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The new hotbar darkening of abilities is confusing.


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I don't know what is wrong with the majority of people on these forums. Don't you already KNOW what skills you're going to use next? I can't be the only one who KNOWS their skills cd from playing their class for any amount of time... If the skill doesn't pop when you hit the button, guess what? Use the next one in your rotation.


and for the record as a pvp'er. i dont follow "rotations". but even if i did, the hotbar thing is terribly confusing. i have to watch the hotbars all fight instead of the screen. terrible. i dunno why this is such a hard thing to fix. use what all MMOs use and be done with it.

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Yeah, I tabbed out of the game just to complain about this one.


Yes, I do know which abilities I plan to use, and roughly when -- but I'm still generally used to keeping an eye on my hotbar to see which ones are ready and which are on CD/out of rage/etc. With this new set up, my abilities are almost always blacked out in combat, even when they're ready to go. It makes no sense, and it's super confusing.


And it's just visually annoying, as I feel it's bright to the point of being distracting. But that's more of a personal preference than the other issues.


I'm sure we'll get used to it eventually -- and will probably have to -- but I would definitely appreciate some way to turn it off or... something. (Preferably without taking the servers down for another 4 hour maintenance tonight just to fix that, lol. :/)

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This is an unwelcome change, it's completely unnecessary and I cannot understand what this change is suppose to of done, all it's done is made the corner of my eyes look at my hotbars all the time due to the silly blue colour beaming down my abilities.


Instead of being able to focus on the fight I'm now force to look at the ability bars continuously as a completely unnecessary change was made. I'm never one to reply on forums but this actually quite annoyed me when I logged on to find this change and absolutely no option to turn it off. You must of foreseen that people would dislike such a change for those who've been playing since beta and gotten use to things the way things were. So my question is, why or who the hell approved this change without an option to turn it off?


Like the person above me I actually tabbed out of the game just to write and agree with others that this is a horrible and unwelcome change!

Edited by Kuyaik
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why do they insist on reinventing the wheel everytime??


use established UI design conventions that work..


when something is on a CD, have a numerical countdown of the time left overlayed ontop of the button.


its really that simple.


I was going to say this but you said it first. If we had addons, this is exactly what an addon would do that we would use. Please just do this BW, its so so simple.

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This type of stuff is scaring me. Compare this team to RIFTS team...


at least rift got the hotbar thing right. i played that game for a few months and i dont recall be annoyed by the hotbar. as someone else posted, this is started to scare me. if they cant even get a simple thing like the hotbar done correctly... /sigh


again, please fix

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The main point is that the change to the way that hotkeys are displayed does not improve the ease of use. While there might be a few people who actually like the new change, I think that we should be given a choice as to what style of display we want to use.


Everyone plays the game a little bit differently, and the lack of customization in the UI is a serious problem.


Bioware, PLEASE learn from this. Give us the option to change things. Give us the choice to use a new display feature or not. I know you're working hard on implementing the UI customization patch, but this is NOT the way to start out.

Edited by EliteSeraph
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I patched, did a warzone, and then I promptly logged off again because I just couldn't stomach playing. I literally could not tell what ability was off cooldown until after I had waited a bit once the GCD was off, I felt as if I might actually be better off clicking then using keybinds ;)


Now, I love the game, I even don't mind the slightly clunky combat. But oh my how I absolutely loathe the UI and the way cooldowns are handled. I know someone is coming in soon to say that they are working on UI optimizations and we will get it "Soon ," but their best bet would just be to open up the UI API for customisation so that people with experience in making custom UIs in other games can dazzle us with their brilliance.


Let's face it, I have never played an MMO that allows custom UI where there hasn't been a better mod out there made by someone then the one that ships with the game.


/rant off

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no idea. it was fine and ALOT better than this we got today


I agree. I had no problems at all with the previous system. While I'm certain it could have been improved in some way, I think Bioware went a little overboard.

Edited by EliteSeraph
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Bring back the UI from before this patch and just give option to have that blue thingie on/off. This constant "grayed out" stuff is so annyoing, it really makes the game very confsuing and annyoing, affecting hugely my gameplay! Edited by grucho
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