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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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Sorcs are the strongest..and the weakest..


Points for being strong:


1) Self healing, we can keep ourselves alive through alot.

2) Burst DPS output from lightning rivals the best DPS.

3) Utility, we can move anyone on our team to us. We can sprint, and we can dominate things like huttball easily.

4) Our CC/Stun/Interrupt are all relatively strong.


Points for being weak:


1) We die the fastest of any class, because we have light armor and the lowest base HP of any class.

2) We have no reliable way to get multiple people off of us, once overload is used it's game over.

3) We are incredibly susceptible to interrupts, marauders particularly with their 6 second interrupt makes them ideal to complete shut down a healer or DPS sorcs main abilities.

4) We have the lowest stat bonuses (as far as endurance goes) on PvP and PvE gear. Don't believe me? Go compare it with any class, you can easily look up the stats on the vendors.



Point and case, we are glass cannons. Yes we might seem overpowered, but the people who say 'if you can't handle a sorc l2p' are fairly accurate. If left alone we can decide a fight completely on our own, regardless of spec. Handled appropriately we are an easy target.


Alternatively I believe it's a side-case of 'when the weapons in the right hands' I have seen incredible players of all classes. A good player can make any class seem 'OP'.

Edited by Poac
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Another "Sorcs/Sages are immortal, insta-heals for 100% health and has no cooldown on cc:s" thread. Fantastic story. Not true though.


There are several classes that wreck Sages/Sorcerers, most of them melee. In fact, any melee class that gets to do their business on a Sage/Sorc will destroy them and most ranged as well. It's true, they have a lot of control and abilities such as shield and sprint. That's because if they didn't, they would die. Try it yourself. Force Lightning-tank a melee class and see what happens. I dare you.


I have yet to be able to flee from a properly spec:ed and well-played Marauder for instance. I can evade him for a while, but every gap-closer and snare he has is on shorter cooldown then my knockback and stun. Every. One. That is no coincidence. They are supposed to be able to get to me, but I should at least be able to defend myself from it, right?

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I think the trouble is, people can't differentiate between the various specs of the sorc. They see a Sorc who is full corruption and heals himself up and others and see 300k+ Warzones. Then, they come across a madness/lightning Hybrid who gets 300k+ DPS. They get killed by large DPS etc.
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this post reminds me of the overpowered mage crys in rift hell, yeah pyro mage was well over the top and yep they nerfed em then they screamed elementist mage spec was over pwoered so on and so on what happened they nerfed all specs what happened the mage became useless and unplayable now lets not get started on warlock in wow.


developers if u wanna listen to this bull go ahead and lose subs simple really.


an assasin and operative even after there nerf will own a sorc if he has blown any helpfull cc cool downs and his static shield will go bye bye in one hit of 2k.

Edited by anrus
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I think the trouble is, people can't differentiate between the various specs of the sorc. They see a Sorc who is full corruption and heals himself up and others and see 300k+ Warzones. Then, they come across a madness/lightning Hybrid who gets 300k+ DPS. They get killed by large DPS etc.


That may very well be the problem, coupled with the fact that people don't realize that the Sorcerer/Sage have a steady DPS. If you let them go about their business, they do a lot of damage over time. But if you harass and disrupt them, forcing them to move/defend themselves, their output drops significantly.


TL;DR: Force them to move and you won't see them pull off those numbers.

Edited by jizerai
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Wrong. It doesnt bypass at all. The only things that bypass armour are affliction (18sec DOT for like 100-200 a tick) crushing darkness (will hit for about 1000-2000 over 6 seconds and has a 15 second cooldown) death field (have to spec into it, click and place aoe will hit three people, 15 second cooldown) creeping terror (31pts talent 1000-2000 over 18seconds) and thundering blast (another 31pts talents) The most anyone can have is 4.


So no where near every spell..... Now lets think, you have this really easy to research infomation very very wrong (which damage type bypass armour is in everyones tooltip) could everything else in your post be based on assumption and incorrect information. Oh it is no need to actually go over all your wrong points.


Minor correction: Crushing Darkness/Mind Crush is classified as energy/kinetic damage and is fully mitigated by armor. As stated before this leaves 2, 31 point talents and a Balance/Madness aoe talent that you really only use to apply a debuff. Affliction/Weaken Mind is the only class ability that does internal damage and is not affected by specs.

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Minor correction: Crushing Darkness/Mind Crush is classified as energy/kinetic damage and is fully mitigated by armor. As stated before this leaves 2, 31 point talents and a Balance/Madness aoe talent that you really only use to apply a debuff. Affliction/Weaken Mind is the only class ability that does internal damage and is not affected by specs.


I disagree. That AoE ability regularly does 2.5-3.5k damage on crits. That's not peanuts for an instant ability in my book. But yes, you're right about mitigation. There's 2 abilities that isn't affected by it (as much.. most people will have at least 10% from the buff).

