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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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There is easily 200+ hours of content, just from 1-50. There are several 'easter eggs' in the game if you would like to explore. Might I recommend: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ to get you started


Why would you assume that if you are playing a game 6+ hours a day, that you won't eventually get bored, regardless of the amount of content in the game?

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A staunch defender now seeing the glaring blind spots of the game he loves. So quickly turned on and bitten by his pack mates. Unfortunate but true.


Don't worry OP, it's not you. Trust me. There are new MMO's coming out that will offer things we have yet to try, or new visions of things we have. Do a little Google sleuthing and see what's coming up. The next generation of MMO's is on the way, a melding of story, sandbox, and theme park. All trying new approaches to the way things work.


Instead of copying WoW's end game Gear Grinder.


Take a look at Secret World, Tera, GW2 for the big name starters - they're predominantly different than WoW and the MMO's that sought to utilize it's end game philosophies.

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I like how no one actually reads his post. He doesn't want more Flashpoints and Ops he's tired of those things that you have to run a 100 times. I agree with you, the game needs more end game content that doesn't revolve around repetition. Pazaak, Speeder Races, Decoration etc are really neccesary soon.


Pazaak and speeder races would be an awesome addition imho.

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Obviously you didn't read the bulk of my post. WoW had about 8 different areas you could level from 1-5, and about 3 to 4 areas you could choose from, from there on out at any particular level.


SWTOR also has about 4 zones per planet and at level 30 the troopers companion story lines take you back to Taris for leveling.


You seem to confuse different setting for a lack of content or options.

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OP: You have no idea how similar my story is. I was (well, am to a degree) an ardent defender of the game, both on and off the forums while I leveled my smuggler to 50 and finished the class quests...


...and then something strange happened. I just ran out of gas. I rolled a few alts and just...quit. Now, I'm sure part of that is burnout...I pushed myself hard to get my smugs to 50...first in my guild to hit 50. So it's very possible that in a month or two I'll come back with a renewed vigor.


But it's funny how you start to take a second look at things. I want this game to succeed because I think the marriage of BW story and MMO is awesome...but there are things that need to be addressed. For now, I'll just play Arkham City, ME3 when it comes out, and get on every once in a while to help my guildies hit 50.

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i'm sorry, but wow had more content at launch, and more mechanics to work with.

also, i compare revisiting content like watching a movie. If you just get done watching a movie, of course you aren't going to want to watch the same one again. But if it's been weeks or months since you've seen that movie (and you've watched some other ones since,) it might be interesting to watch again (do you follow?) this is why having 3 to 4 different options in leveling up works. Being so linear in a mmo kills it! And i thought warhammer was bad...



Until cataclysm, the vanilla portion of wow remained relatively untouched, but it still held interest for reasons mentioned above.


******** = BS


No way, no how did WoW have more content in vanilla. WoW had no PvP system, 1 raid that was unplayable, 1 level 60 dungeon, and a god awful crafting system.

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I'm sorry, but WoW had more content at launch, and more mechanics to work with.

Also, I compare revisiting content like watching a movie. If you just get done watching a movie, of course you aren't going to want to watch the same one again. But if it's been weeks or months since you've seen that movie (and you've watched some other ones since,) it might be interesting to watch again (do you follow?) This is why having 3 to 4 different options in leveling up works. Being so linear in a MMO kills it! And I thought Warhammer was bad...



Until Cataclysm, the vanilla portion of WoW remained relatively untouched, but it still held interest for reasons mentioned above.

I'm guessing you didn't play at launch. There were no BG's. I believe 3 or 4 raids, can you even count Onyxia as a raid? A couple of instances.


At Vanilla, you NEEDED a ton of zones, as you ran out of quests leveling to 60.


WOW was extremely linear too. After you outleveled 1 zone, you went to another. Most of the zones I absolutely HATED: Felwood, Winterspring, Thunderbluff to name a few.


To be honest, I couldn't even tell you 1 story line from leveling 1-60 in Vanilla WOW. Heck, I couldn't even tell you any story line now in WOW. If anything, WOW should steal SWTOR's idea with class quests. It would be pretty cool (lets say your a warrior) seeing yourself go up the ranks from a recruit warrior all the way to a hero/general of your faction.

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You didn't play WoW at launch did you?


WoW had no raids (I don't recall MC being up for a while) or BGs.


Depends on your perspective, and yes, I did play at launch. To be specific, WoW had more leveling content and options. Whether or not you feel this is an important aspect of the game, who knows? People didn't reach the end game this fast either, so there wasn't the demand for endgame content right out of the gates.

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There is easily 200+ hours of content, just from 1-50. There are several 'easter eggs' in the game if you would like to explore. Might I recommend: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ to get you started


Why would you assume that if you are playing a game 6+ hours a day, that you won't eventually get bored, regardless of the amount of content in the game?


A datacron is not an Easter egg. An Easter egg is a surprise in the game or television show giving nod back to something relevant. Such as Greepo and Hans Duo.


The Datacrons are stat boosting time sinks that offer about +40 to all total stats. Some people may not enjoy gathering these, or feel simply no desire to trek all over the in game worlds clogged with mobs along the needed routes to get anywhere.


Or wait on a Balloon that Vanishes 15 feet from the Datacron on Tat, that Datacron is a SYMBOL for what's wrong with this whole idea - stand in one spot for 15 minutes. Get on Balloon, wait 15 more minutes.


