's fault for both making YOU choose Republic, and making the rest of us choose Empire.


Did I miss anything?

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I love how people keep comparing TOR at launch with WoW at launch. The fact is you can't do that, WoW was done nearing a decade ago, with decade old technology and data. The fact is Bioware, and other developers today, have an edge over what WoW, EQ, DAoC, etc. had. MMO's today are not pioneering a new genre, but enhancing upon and taking further the established genre. Yet people are so quick to ignore this fact....


EDIT: Let me bring the above into a situation that might ring closer to home with people....


Company A starts up in the year 2002 and develops a new technology. Over the course of 10 years they further develop the technology, and make it available to the masses. In the year 2012, ten years later, Company B comes along and offers a competing technology, based off Company A and their work on that technology. The difference is that Company B, the new guys, technology is only as effective as Company A at year 3. The "new" product doesn't compete, it is inferior.


The customer seeing this asks Company B "what gives?" The response from Company B, or their fans, is "Hey! We are new...give us a break."


Sorry! This doesn't work. The cruel truth is that if you want to compete you need to have a product that can compete. Especially if you have a decade advantage on technology, data, and other resources.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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See...thats the point! its a horrible system for everyone and the worst end game content ever.


It's like Bioware developers kept hearing a voice in their head saying "If you build it, they will come." So they made a big ice planet, flagged it for PVP and forgot about everything else.

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On my server (Daragon Trail) I got so tired of Huttball and the circle jerk of Ilum with the crates that me and a few guildies rolled some Republic toons, We figure we will have a target rich enviroment. How long till server transfers? I think we will be looking for a new server with some form of balance once it becomes avaliable.
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I love how people keep comparing TOR at launch with WoW at launch. The fact is you can't do that, WoW was done nearing a decade ago, with decade old technology and data. The fact is Bioware, and other developers today, have an edge over what WoW, EQ, DAoC, etc. had. MMO's today are not pioneering a new genre, but enhancing upon and taking further the established genre. Yet people are so quick to ignore this fact....


I love to see what technology you are refering to that makes coding an MMO easier?

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I love to see what technology you are refering to that makes coding an MMO easier?


The pre-developed game engines that weren't available ages ago. The large selection of robust software suits that can be used to streamline the development process. The power difference between hardware today compared to a decade ago, and how much more efficient it is. Things of this nature....


In addition to this...


The mass amount of empirical data available to developers today is something the original MMO developers would have loved to had. Data that can be used to help decide everything from population balance forecasting to PvE and PvP participation.


All of these things that have been accumulated and improved upon over the last 10 years can be used to develop a better project.

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How cross server will fix things:


Server A has 75% Imperial players, and 25% Republic players.


Server B has 65% Imperial players, and 35% Republic players.


Now slap those two together by doing cross server PvP and the outcome is 50% Republic right?


No... the outcome is 30% Republic vs 70% Empire.


Now if the population cap in Ilum is reached, problem solved right?


No again. Imagine yourself being in the group of players that actually has a social life and/or an occupation. Will you get into Ilum and be able to get your PvP on? Dubious.

Edited by Crowleyz
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