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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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Another QQ post about a player who got to 50 as fast as he could and now is bored. This is why i visit the forums once a month. Itrs the same repeat offenders, same posts, same QQ with a different title.


I have 1 50 and enjoying lvl'n 7 other toons. Good Job Bioware. keep it up.


I agree with you evil clown or whatever you are. This game is great. The best part is IT JUST LAUNCHED PEOPLE IT WILL ONLY GET BETTER!!! did WoW have this much content at launch? sick of the wow comparisons....fine. Did STO have this much content at launch? did Rift? Did conan? Did CoH? CoV? DC online? freaking Runescape fer godssake? NO. Did they have bugs? Lots of bugs? about the same if not More (I am leaning towards more) bugs than this game? YES.


Give it time people. Seriously. It's your own fault for rushing to level 50. I started playing the second day of early access and I pretty much play a little bit everyday. I have a three year old, a full time job, a fiance, a life but I still get at least a couple hours in a night. All I have is a lvl 35 assassin and a lvl 29 warrior. I was also in full time Beta since October. That means I have played through Korriban, drommand kaas, balmorra close to 25 times. I still enjoy them all....sure not as much as the first time but come on what do you expect? A new game every week? If thats what you want become a member of Gamefly.


We are not even two months into the game yet and everyone is clamoring for more content. it takes time. If you can't wait, then take a break from teh game. Thats the only advice I got for ya dude. You rushed through to lvl 50. Maybe instead of pouring that many hours into the game you should spend more time with your kids and wife and dog. go outside. fly a kite. plant a tree. invent cold fusion. sudoko. chess. battlship. anything. (and you have to pour a significant amount of time into the game in order to be 50. like I said...second day early access and only a lvl 35 and a 29. AND I have basically been playing the game since Oct so I have done my fair share of spacebarring...at the beginning)


Give it time. Content will come. Bioware wont TRY to add more content. They WILL add more content. DO OR DO NOT...THERE IS NO TRY.

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Well, SWG didn't have any raids either. I really couldn't comment on some of the others (e.g. daoc, AC) since I didn't play them. Regardless, it really doesn't take much to figure out an activity a minority of the population participates in doesn't do much for the game as a whole. There's a reason why D2 had millions of people playing while EQ had 400k, and that reason has nothing to do with D2 being free.


I'm sorry but I will never support a system that artificially locks out a large portion of the playerbase. I don't know how ANYONE can think that locking out the vast majority from end-game could ever be a good thing.


SWG was never a major MMO. That's why they shut down and SWTOR took over, LucasArts I'm sure spent the last 6 years looking for a way out of the 10 year exclusive licence they sold SOE. BioWare and EA, and LucasArts aren't in this to make a 500k user product. If SWTOR can't hold 2 million subscribers don't expect it to stick around too long. The way I crunch the numbers, their breakeven point is 1.5 million right now. (400 employees, bioWare churn is about 12k/month, then you have all the support staff, cut down 30% from sub fees for the hardware and bandwidth, which would be roughly simutronics cut if they're farming it out, or about the same cost for EA to host all of its own stuff, etc.). They've had a few 10's to small hundred or so million in advertising, retail, all of the CSR support staff at EA mythic and galway, the 300 million or so they spent developing this, lucasarts cut etc.


D2, if you mean diablo 2, is a whole other creature. It's not an MMO in any of the senses that the big guys in this business are. It has a huge playerbase in part because its free, in part because it's a much bigger worldwide audience than TOR (which is only in 3 languages), and is a completely different type of non persistent world. Persistent character sure, but not world.


I'm not sure what you are saying with locking people out of content? Raids in TOR don't lock anyone out particularly beyond the obvious weekly lock stuff. You only need 8 people to do raids, and in basically any random assortment of gear, and with really wacky raid comps (3 tanks 3 heals, 2 dps, is probably possible if everyone has crafted '124' purples) you can do everything on normal mode except G4-B3 and (by extension Karagga). It's not quite WoW raid finder simplicity, but pretty close.


So I don't accept your premise that this isn't how you make money or keep subscribers, and I don't accept the premise that tor is somehow excluding people from the endgame. far from it, it's very accessible.