This is not Fun. This is Wasting Time. Bioware.

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A staunch defender now seeing the glaring blind spots of the game he loves. So quickly turned on and bitten by his pack mates. Unfortunate but true.


Don't worry OP, it's not you. Trust me. There are new MMO's coming out that will offer things we have yet to try, or new visions of things we have. Do a little Google sleuthing and see what's coming up. The next generation of MMO's is on the way, a melding of story, sandbox, and theme park. All trying new approaches to the way things work.


Instead of copying WoW's end game Gear Grinder.


Take a look at Secret World, Tera, GW2 for the big name starters - they're predominantly different than WoW and the MMO's that sought to utilize it's end game philosophies.


I'd argue this is going to be the way forward. I wonder if TOR will be the Last of the WoW Types, to borrow from a movie title. Something new is definitely needed in the genre.

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Add 6-8 solo daily mission on 'EACH' of the available planets.... kinda like you have set up on Ilum and Belsavis.


That would be a great fix for mixing up the dailies IMO.


I'm in the primarily non-grouping camp that does pugs occasionally to mix it up. But solo is where I shine and can accomplish what I want out of a MMO.


So more dailies to mix the current ones up would improve this issue 100% for me.



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I got to level 30 on Republic and called it quits.......then I decided to roll Empire until my sub was up.........got to 25 and called it quits. Talk about the same old same old.......didnt even have the motivation to get to 50. Its a shame cause I was really looking for something new.


Those of you who stay have fun and I mean that but its just not for me.

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Played GW2 alpha and Tera is failing in Korea.


Both are about the same in linearity.


It's different, that's the point. Linearity can be defined in several ways. Following a path of progression is Linearity, however if you're not confined to corridors and are allowed to roam, the sense of it is diminished. Linearity is required in some ways, because it gives focus and direction.


Pure free roam is often "too much freedom" for MMO players. To be fair, I don't like absolute freedom in games either. Now, are you saying they're as linear as SWTOR, or as one another? Definition would be great.


Tera is having the same issue with Aion as MMO's here have with WoW. Hard to shake the beast.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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You guys do realize the game just came out right? All mmos have limited in content at the start and over time that content is added.


There is always a group that have nothing better to do in life then play mmos for 10 hours a day only to complain there is no content.


the one thing they do need to do is add straight up explorable planets with chests, secrets, crafting, dungeons and bosses etc where you can just land and go.


again like every mmo in the existance of mankind, content gets added over time. That is why normally I don't go into an mmo until after a year or so then it is more fleshed out.


the first year tends to be trial and error.

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Thats not specific. What exactly were the 'options' to level? I seem to remember 3 options, questing, mob grinding, and dungeon grinding.


He means different zones. You could change starting areas, choose between similar level areas as you progressed, had two different continents to choose from with equal level zones. Breaking up the monotony.

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It's different, that's the point. Linearity can be defined in several ways. Following a path of progression is Linearity, however if you're not confined to corridors and are allowed to roam, the sense of it is diminished. Linearity is required in some ways, because it gives focus and direction.


Pure free roam is often "too much freedom" for MMO players. To be fair, I don't like absolute freedom in games either. Now, are you saying they're as linear as SWTOR, or as one another? Definition would be great.


Tera is having the same issue with Aion as MMO's here have with WoW. Hard to shake the beast.


This is an excellent point., Defining what you're measuring goes for the "linearity" discussion as well as the "more content" discussion. However, to be fair, you should also offer your means of measuring "linearity" in a game. :)

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Depends on your perspective, and yes, I did play at launch. To be specific, WoW had more leveling content and options. Whether or not you feel this is an important aspect of the game, who knows? People didn't reach the end game this fast either, so there wasn't the demand for endgame content right out of the gates.


You give no context.


What do you mean by more options because all I remember doing was questing until BG came out.

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A datacron is not an Easter egg. An Easter egg is a surprise in the game or television show giving nod back to something relevant. Such as Greepo and Hans Duo.


The Datacrons are stat boosting time sinks that offer about +40 to all total stats. Some people may not enjoy gathering these, or feel simply no desire to trek all over the in game worlds clogged with mobs along the needed routes to get anywhere.


Or wait on a Balloon that Vanishes 15 feet from the Datacron on Tat, that Datacron is a SYMBOL for what's wrong with this whole idea - stand in one spot for 15 minutes. Get on Balloon, wait 15 more minutes.


This is not Fun. This is Wasting Time. Bioware.


Oh I agree with the fact that hunting for datacrons is in no way fun. But rep grinding isn't fun either, neither is rolling noobs in a premade to grind valor. My point is that time sinks and carrots for exploring do exist in this game. If you are not looking for a timesink, the MMORPG genre is probably not for you.

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He means different zones. You could change starting areas, choose between similar level areas as you progressed, had two different continents to choose from with equal level zones. Breaking up the monotony.


Ahhh, so instead of killing 20 harpies in a mountainous area, you can kill 30 boars in a grassy area. So much freedom.

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All I read is 'Dear Bioware will you be my mommy and daddy and entertain me because I am so special I need you to hold my hand and find things to do for me because I can't treat this game as what it's intended for.....not a full time job.' Please have some patience we are not at the two month mark after release yet.


I would offer that the problem is not the AMOUNT of content, but WHAT the content is. There is a ton of content...but it's either similar to each faction and/or like WoW, which a lot of people are taking a break from...but not so much, as everything is modeled after WoW.

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