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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Why people think GW2 will be the MMO Jesus for PvP I'm not exactly sure. I know some people who play in beta and I did not hear good things from them.



I hope they get it right but I'm not holding my breath at this point.


they are using the DAoC model which many, including myself, hail as some of the best mmo pvp to date

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Stop sitting here whining if you quit the game, then get the **** off from here and do something else. I play pvp and pve, on my 50, i level new classes, im having fun. And its a NEW MMO GAME all those have this phase in the beginning, stuff need to be processed.


If you are having SO much fun why are you here? If I liked the game I would be playing it, instead I am getting most out of what I paid because I enjoy hearing what others think about upcoming games and about PvP in SWTOR.


You go the **** away and play the game and leave us trolls alone we will be gone as soon as our cancellations kick in, I can't wait for that :)

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^^^^ some people have to work. So they go to a FANSITE to read forums.


Because GW1 was?


So anyway, what was your expectation of this game. I know exactly what I was buying beforehand, a WoW clone in space with SW logo on it filled with cut scenes and voiceovers. And i didnt even follow this game that much either. And thats fine, thats exactly what I got.


But obviously you had different expectations, so what were they? Innovative game? where did you hear this? I man you did buy a 6 mo sub (which is pretty much idiotic IMO for any new MMo) so something must of hyped you?

Edited by sheisty
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^^^^ some people have to work. So they go to a FANSITE to read forums.




So anyway, what was your expectation of this game. I know exactly what I was buying beforehand, a WoW clone in space with SW logo on it filled with cut scenes and voiceovers. And i didnt even follow this game that much either. And thats fine, thats exactly what I got.


But obviously you had different expectations, so what were they? Innovative game? where did you hear this? I man you did buy a 6 mo sub (which is pretty much idiotic IMO for any new MMo) so something must of hyped you?


I played SWG (huge fan), WoW (because NGE and I did enjoy raiding for a while), and GW (this was my main pvp game).


My expectations for this game were great leveling / story exp and epic pvp. Ok leveling was good but I was slightly let down, too few class quests and too many repeat quests.


PvP (non instanced) was main interest and BW didn't let us test LOLUM. They said they had best PvP Team and it would be "ground breaking, just wait and see what we have planned". Then I got to LOLUM and now I am here, that sums it up.

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Why people think GW2 will be the MMO Jesus for PvP I'm not exactly sure. I know some people who play in beta and I did not hear good things from them.


You mean you know friends and family of ArenaNet developers personally? Because those are the only people who've played the GW2 beta so far. The closed beta for the media is only starting this weekend. Either you're lying or the people who told you they played the beta are lying.


Unless you're talking about the Gamescom, PAX, and GSTAR demos. In which case, I'd be interested to hear what your friends think of SW:TOR PVP if they weren't satisfied with GW2's PVP, since I played the demos and was very impressed (coming from a hardcore DAoC and multiple season [s2-S8] Gladiator PVPer). Actually, I'd be interested to hear anyone who thinks SW:TOR's PVP will be better than GW2's, mainly so I can laugh at them.

Edited by CapitaFK
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I think back to another MMO that had a huge PVP following ... Age of Conan.


The game released with 750k subscriptions. Two months later they barely had half that number.


Why? Because of PVP issues mostly. One zone to level to max level in and massive pvp that was so laggy as to be undoable.


As for this game, the PVP is just one grade above the AoC mess.


For now it has my attention. But just barely. I seldom play as long as I originally expected to play each day. Since many of the HM take more than a few hours to run and Operations are a bit out of the question currently, the only thing I can do in the course of a normal work day is do space missions, PVP dailies, and the Ilum / Belsavis dailies.


So in 3 hours I am usually done.


But I am also beyond level 60 so when I get my full battlemaster gear, that is the end of my pvp dailies. At that point I will be down to playing just an hour a day to do dailies.


Once I reach that point there is a good chance I won't stay. The dailies are there to earn money and legacy. I have plenty of money but the legacy numbers I will need once this kicks in is in some doubt.


For a game I thought I would be playing for at least a year, I am starting to wonder if I will even last another month.

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I think back to another MMO that had a huge PVP following ... Age of Conan.


The game released with 750k subscriptions. Two months later they barely had half that number.


Why? Because of PVP issues mostly. One zone to level to max level in and massive pvp that was so laggy as to be undoable.


