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Episode 1 and 2 are really good movies, just because people bandwagon on the idea that it's cool to say they sucked doesn't mean they did.


Episode 3, well. yeah.



I won't be going to line up and see it, but I'm sure I'll be checking it out over the weekend or something. I remember going when I was like 10 or whatever to see it in the theater lol.


Those "good" movies have some of the worst acting I have seen. I have only been to a few movies where audience members yell out at the movie how poorly it is and Star Wars epi 1 and 2 made that list.

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I would sooner chew broken glass while setting myself on fire and singing "It's A Small World" than go see that piece of junk when it was originally released, and now they want me to look at Jar-Jar freakin' Binks in 3D?


I'd rather see a 3D video of a nude Bea Arthur singing to all the folks in the Mos Eisley cantina from the Holiday Special. :eek:


Now go on. Just try to get that image out of your head. :o

Edited by Stelakh
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forget the haters, the movie has it's flaws...it's massive, glaring flaws, but im going, not at midnight, but that following Saturday, with my family, just like i did 13 years ago in 1999 in New Jersey as a wee 6 year old. i will put on my house robe, hook a lightsaber on my belt and proudly fulfill what was literally a dream of mine years ago (that they would rerelase the movies in theaters)
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Seriously, do Prequel haters even think for themselves, or do they just provide links to their lord and savior Plinkett? The funny thing is, it's a joke review and they're all so slow they act like it's the Holy Bible. "Have you heard the word of Plinkett? Here a link." :rolleyes:


This, i saw the reviews, hell i agree with almost everything he said, he makes a lot of really good, really funny points. but i like the movies. this is a matter of opinion, this is not something where like, one's values or morality are on the line, if i like the prequels and you don't, or, for some reason, you despise them with all your being, then great, i don't give a flying crap, stop bugging me about it.

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I thought Ep 1 was fine. Some people are overly critical about things that are only meant for entertainment. To me if you sit around and over-analyze something to the point that you can find absolutely zero enjoyment in it, then there is something wrong with you, and especially if it entails wishing violence on another human being.




But really, I think the real reason so many people disliked the prequel trilogy was because they saw the originals as kids, and they expected the prequels to ignite that same awe and wonder that they felt when they were kids. It didn't, because they're not kids anymore, but rather than realize this they just assume it was because it was bad.


We can think on our own thank you, a lot of people dislike it because it sucks and they feel let down on what could have been so much more. Read the books? :cool:

Edited by Sireene
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Nope. Converted 3D is *********** garbage. I have no desire to pay 15 to 20 dollars so I can wait for the space battle and jedi fights to see the one or 2 ships and lightsabers that they made 3D, while everything else is 2D. if you really want me to care about 3D Star Wars, take the Clone Wars and 3D that. At least since it's CG the entire thing can be converted to 3D instead of only a couple of in-motion objects while ignoring the rest of the film.
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Nah. They're bad. Or mayabes' yousa' thinka' thisa' wouldsa' make ESB a better film?


I think ESB is great for what it is, TPM is great for what it is, and neither needs to borrow anything from the other because they're two different movies. If that's ok with you and Lord Plinkett, that is. I do understand that your opinions are fact and all, but I'll reserve the right to think for myself.

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I thought Ep 1 was fine. Some people are overly critical about things that are only meant for entertainment. To me if you sit around and over-analyze something to the point that you can find absolutely zero enjoyment in it, then there is something wrong with you, and especially if it entails wishing violence on another human being.




But really, I think the real reason so many people disliked the prequel trilogy was because they saw the originals as kids, and they expected the prequels to ignite that same awe and wonder that they felt when they were kids. It didn't, because they're not kids anymore, but rather than realize this they just assume it was because it was bad.


Completely agreed, BOTH trilogies have problems, the OT has just as many as the PT does, just takes not being overly defensive and biased about it.

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We can think on our own thank you, a lot of people dislike it because it sucks and they feel let down on what could have been so much more. Read the books? :cool:


The books are even worse for the most part.

The films are fine if you look at it as an entertaining movies as it should. Has they always were.

Originally Posted by HavenAE

I thought Ep 1 was fine. Some people are overly critical about things that are only meant for entertainment. To me if you sit around and over-analyze something to the point that you can find absolutely zero enjoyment in it, then there is something wrong with you, and especially if it entails wishing violence on another human being.




But really, I think the real reason so many people disliked the prequel trilogy was because they saw the originals as kids, and they expected the prequels to ignite that same awe and wonder that they felt when they were kids. It didn't, because they're not kids anymore, but rather than realize this they just assume it was because it was bad.

you are completly right. But its hard to please the fans of something great, as star wars, no matter what george do. that is the truth. I find it funny when people complain about Jar Jar, when you had Ewoks, and C3PO ( anoying as ever) Edited by Spartanik
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Episode 1 and 2 are really good movies, just because people bandwagon on the idea that it's cool to say they sucked doesn't mean they did.


Episode 3, well. yeah.



I won't be going to line up and see it, but I'm sure I'll be checking it out over the weekend or something. I remember going when I was like 10 or whatever to see it in the theater lol.



No... no bandwagon.


Us old timers HATE the prequels. Haaaaaaate.

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No because that movie was a crime against humanity and lucas deserves a savage beating over it.


If you said you liked Ep 1 something is wrong with you.




Episode 1 was actually pretty good. If they omitted the Midiclorien speech, the podrace, and some of jarjar's dialouge it'd have been perfect.

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Episode 1 was actually pretty good. If they omitted the Midiclorien speech, the podrace, and some of jarjar's dialouge it'd have been perfect.


And changed the fact that apparently a teenaged girl is smitten with/crushing on an 8 year old boy. That's just freaking creepy. :eek:


Honestly, I thought the movie was kind of meh. There were some good bits, but a lot of "***?" stuff, and some outright stupid things. They should have made Anakin the same age as Padme for one, and gotten rid of the whole "cute precocious kid blowing everyone up through sheer luck". That was just ridiculous, and really ruined a lot of the movie for me.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Episode 1 was actually pretty good. If they omitted the Midiclorien speech, the podrace, and some of jarjar's dialouge it'd have been perfect.


Except for that whole part where the plot doesn't makes a lick of sense, and all the characters are idiots who constantly do the inexplicable.

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I'm in the middle of making my costume now. I'm not quite ready to make the tunic, but my robe will be loosely based between Darth Maul's and Darth Sideous'. No way in hell am I going to make all those pleats...


Got my double-bladed lightsaber (That new $20 Darth Maul one.), and now if only I were good enough with hair to bleach mine pure white, I'd be fully in-character as my Jedi Shadow.


Would really like to see them come out with a proper fully-telescoping lightsaber that lights up as well as the Force FX ones.




I loved Episode I, and now I even have an excuse to wear a Jedi costume in public.

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I am going in my Jar Jar Binks costume and force action lightsaber.




Nope. Makes it easier to aim the sniper rifle. Jar Jars go down first, followed by Anakin's, any "Fetts," and finally, anyone from the prequels at all. We... really can't allow you folks to have kids.

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Nope. Makes it easier to aim the sniper rifle. Jar Jars go down first, followed by Anakin's, any "Fetts," and finally, anyone from the prequels at all. We... really can't allow you folks to have kids.


I think there are some kids on your lawn. You should go outside and yell at them.

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