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Remove the animation-based ability delays on abilities like Force Wave


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Force Wave feels like it is supposed to be a clutch, reactionary knock-back ability. However, due its inconceivably awful animation-based delay, Force Wave is instead an incredibly awkward, unreliable, inaccurate ability. You can't knock people back accurately in fast-moving PvP. You can't interrupt even moderate-cast time abilities because of the hidden two second cast time. It's awful.


The ability delay caused by the huge wind-up animation needs to be removed on tons of abilities in this game (Mortor Volley is another glaring offender), but priority should be given to abilities with knock-backs and interrupts. As it is right now, an unreliable "instant" like this contributes to the feeling of non-responsive combat in this game. Plus, your "instant" ability can get interrupted!


Fix. These. Abilities. The animation-based delay serves no purpose except to lower the skill-cap of the game by making important abilities unreliable.

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Force Wave feels like it is supposed to be a clutch, reactionary knock-back ability. However, due its inconceivably awful animation-based delay, Force Wave is instead an incredibly awkward, unreliable, inaccurate ability. You can't knock people back accurately in fast-moving PvP. You can't interrupt even moderate-cast time abilities because of the hidden two second cast time. It's awful.


The ability delay caused by the huge wind-up animation needs to be removed on tons of abilities in this game (Mortor Volley is another glaring offender), but priority should be given to abilities with knock-backs and interrupts. As it is right now, an unreliable "instant" like this contributes to the feeling of non-responsive combat in this game. Plus, your "instant" ability can get interrupted!


Fix. These. Abilities. The animation-based delay serves no purpose except to lower the skill-cap of the game by making important abilities unreliable.


Nah, they should just add a 2 sec animation for sorcs too.;) Or do they already have it cause it sure seems instant to me.

Edited by Dayshadow
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I believe the delay is intentional; one of the many reasons why I cancelled. Whenever I finish a heal I have to wait for the animation to finish before the numbers register. If I move when the activation timer is 0.00 it's technically 'not done'. Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Except that the Knight's knockback is both "more instant" and a much further effect.


its not a aoe tho.


its already easy enough for a sorc to position for a knockback with force speed, if it was instant it would be pretty op. But yeah this spell need some love.

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its not a aoe tho.


its already easy enough for a sorc to position for a knockback with force speed, if it was instant it would be pretty op. But yeah this spell need some love.


Honestly, I'm unconvinced by Balance arguments.


Say you're right, and the ability proves to be overpowered if you can actually use it correctly. The solution is to properly nerf the ability (less targets hit, only knocks back main target, actually has a true cast bar), NOT to make the ability unreliable and impossible to use.


As it stands right now, the ability's area of effect is based on where you were WHEN THE CAST STARTED not where you are when the ACTION HAPPENS. It's more than just an "animation" problem, it's an ability that's fundamentally at odds with the game's design of having "cinematic combat".


Though for the record, I think that "cinematic combat" remains the single worst design choice I have ever seen made in an MMO, because it ruins input responsiveness and reduces skill-cap by causing large delays between button presses and actions.

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Except that the Knight's knockback is both "more instant" and a much further effect.


its actually not that instant... it seems about on-par with force knockback, except it has triple the cooldown and its only single target


force push only knocks the target further and down for 2 seconds, it now also resets the cooldown on force leap


honestly rather have aoe KB



also side note* merc/commandos have the pure instant knockback...

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Honestly, I'm unconvinced by Balance arguments.


Say you're right, and the ability proves to be overpowered if you can actually use it correctly. The solution is to properly nerf the ability (less targets hit, only knocks back main target, actually has a true cast bar), NOT to make the ability unreliable and impossible to use.


As it stands right now, the ability's area of effect is based on where you were WHEN THE CAST STARTED not where you are when the ACTION HAPPENS. It's more than just an "animation" problem, it's an ability that's fundamentally at odds with the game's design of having "cinematic combat".


Though for the record, I think that "cinematic combat" remains the single worst design choice I have ever seen made in an MMO, because it ruins input responsiveness and reduces skill-cap by causing large delays between button presses and actions.


i know that this ability lack fluidity, but it still shouldn't be instant.

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If it has a cast timer and both classes have the same "delay" it should stay.


But then you have the laughable difference between the Trooper's "Mortar Volley" and the Bounty Hunters opposite. Now that is a wonderful example of a delay difference that shouldn't be there (The last time I played my trooper):


Mortar Volley's shots are divided into three damage "payloads" and is delivered at a laughable rate.


The first 1.5 seconds is devoted to the "readying" animation, a single shot is fired after that. 1.5 seconds later (The end of the channeling time) a second shot is fired and finally after 1.5 more seconds (1.5 seconds AFTER the channel time) the final shot is fired.


The Bounty Hunter's equivalent of this ability does not have that 1.5 second delay before the first shot so it's actually finished as soon as the channel is completed.

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wait. did some newcomers JUST start talking about the ability delay? even though there are thousands of comments on it already, multiple 200+ page threads, and even multiple stickies and BW replies and communication on the issue?


please tell me thats not what just happened.

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wait. did some newcomers JUST start talking about the ability delay? even though there are thousands of comments on it already, multiple 200+ page threads, and even multiple stickies and BW replies and communication on the issue?


please tell me thats not what just happened.


That isn't what happened. He means the delay between using the instant sage knockback, and it actually happening due to them levitating and then firing it off.

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