As for this game, the PVP is just one grade above the AoC mess.


For now it has my attention. But just barely. I seldom play as long as I originally expected to play each day. Since many of the HM take more than a few hours to run and Operations are a bit out of the question currently, the only thing I can do in the course of a normal work day is do space missions, PVP dailies, and the Ilum / Belsavis dailies.


So in 3 hours I am usually done.


But I am also beyond level 60 so when I get my full battlemaster gear, that is the end of my pvp dailies. At that point I will be down to playing just an hour a day to do dailies.


Once I reach that point there is a good chance I won't stay. The dailies are there to earn money and legacy. I have plenty of money but the legacy numbers I will need once this kicks in is in some doubt.


For a game I thought I would be playing for at least a year, I am starting to wonder if I will even last another month.


Agreed SWTOR is the next AoC

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I'm enjoying pvp with my guild mates. I'm in no hurry to get BM gear, 58valor atm, I figure it will come. I don't kill my self doing dailies any more, if there's a fight in ilum I will do my daily, I always get my WZ daily done but that's cause I'm still having fun in WZs with friends.


I'm trying to get a tatooine OWPVP event going we'll see how that goes.


Truthfully I would love to see some attack-able bases or more objective based OWPVP, they kinda had something but then broke it worse with ilum, I want some kind of objective back in ilum, not just kill each other for no reason other then dailies.


I'm lucky I think in that every teus there is a large battle in ilum so I can finish my weekly/daily that day every time. I wont pick up those boxes...


Also what else is there to play? Tera is crap, Asian grinder/non-interactive kill quests, the combat system is cool, but the grind reminds me to much of wow, and I'm not going to force myself through the crappy content just to play the combat system. Not to mention there's no stealth class, no real pet class, which are the only 2 archetypes I enjoy.


As far as GW2 goes, yeh I'm looking forward to it as well, but I'm really hoping 1.2 comes out blows everyone away and people will play both, cause I do genuinely like this game

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I think back to another MMO that had a huge PVP following ... Age of Conan.


The game released with 750k subscriptions. Two months later they barely had half that number.


Why? Because of PVP issues mostly. One zone to level to max level in and massive pvp that was so laggy as to be undoable.


As for this game, the PVP is just one grade above the AoC mess.


For now it has my attention. But just barely. I seldom play as long as I originally expected to play each day. Since many of the HM take more than a few hours to run and Operations are a bit out of the question currently, the only thing I can do in the course of a normal work day is do space missions, PVP dailies, and the Ilum / Belsavis dailies.


So in 3 hours I am usually done.


But I am also beyond level 60 so when I get my full battlemaster gear, that is the end of my pvp dailies. At that point I will be down to playing just an hour a day to do dailies.


Once I reach that point there is a good chance I won't stay. The dailies are there to earn money and legacy. I have plenty of money but the legacy numbers I will need once this kicks in is in some doubt.


For a game I thought I would be playing for at least a year, I am starting to wonder if I will even last another month.


It wasnt anything to do with pvp issues. That game failed due to instability and them releasing a unfinished product. PvP was great in aoc If it wasnt for the lack of content which created a huge grind gap to lvl and the many many bugs it would have kept doing well. Instead they took to long to fix those issues quickly then to piss on the players who stuck to the game they wiped all our previous pvp kills and added the new pvp system.

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^^^^ some people have to work. So they go to a FANSITE to read forums.




So anyway, what was your expectation of this game. I know exactly what I was buying beforehand, a WoW clone in space with SW logo on it filled with cut scenes and voiceovers. And i didnt even follow this game that much either. And thats fine, thats exactly what I got.


But obviously you had different expectations, so what were they? Innovative game? where did you hear this? I man you did buy a 6 mo sub (which is pretty much idiotic IMO for any new MMo) so something must of hyped you?


See this is the big thing, I didn't follow this game at all. I even bad mouthed it a good amount because I thought it was gonna be lame. I like star wars but I'm not a huge fan, and BW made some good games but again I wasn't really planning on playing it.


But low an behold here I am and I do enjoy it, I think it has a lot to do with my guild being good and enjoying hanging out with them more then anything else these days since really there's not a ton to do at 50, but I think people that were expecting more from then game are disappointed.