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1) you are easily entertained.


2) leveling is primarily a solo activity. paying a monthly subscription for a single-player game is lawl for me and something I wouldn't do....so every person should be just like me (because I'm so awesome of course) and think it's lawl too or else they're like stupid or something...because you know I define what everyone in the world should think is stupid.


fixed that for you...

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Thats why RIFT, LOTRO and SWTOR are all failures while games like Darkfall, Ryzom and TERA have millions of subs.


I messed around with RIFT a bit and i doubt they have the sub numbers of EVE. LOTRO is FTP is it not? Tera is not in US yet. So whats your point?


Having a huge number of subs does not make it a good game.


Look at all the MMO's that have followed the WoW formula and all but Rift have failed. I do not see that trend fading with this game either.

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Lol, you just don't seem to get it.


Your post / thread serves what purpose?


If it's to help the game, you are in the wrong place. I can't say it any more basic than that.


Without complaints, no change would ever happen... there's your purpose right there. The devs know of the overall climate of the forums, and they do listen from time to time.

Edited for a typo.

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Without complaints, no change would ever happy... there's your purpose right there. The devs know of the overall climate of the forums, and they do listen from time to time.


I never once questioned that.


I said he is in the WRONG PLACE.


There are proper channels for making suggestions to the game, GENERAL DISCUSSION is the worst possible place to get that. He is trolling and wants attention, nothing more.

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I messed around with RIFT a bit and i doubt they have the sub numbers of EVE. LOTRO is FTP is it not? Tera is not in US yet. So whats your point?


Having a huge number of subs does not make it a good game.


Look at all the MMO's that have followed the WoW formula and all but Rift have failed. I do not see that trend fading with this game either.


Actually rift at the end of 2011 had more subs, by almost a factor of 2 than EVE. EVE is only about 350k and they are very different than any other game. They aim for a completely different and very small market.


The only MMO's that don't flutter around some small fraction of the MMO market are WoW, Runescape and Aion, and runescape one could argue is only around 5% of the total MMO market.


Everyone else, to hold a decent set of their subscriber base are either completely different than most MMO's (second life, Eve, Dofus) or they are similar to wow/EQ (lineage, Aion, way down the list the final fantasy games.



MMOdata.net hasn't been updated for february with SWTOR numbers yet but their december data is still up and probably good enough for this discussion since SWTOR isn't really competing in the asian markets.


The only other products that have even hit 2 million subs are Lineage I and 2 (and back in 2001-2005 era), WoW, Aion, and then some Asian (china I think) only MMO's. SWTOR is about 1.7 million so they're doing not too badly with the plan so far, considering it has only been 2 months.

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I messed around with RIFT a bit and i doubt they have the sub numbers of EVE. LOTRO is FTP is it not? Tera is not in US yet. So whats your point?


Having a huge number of subs does not make it a good game.


Look at all the MMO's that have followed the WoW formula and all but Rift have failed. I do not see that trend fading with this game either.


WAR was really the only game that came out in the last 6 years that you could really say failed with major hype backing it, and towards the end of my time playing on the first month there was massive amounts of people saying that they were quitting. I didn't see this in TOR.


To your point I am going to use X Fire and a bit of guestamating.




Both LOTRO and EvE have about the same amount of people according to it. Backed up a bit by http://www.mmodata.net/.


Now Both LOTRO and RIFT have the same number of servers, hence I would assume they have (Around) the same amount of people, which is anywhere between 300k and 400k.


WAR was, in reality the only major failure in the last 6 year.

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I never once questioned that.


I said he is in the WRONG PLACE.


There are proper channels for making suggestions to the game, GENERAL DISCUSSION is the worst possible place to get that. He is trolling and wants attention, nothing more.


Yet the mods disagree...?


At least they have 26 pages in, in a day where they seem to have been moving quite a few posts around. If it was trolling, it would be gone, no?

