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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do People Really find this fun


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that number has dropped DRAMATICALLY. you need to stop posting it.


Absolutely ridiculous to even state this without a link of evidence...


And to all the ppl about to post about how they cancelled their sub, why are you on these forums? That just doesn't make sense...

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I take it this is your first MMO.


No I played Ultima Online for 5 years and numerous other ones over there years. "Ultima online since 1997 game is still going" Why dont the devs figure out what keeps that game going rather then the cartoon who cant even get what a elf looks like right .


other games you were part of the world and had a great crafting and gathering system. Some how wow created a mindless game where you log on and play for gear day in and day out and this kept the mindless teenagers out of their parents hair.

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1.7 Mio people bought it.


Not quite the same, but it seems really hard to grasp, seeing that it is the number one argument "for" the game.


2 million people bought it. 1.7M people had active subs as of Februay 1, 2012.



"NOBODY said the game would be dead in a month. Usually people said six months."


Are you kidding me? The Gloom & Doom Brigade was promising everyone that after a month the game would be completely dead or at least well on its way.

Edited by Blotter
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2 million people bought it. 1.7M people had active subs as of Februay 1, 2012.



"NOBODY said the game would be dead in a month. Usually people said six months."


Are you kidding me? The Gloom & Doom Brigade was promising everyone that after a month the game would be completely dead or at least well on its way.


All the same. Still doesn't mean that the game is fun. Only means that 300k didnt even bother to sub ;)


The units sold are because of what the game promised and the fact that its a SW franchise. If there are a decent amount of players in 6 months and the game is still developed lets talk again.

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1.7 Mio people bought it.


Not quite the same, but it seems really hard to grasp, seeing that it is the number one argument "for" the game.


No different than the number one argument for everything was "Server pop is dropping!!" a few weeks back.

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A game where there is no meaningful crafting system , gathering system where the player is actually doing something, No meaningful pvp system ,but to sit in a fleet space station and que up for 3 war zones over and over again. A game where you dont feel like your part of the world but log on complete some war zone daily's and log off.


Only thing that will keep me in game , Its star wars and hopefully it will improve. I really thought sony was the worst but now I can see bioware is right up there with them. They dont have a clue what players want in a mmorpg. to busy worrying about making numbers like wow to put out a real game..


Crafting I'm not that bothered about, it's fun enough as a sideline for me just making things for myself. I have no doubt it's the sort of thing that will improve as time goes on, it usually does in MMOs.


You can gather yourself if you want, even with a companion; it's in options somewhere.


PvP I'm not that bothered about. I'm on a PvP server and enjoy open world PvP, but warzones I can take or leave; but again things like warzones are precisely the sort of thing that's tuned as a game progresses.


I very much feel I'm part of the world, I'm participating in adventures that are quite immersive, epic and filmic, I have meaningful dialogue choices now and then, I have (now that ability delay has been largely sorted) fun combat, both PvE and PvP, both solo and grouped. I can explore for datacrons if I want to explore.


I would agree that the game probably isn't optimal for competitive/achiever type players at the moment, but then I don't think competitive/achiever players are BW's main intended audience just yet, it's more people who are into the RPG side of things and are happy to goof off pretending they're a jedi or whatever for a couple of hours a night. Like Blizz, BW haven't started off with the intention of luring poeple away from an established game, but rather have tried to appeal to the sorts of players who perhaps tried but DIDN'T subscribe to previously established MMOs like WoW (of whom there are many, many more than ever did).


As the subscription figures from these types of players are good so far, I'm pretty sure BW will tighten up and fill out the endgame over time. Successful MMOs generally do.

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The simple fact that this thread has 4 pages of replies already shows that ppl love this game!!!


9/10 ppl on here are looking for information, forming community, researching strategies and enhancing their gameplay...


The other 10% are Trolls that secretly still play the game, but have issues and SAY that they cancelled their sub.


Game is Awesome! Issues will be enhanced, just needs time...it'll be a fun 5-6 years for me :-)

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To the OP..... I'll tell you what I think when I finally reach level 50 with the toons I plan to level.


.... what's funny is, by the time I reach level 50 with those toons, there will be a new expansion.


Ever heard the expression 'hurry up and wait'?


Enjoy your wait..... I won't be. ;)

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The 1,7 mil players joke is old already!


By the end of the month, they will prolly be around 1 mil and after 2-3 more months like 500k and after several months 200-300k and then f2p?


Only evidence you will have is when mass server merges start happening, until then it's just Hot air.


There are still new gamers joining, I personally just started this past Sunday

Edited by scootshoot
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