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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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got news for you people, nowdays the majority of folks wants an LFG tool and all those other cool addons/macro's. I read in a gamming mag a friend has and the writter said it was a cool game but it's needed and wanted by the majority if stwor wants to succed. a really good fix would to gather all anti lfg tools to one set of servers and the others to a differant set of servers. We then could all be happy and the anti's can stop trying to push their belief systems onto the others who either dont really care or who does want it. I personally just want to be able to adjust my ui and add some macro's. But i would gladly welcome any and all additions to help people enjoy their 15 dollars/month.


Also if you did some searching on the enternet I'm betting you would find that the majority of mmo gammers dont bother coming to the forums so that prolly would put the whinners here on the minority list. and I would rather see more positive input about how to improve the game for the majority.

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The biggest issue is communication, if I knew 100% off the bat that Bioware would never include a LFD feature if the servers were in trouble I wouldn't of bought the game. I can't do a leveling instance to save my life unless me and my two friends play together which is difficult considering we work different shift jobs. I could of maybe forgiven them but there attitude towards my difficulties was responded by the ususal BS with "we are looking into it" .. you know what .. truck on.
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I just can not understand why they cant do something about this problem.

People have made many suggestions for solutions, make servers that have no cross-realm or no LFG systems at all. and make servers that have it, i guess all ppl will be pleased.


And why they can not make people that actually pay to play happy. Yes I know you can not do everything people suggest, but this is the suggest by many ppl.

When I'm online on a ordinary afternoon,the server have 18-25 people in the Republic fleet area, it's not much if you trye to make a group. I have yet to be able to make a run for a few flash points when my friends are offline.

Ppl behinde the game can not believe this is right for the game.

it's going for a while and people will start leaving the game, I guess

Edited by trorepublic
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You know, I want to play this game. I really do. I love the Star Wars universe, I like the class design for the most part, the graphics are acceptable.


But here's the thing. I can hop on this game and go to the fleet and start spamming LFG, or perhaps wait for LFG to ask for a tank or dps, as I run a Sniper and an Assassin Tank, and if I'm lucky I can get going in 30 minutes or so, if not it seriously might take an hour or two.


Or I can hop on Rift and use their cross-server LFG dungeon tool, and have completed 2-3 instances in the time it might take me to find one here.


No matter how much I love the Star Wars universe or how much I want to immerse myself in that world for a while, I find myself increasingly losing patience trying to find a group through EQ1-era spam LFG, and instead choosing to go play a game with lore I enjoy much less but has a modern day design and actually lets me hop on and start playing the game instead of sitting around waiting.


I really want this game to succeed. But developers have to realize the EQ1 style community just doesn't work anymore. The game has to join the modern era.

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It happens today that there are no people doing the leveling FPs. All the LFG spam we see now is for HMs because people prefer to hit 50 before doing anything else except Black Talon when they are lvl 10.
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It's a simple matter really. Does the game survive or not? That's it. I'm not alone in seriously considering giving up due to the difficulty (and the resulting boredom) of finding groups, especially if playing Imperial where there seem to be far fewer people. This last problem not helped by the fact that people are leaving every day to start Rep. characters. It's a vicious circle, and it was VERY short sighted not to have seen it coming.
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I'll add my voice as well to this. I really enjoy the game, and I want to experience the content and the storytelling that is such a huge selling-point for this game. Unfortunately with my level 50 character I've hit a roadblock with the flashpoints. I'm not willing to sit around for an hour or more trying to form a group or waiting for one to form, so I've been missing out on the higher-level flashpoints (basically Red Reaper and up). I'm not much of a guild person (and my current one has all but disbanded) so at this point, as a stop-gap measure, I've largely given up and focus instead on leveling an alt.
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It's a simple matter really. Does the game survive or not? That's it. I'm not alone in seriously considering giving up due to the difficulty (and the resulting boredom) of finding groups, especially if playing Imperial where there seem to be far fewer people. This last problem not helped by the fact that people are leaving every day to start Rep. characters. It's a vicious circle, and it was VERY short sighted not to have seen it coming.


Wow, that's like the polar opposite of my server, Republic side is dead, and Empire is 3 times the amount of Republic. It just states that it should be cross server then, as the issue is not simular for all servers. I actually turned in the towel to join Empire because of this, as it seems to be much easier to get groups here... I guess I'll find out for real once I hit 50. :o

Edited by Tifadore
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I think that a LFG system is necessary. I'm a release date veteran of WoW. I stopped playing for a year because my guild fell apart, I couldn't find groups to do what I wanted. When I came back to WoW and saw the new LFG system they installed, I loved it. I could finally find groups to do dungeons regardless of who was on in my guild.