This is why im kinda scared to be too excited for GW2 :(

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See this is the big thing, I didn't follow this game at all. I even bad mouthed it a good amount because I thought it was gonna be lame. I like star wars but I'm not a huge fan, and BW made some good games but again I wasn't really planning on playing it.


But low an behold here I am and I do enjoy it, I think it has a lot to do with my guild being good and enjoying hanging out with them more then anything else these days since really there's not a ton to do at 50, but I think people that were expecting more from then game are disappointed.


This is why im kinda scared to be too excited for GW2 :(


I think it is ok to be excited for GW2


1. GW1 was awesome

2. They are trying new things like no quests and random events

3. Objective PvP not boring SWTOR WZs or LOLUM


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I really enjoyed the PvP while leveling up. I'm leveling an additional character to 50 doing WZ/Class Story only to see if they can get their house in order before that character caps.


If they do I could be around long term and probably even maintain my sub past GW2 release. If they don't at least I enjoyed the PvP/Stories for quite awhile leveling up and don't feel like I flushed $60+ down the toilet.

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Let me put it to you this way OP


You don't like this game


You say you don't want to pay for this


PvP is not up to your standards


You feel that WoW does things better


You also are discouraged that you paid so much money and arent satisfied.




You are posting on game forums of a game you don't like, and clearly checking back to see what everyone else thinks.... WHY? Why do you care? Just go do something with your life and stop adding those useless, nonconstructive few KBs of data to the internet every time you post.

Edited by Darthmalzar
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2 pieces from full champ gear and 5 levels to Valor 60. Once I get there, then I'll do my daily Illum and then play an alt. I find the story lines very entertaining and the alts keep me interested. I'll just keep playing the alts and leveling them up until PVP sees some changes.


I agree that PVP needs more "oomph" to make it a constant enjoyment. The pre-50 WZ are fun just because it seems like skill matters more than playing as a newly minted 50 in the level 50 WZ.

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Let me put it to you this way OP


You don't like this game


You say you don't want to pay for this


PvP is not up to your standards


You feel that WoW does things better


You also are discouraged that you paid so much money and arent satisfied.




You are posting on game forums of a game you don't like, and clearly checking back to see what everyone else thinks.... WHY? Why do you care? Just go do something with your life and stop adding those useless, nonconstructive few KBs of data to the internet every time you post.


Because it comforts me to hear others have similar issues w/game and I am not playing any other game and find forums entertaining, do I need a reason??? *** go play your game and let us QQ!!!

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


People like this make me laugh. The question isn't why are you still here. The people that are still here either a) like the game b) want the game to be somethign it isn't.


You're b). A lot of the people raging on here are b). This game isn't a pvp game. If you thought for a second that this was a pvp MMO then you deserve to be frustrated and you look like an *** making posts like these. You paid for a 6 mo subscription to a game that was built in a platform of fully-voice acted story arcs meant to provide an immerse pve experience. The game launched with some pvp gear and a few warzone matches, and you expected this to offer some intensely competitive and structured pvp concepts? Lol? Someone lend me a couple hands so I can give this fellow 4 thumbs up.

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Comon now. They are introducing RANKED warzones soon. There is a whole planet dedicated (in design at least) to pvp. There is not one but three tiers of pvp armor already. There are more warzones coming and one that is almost ready for release.


Taking all that into account I dont see how you can fault people for expecting more from their swtor pvp experience?


I mean sure, this is just an example of bioware trying to reign in as many people as possible, but they are the ones trying to tackle such ambitions and you cannot fairly ostracize people for critiquing the implementation..... i mean is there something im missing? Seems to me as much or similar amount of time is being put into endgame pvp development as is endgame operation development. We have confirmation of new warzone already, but no confirmation of new operations.

Edited by Tallymon
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I mean sure, this is just an example of game designers trying to reign in as many people as possible, but they are the ones trying to tackle such ambitions and you cannot fairly ostracize people for critiquing their implementation.


And that is the main problem nowadays. To get as many people as possible to pay, i.e. to get the most money out of it. There were times when people released games that were fun, because they were made by people who wanted others to have fun in their games. Today I am quite sure the people coding those games do not even play them.

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The main flaw is it's a phased festival of safe zones....i know you will hate my referencing but where's my stormwind to raid? where's my orgrimmar? we need city's to raid achievements to gain things that make players want to go out not silly phasing ilum and 3 warzones 2 of which if your imperial you wont get to see.
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