Edited by Tic-
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I am in agreement (unfortunately) with the OP. I absolutely love star wars, but lately I have noticed that I am playing less. I just dont have any interest. I lvled my consular to cap, tried other classes/factions but for me the gameplay is just not very much fun. And that really sucks because I really *really* want to love this game. But as the OP said, its just the same old same old. The main story feels soooo disjointed that it doesnt compel me to see whats next. The IA story was going well but the gameplay did it in for me. Its just not engaging :( Makes me sad because I really want it to be. Im gonna keep my sub goin though for I think about six months at the least as I will want to check it out once in awhile and see whats happening.


There's just no mystery or intrigue in this game :( and again, makes me sad.

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I never once questioned that.


I said he is in the WRONG PLACE.


There are proper channels for making suggestions to the game, GENERAL DISCUSSION is the worst possible place to get that. He is trolling and wants attention, nothing more.


I put my suggestions in the best possible place to get attention: the comments section of the unsubscribe dialog.


Sadly I forgot to unsub before they charged me for 3 months, so I'm paying for this single-player game until april :(

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It's funny, but I understand where the OP is coming from and I haven't even reached End game yet or finished my BH class story. I sit down at the PC to play and its tough to log in sometimes because I felt like i have done all this before. Don't get me wrong, I love the story telling aspect with the voice overs instead of reading everything, that makes it much better but all of the quests feel familiar. I am not going anywhere right now as this is still the best MMO on the market right now and it IS Star Wars, but no matter how you look at it, I think we have all become accustomed to the standard MMO fair, Go kill this, bring back this, rinse and repeat. There is nothing in the questing or Flashpoints that isn't already in every other MMO released. I think it may just be MMO burnout, not just a particular IP burnout.


Let's hope things look brighter for the future.

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I just love the sit n wait type of crafting and in EvE I was a huge crafter.


This would be like me liking martial arts but you like Karate while I like UFC.


I don't mind the crafting style of SWTOR, but it definitely needs some improvements.


One, I'd like to know somehow that when I RE something that I have a chance to get the next level of recipe. IE. if I am going for an orange, but the orange recipe for this item doesn't exist, why should I spend hours RE'ing purples? Or do I have a chance to add an augmentation slot? If so, now I have to RE a bunch more purples to have a chance to get a new orange, which only has a chance at augmentation? (or if augments aren't possible on orange gear, switch the example out with Blue/Purple) They could really clean this up to make it easier to understand.


Two, certain crafting skills are somewhat useless since you can get most of the mods/gear through commendations or somewhere else much easier.

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Agree with everything said, Op, save the part where you wrongly said "good pvp." Not by a long shot. By far, the worst pvp I've encountered since my first mmo in 1999. This isn't to say the style or fights are bad. It's more a matter of fights being few and far between and zero world pvp whatsoever. Honestly, I had more world encounters with other players in any random hour in Rift (the game I left) than I've had the entire time since I started playing SWTOR in early access. No joke. I wish it were one, though.


This game is pretty messed up. I'm trying to stay patient and give them time to make it shine, but as the days go by and multiple patches occur in order to fix a game more broken than it already had been - it's getting harder to believe. I'll give them a little more time, as the game is young...but I can only tolerate so much. If I weren't playing with friends and an awesome guild, I would probably be gone already.


Pre 50, it's a pretty good game, even without the world pvp I require to truly be happy. I had nothing bad to say for a very long time. Enough is enough, though. Fix the game I pay to play. I don't want to leave it. But, I will. That isn't a threat. It's more of a sad admission.



I'm begging you, I really don't want to play GW2. It looks like an absolute turd. But, I will go where the pvp is.

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I agree with you evil clown or whatever you are. This game is great. The best part is IT JUST LAUNCHED PEOPLE IT WILL ONLY GET BETTER!!! did WoW have this much content at launch?


Yeah. WoW launched with about 30 instances or so. There are...17 flashpoints? And the ones in WoW were way longer, too. Good luck finishing BRD in one night. WoW had a lot more quests and leveling content, including multiple paths, so you could level on a different character and go through zones you didn't the first time. The raid content is about the same between the two...10 broken, buggy bosses each.


Seriously. It's your own fault for rushing to level 50.