I don't think the inclination to be a jerk or not is effected by whether you're on the same server as the other person. Courteous players will be courteous; jerks will be jerks.


Right now, on my server, there might be 50 people in the Republic Fleet at any given time. Even with a LFG chat channel, you'll be luckily to wait less than an hour to try to find a group. Finding the fourth member is always the worst, and a lot of people will drop group before the group is filled, starting the process all over. I never did a FP before level 50 because my time was better spent questing than it was looking for a FP group.


There is no choice in who you group with the way it is now. Unless you're in a guild with people to run FPs and HMs, you don't have a choice in who you run with. It takes so long to find a group, that many people just take whoever whispers them. It wouldn't be any different with a LFG system that randomly matches people based on role, other than a LFG system would be faster, especially if it were cross-server.


A LFG system also wouldn't be to the detriment of people who don't want it. If someone is picky about with whom they group or just don't like the LFG system, they don't need to use it. I don't really think it will dramatically change things for the worst. If you have to wait an hour to get a group and it falls apart, it's easy to get frustrated and leave. If you wait 30 seconds for a group and it falls apart, it's a lot easier to just hop back in the queue and try it again.


I know people are cancelling their subscriptions because it's too hard to get a group together to do FPs. As much as I hate comparing this game to WoW, the LFG system in WoW is actually very well done. I never had any complaints with the system, and it was something that kept me in the game longer than I may have otherwise stayed. I always knew I would be able to get a group.


I know that a LFG system for FPs and HM FPs is top on my wishlist and the wishlist of a lot of the people with whom I play. I don't think it's necessary for Regular Ops, and I don't think there should be one for HM Ops, but having it for FPs and HM FPs will (1) make it easier to find groups to gear up at level 50 and (2) make people more likely to run the lower level FPs while leveling, rather than just soloing them at 50 to unlock the HM.

Edited by Glyptodon
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And unless you're on a very low pop server spamming would not be necessary if people used the lfg system we have. It might not be as fast as 1-click auto-teleport tool, but it's not like the system is unable to get you a group, its the community that makes you unable to get a group with it.


^ this, I hae never seen as much gross lazyness and anti-social ************ about how people need a one-click welfare epic tool than in this thread.


I started WoW in Late Wrath and the LFD tool was proobably the least fun thing I did with my year+ in that game. Trolls, people who just wanted to beeline to the end because this was their 15 toon leveling/gearing up, people who had no idea how to play their class correctly, people who intentionally tanked runs because they didn't get loot they wanted, entire guild groups of 4 that would leave after the first boss didnt drop what they wanted, you get the point.


I don't think once I made an aquaintence or added a person to my friend list because of a successful LFD run, it was just needless grind for gear to be able to raid, and was arduous.


This game makes you talk to people, and maybe instead of just spamming "LFG", try adding some spice to your spam, people will see something out of the norm, and just maybe, decide you look like a fun person to do stuff with. It's really not that hard.



L2Interface, L2Social, L2Lead

Edited by SWToRBurns
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^ this, I hae never seen as much gross lazyness and anti-social ************ about how people need a one-click welfare epic tool than in this thread.


I started WoW in Late Wrath and the LFD tool was proobably the least fun thing I did with my year+ in that game. Trolls, people who just wanted to beeline to the end because this was their 15 toon leveling/gearing up, people who had no idea how to play their class correctly, people who intentionally tanked runs because they didn't get loot they wanted, entire guild groups of 4 that would leave after the first boss didnt drop what they wanted, you get the point.


I don't think once I made an aquaintence or added a person to my friend list because of a successful LFD run, it was just needless grind for gear to be able to raid, and was arduous.


This game makes you talk to people, and maybe instead of just spamming "LFG", try adding some spice to your spam, people will see something out of the norm, and just maybe, decide you look like a fun person to do stuff with. It's really not that hard.



L2Interface, L2Social, L2Lead


Doesn't work like that. The industry has moved on.

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I'm also strongly wanting a LFG tool for FPs and OPs. Cross-server would be even better.


Lately I've mostly just been doing WZs because finding groups for anything else is just so hard in comparison.

Edited by Neulwen
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^ this, I hae never seen as much gross lazyness and anti-social ************ about how people need a one-click welfare epic tool than in this thread.


I started WoW in Late Wrath and the LFD tool was proobably the least fun thing I did with my year+ in that game. Trolls, people who just wanted to beeline to the end because this was their 15 toon leveling/gearing up, people who had no idea how to play their class correctly, people who intentionally tanked runs because they didn't get loot they wanted, entire guild groups of 4 that would leave after the first boss didnt drop what they wanted, you get the point.


