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Top Ranked Merc Gameplay


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I'm not trolling or being rude, but are you specc'ed something other than Arsenal? As long as I don't have to watch several minutes of Tracer Missiles, I'll give it a looksy.


two things


1.) i have no idea who you are OP and have not heard of you and as a republic player not into IMPs :p


2.) this quote above is awesome lol



if you have free time come check me out in action over at http://www.iamawesomesuace.com :p

Edited by Trushott
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He ranked himself.

This guy has some Epeen issues and is desperate for some e-fame


Sorry I don't watch videos of people playing games, but I do read forums while I'm at work.


I'm still baffled how people can take something like a game so serious and think achievements online mean something,


Just have fun playing stop caring what people think. When introducting a video just say heres some gameplay comments/critique appreciated and you might not get trolled as hard.


Quick note. No One Is Jealous of a Gamer, especially if they are not being paid to play!



I feel like a hater cause sometimes I wish I can lose myself and live in a game too



While I don't support his self proclaimed fame, how is it's "just being a game" differ from any athletes, entertainer or record holder? They believe their achievements mean something along with droves of people that support them. A superbowl championship doesn't mean anything to me but it doesn't diminish the achievement as a whole even if it's "only a game".

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This troll thread is epic. Come on guys, really? He states that his rank is "official" from a thread that he created himself?? LOL yeah that should have been your first clue.


But keep posting please this is much more entertaining than work right now!

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Make sure you check your facts before you attempt a Troll job on this thread. I had simply posted this video link as a means for lesser skilled players to up their game and for professional players to get a different look. In no shape or form am I bragging or trolling this forum. Despite 90% of the thread being in support of my video it seems I'm being accused of makings alts, please, I don't have enough time in my busy schedule. If I wanted support, I would just read my video comments.


Don't take your inadequacies as a PvPer out on me or my fan base.

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Make sure you check your facts before you attempt a Troll job on this thread. I had simply posted this video link as a means for lesser skilled players to up their game and for professional players to get a different look. In no shape or form am I bragging or trolling this forum. Despite 90% of the thread being in support of my video it seems I'm being accused of makings alts, please, I don't have enough time in my busy schedule. If I wanted support, I would just read my video comments.


Don't take your inadequacies as a PvPer out on me or my fan base.



Take some the self proclaimed pvp skill and learn math! 90% really?



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Do us both a favor and try actually watching the video before making ignorant comments despite evidence to the contrary.


I remember when you posted your video of you killing a few lowbies as they were attacking a PvE object and called yourself 1337. That summed up your pro skills enough for me.

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I'm not sure if a couple of players on here are asking legitimate questions or if they are just Trolling. In either case, let me once against set some things straight.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.


2.) Several people accused me of tracer missile spam, I don't use tracer missile, these are Trolls who save my video in their favorite places and goto watch it on their own to keep this strategy guide to themselves.


3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.


4.) Nearly all opponents were lvl 50, with maybe 1-2 lvl 49s. Troll fiction being spread.


5.) I never played Rift.


6.) I'm not a Troll, but my threads attract them.

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3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.



Hate to break it to you, kiddo, but I disliked your video because it was incredibly boring and unimpressive.


Have fun living in your dream world though. I'm sure "Hey there, I have a YouTube channel of my SKILLED PVP videos in SWTOR" is a hell of a pick-up line with the ladies.

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While I fully get this is shtick and trolling, it's still pretty pitiful that someone devouts this much time to what amounts to a cry for attention from a mainly pre-teen audience.


Was funny the first time maybe, but the 50th? Meh...

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1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.

I hate to break it to you kid but valor rank isn't proof of skills in this game, all it means you have a lot of sparetime on your hands.

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