Nope, it's BioWare's fault for making a game that consists only of leveling content, without much replay value since 80% of the content is the same from 1-50. Only the class quests are different. You'd think in 2012 a major game company would understand that what makes people keep paying a subscription to play an MMO is the endgame content, so they'd spend some of that $200 million giving people LOTS of stuff to do at level cap. But they didn't. And replaying the leveling content again is not "endgame content." That's what you do when you beat a single-player game. Play through it again once, and then shelve it and move on to something else.


Give it time.


Nope. That's not how the provider/subscriber model works. This is not a charity where I gift $15 a month to poor, beleaguered Electronic Arts. To help 'em out. 'Cause I'm so nice. This is where I unsubscribe because there's nothing worth paying $15/month for after I've "experienced the story."


Content will come. Bioware wont TRY to add more content. They WILL add more content.


And I'll check back in in 6-10 months and see if they have, and if it's anything worth paying for. Assuming it hasn't gone F2P by then.

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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you spend more for a pizza and a beer.


Your understanding about investment and return is limited.


What we see here is the standard for MMORPGs. You are describing first person shooters, or MMOs such as Call of Duty. This is a long term social game that develops over the course of 7 to 10 years. It is actually in great shape for such a new release.


but, and this is a HUGE but, I have a blast with my friends when i order pizza and beer on hockey night! I however am not having fun with myself or anyone in this game as it stands.

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At least in EVERY OTHER MMO I have ever played I could roll out an alt and explore other classes, see different aspects of the world and explore new areas. Here it's the same linear path, same quests, same same same.


I don't get this at all. I had to drop tons of quests on the way up due to the amount of content.


With one character i'm playing through all the normal quests on planets, Another i'm running more flashpoints and doing almost no side missions. On a 3rd i'm running the story plus heroics.


All 3 of these characters are having a vastly different playthough. Not sure how people are playing all the content on one play through without most of it being grey.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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MMo burnout.

Not game specific .

This applies to anyone who says this game is boring after 1 month of playing it.

I am 100% sure you haven't even played 50% of the content this game has and yet say it is boring.

If questing is boring then that is an mmo burnout problem since this game probably has the best leveling experience in any mmo.

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Yeah. WoW launched with about 30 instances or so. There are...17 flashpoints? And the ones in WoW were way longer, too. Good luck finishing BRD in one night. WoW had a lot more quests and leveling content, including multiple paths, so you could level on a different character




Oh please, after the 1-10 area you were doing the same content on every character, of least i was. Every quest is click accept i couldn't even choose different option during the quest, SWTOR i can.

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Oh please, after the 1-10 area you were doing the same content on every character, of least i was. Every quest is click accept i couldn't even choose different option during the quest, SWTOR i can.


No, I meant you could go through completely different areas. If you're 15-20 Alliance you can go to Westfall, or Loch Modan, or Darkshore, so 3 different characters can go through zones the others never did a single quest in. In SWTOR there is only one level-appropriate planet at a time, and you HAVE to be there for your class story quest. If you're level 37, you WILL be on Quesh, whether you like it or not.

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No, I meant you could go through completely different areas. If you're 15-20 Alliance you can go to Westfall, or Loch Modan, or Darkshore, so 3 different characters can go through zones the others never did a single quest in. In SWTOR there is only one level-appropriate planet at a time, and you HAVE to be there for your class story quest. If you're level 37, you WILL be on Quesh, whether you like it or not.


So there are only three zones in WoW for 15-20?


In TOR, Corrusant has about 4 zones each about the size Loch Modan.


You're taking about settings.

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So there are only three zones in WoW for 15-20?


In TOR, Corrusant has about 4 zones each about the size Loch Modan.


You're taking about settings.


No, I mean entirely different places you can go and different quests you can complete. In WoW I can choose to ignore Westfall entirely and level in Loch Modan instead, doing different quests with a different story to the area. In SWTOR as Republic you must go do quests in Coruscant. You are not given the option of choosing a different planet to level on with different quests to complete.


I guess you could just do the class quests you're forced to do and grind out the levels some place else, but that's not really much of a choice.

Edited by ShaftyMcShaft
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