I don't think once I made an aquaintence or added a person to my friend list because of a successful LFD run, it was just needless grind for gear to be able to raid, and was arduous.


This game makes you talk to people, and maybe instead of just spamming "LFG", try adding some spice to your spam, people will see something out of the norm, and just maybe, decide you look like a fun person to do stuff with. It's really not that hard.



L2Interface, L2Social, L2Lead





Spamming chat for groups is old school next youll be saying how you walked both ways uphill in the snow to school!


Ill counter your wow experience with my own thousands of cross lfd runs where they were almost all good experiences and my real id friends list is full of people i meet from cross server!

Edited by Nitewolfe
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^ this, I hae never seen as much gross lazyness and anti-social ************ about how people need a one-click welfare epic tool than in this thread.


I started WoW in Late Wrath and the LFD tool was proobably the least fun thing I did with my year+ in that game. Trolls, people who just wanted to beeline to the end because this was their 15 toon leveling/gearing up, people who had no idea how to play their class correctly, people who intentionally tanked runs because they didn't get loot they wanted, entire guild groups of 4 that would leave after the first boss didnt drop what they wanted, you get the point.


I don't think once I made an aquaintence or added a person to my friend list because of a successful LFD run, it was just needless grind for gear to be able to raid, and was arduous.


This game makes you talk to people, and maybe instead of just spamming "LFG", try adding some spice to your spam, people will see something out of the norm, and just maybe, decide you look like a fun person to do stuff with. It's really not that hard.



L2Interface, L2Social, L2Lead


Back then you could lvl an alt and go right on and start gathering gear from heroics and doing them in a new way super fast, which was fun. Standing and LFG is booooooooooring! I now got 2 lvl 50's on Republic and another one coming up on Empire. I bought most of my gear on AH, and is well equiped for HM, but I just don't bother, I've done maybe 10 HMs on both of them combined, and completed 6, where 4 of them was Esseles and 2 False Emperor, some other insatnces require me to do some pre stuff or is not popular or something. Maybe the jesus patch will fix lvl 50 somewhat, but the way it is right now playing at level 50 is way to frustrating when you know it is anything but social to NOT get an answer for 1-2 hours when gathering a group.


And trust me, I've done my fair share of raiding, and leaded raids, etc. For raids I am used to LFG, but flashpoints? No, it's just too basic lvl 50 stuff for having to look around for hours, so I just don't bother. As I mentioned, I will check how it is on empire side on my server, my bad luck may be reason for the extreme queuetime for getting a group, but if it does'nt improve my chances, then I believe I will check 1.2 out, and finally vanish until the LFG is implemented (Yes, I strongly believe it will happen some time, only a question of when. The majority of my friends and "nettfriends" ALL state that a LFG system is needed, badly! )

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I have also unsubscribed. I enjoy the game but with out some of the most simple quality of life additions I dont see a reason to keep playing. but as soon as the dungeon finder is added and hopefully cross server. then I along with other friends will be back.
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Patch 1.3?! Jesus Bioware really dropped the ball on this one didn't they?


Looks like it'll finally arrive by the time the new WoW expansion hits, for which I will most likely be unsubbing from this to go and try out.


I'd be surprised if this game was still here for me to come back to later in the year.


Really poor show Bioware.

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What happened to cross-server PvP?


It seems that they ditched the idea too, because we still won't be able to choose WZs in 1.2, something that required cross-server PvP to be implemented. I hope they do so by 1.3 and realize that a cross-server dungeon finder is a much needed feature, specially for lower lvl characters.

Edited by Orisai
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Okay just confirmed in the live guild summit broadcast:


Called "Group Finder"


Comes in 1.3.


Single Server only.


Good, good! Then I'll come back for it, and I can tell all my friends things will get better! :)


They'll be so happy, even though it may be some months unsubscriebed time in their cases. Looking forward to endgame taking a huge leap forward! :D

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I'm probably not going to unsub just yet. Tbh I was only planning to play this until the new WoW expansion came out, but if this game held my interest I was planning to play both at the same time.

However if they don't get some major improvements, such as the Dungeon Finder sooner, I may end up unsubbing.


Shame, this game has such potential.

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Ok I calmed down today, hehe. Since we know that they're going the same-server route I'd like to make one suggestion (and I know someone else said this before so I'm sorry I'm stealing).


Could we please have the same bolster mechanic that is in PVP to allow players of level 10 to 50 to be able to play Normal mode Flashpoints together? This way the pool of people available will be dramatically higher for any of the lower level FP's.

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It's going to be funny when they launch it as single server, and it solves very few problems. I'm on a pretty populated server so I may not have many issues but I've played on smaller servers, and it's going to solve nothing there. The player base seems spread thing with so many servers, it's a complete mess.
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