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Sage/Sorcs go down pretty easy from Assassin/Shadows. Every class has counters. (ignoring the fact that if theres 4 of them its going to be hard to take 1 of them down unless theyre all blind).


Any sort of stealth class is probably going to destroy them, I know I can.

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I disagree. That AoE ability regularly does 2.5-3.5k damage on crits. That's not peanuts for an instant ability in my book. But yes, you're right about mitigation. There's 2 abilities that isn't affected by it (as much.. most people will have at least 10% from the buff).


It surely isn't peanuts but also not something that you can reliably use to DPS and considering its purpose and damage type, rightfully so.

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For those of you who are already jumping on the "you suck, Sage/Sorc are fine" bandwagon, I'm not talking about raw healing or raw damage. I'm talking about the whole package. They have far more utility than any single class has any business having.


Ur just playing agasint the good players, when it comes down to it, i can probably faceroll you with all classes, and u can whine about all the classes, " funny thing is, ppl mention 4-5 sorcerers??? have u ever experienced 4-5 operatives?? they will kill the sorcerers faster than u can say nerf? THIS GAME IS A TACTICAL GAME and if u roamed with ****players to bad. WE Sages just gotta accept that a Assasin tank can faceroll os, an operative can faceroll us, a bounthunter can faceroll us if we have no poles or corners to kite on, a sniper can faceroll us, if we have no corners or poles to dance on, SO QUIT UR DAMN NERFBAT THREADS jesus christ.


PLAY A SAGE and get tunneled by marauders/juggernauts ggg... or force pushed out the bridge in the Void, all maps have their + - for each class.

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Any sort of stealth class is probably going to destroy them, I know I can.


Operative here (the other stealth class):


Pre Operative nerf: about 50-50. After nerf: No way.


Bubble mitigates all the opening burst, and then its like smacking a wet noodle at them until they just kite us to death. No gap closer, no sprint, no knockbacks or pull.




But then again, the Sorcs and Sages is who got us nerfed in the first place. They cried cuz we attacked them when they didn't have their bubble on. Booo-hooo.

Edited by Lushbits
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And your obviously a new 50.


And you will obviously ragequit when a nerf hits sorcs.


Btw: I've a sorc myself, and before you ask, yes Lvl 50 and Yes Valor 45 and no not full equipped, 1 Champion rest orange Items with epics in it.


I've a Merc too, but since i play a sorc i can feel that the Force is strong in me, or sorcs are a bit overpowered. I also feel a little bit forced to play a sorc till they finally gonna do something against all those Hybrid specs.


Take the best out of every Tree, sorcs can, but no other class can.

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Say what you will NO class should be able to pump out 350k Dps and heal at all. But, you see it all day everyday 350k damage 150k healing. Yes I know the hordes of posters need to l2p..


Well if you leave someone freecasting for an entire wz you deserve to be AOEd down

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Say what you will NO class should be able to pump out 350k Dps and heal at all. But, you see it all day everyday 350k damage 150k healing. Yes I know the hordes of posters need to l2p..


Yeah, it really is a L2P issue as someone who has little interest (quitting the game).


Sorry, throwing out random numbers and then acting incredulous doesn't change that.

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Yeah, it really is a L2P issue as someone who has little interest (quitting the game).


Sorry, throwing out random numbers and then acting incredulous doesn't change that.


Ok how about this sorc http://twitch.tv/calebbb


Watch videos.


I found one like 600 k damage and 150 k healing on Alderaan civil war (not Voidstar LMAO).


Quite boring to watch purple colour hutrs eyes.

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Ur just playing agasint the good players, when it comes down to it, i can probably faceroll you with all classes, and u can whine about all the classes, " funny thing is, ppl mention 4-5 sorcerers??? have u ever experienced 4-5 operatives?? they will kill the sorcerers faster than u can say nerf? THIS GAME IS A TACTICAL GAME and if u roamed with ****players to bad. WE Sages just gotta accept that a Assasin tank can faceroll os, an operative can faceroll us, a bounthunter can faceroll us if we have no poles or corners to kite on, a sniper can faceroll us, if we have no corners or poles to dance on, SO QUIT UR DAMN NERFBAT THREADS jesus christ.


PLAY A SAGE and get tunneled by marauders/juggernauts ggg... or force pushed out the bridge in the Void, all maps have their + - for each class.


People mention 4-5 Sorcerers because there are 4-5+ Sorcerers IN EVERY WZ.


People are re-rolling the obviously OP classes, which on the Imp side are Powertech/Sorc.

There are already screenshots popping up of 100% Sorc/BH WZ's for F's sake.

Edited by DizzD
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I can somwhat buy class envy, but when we are talking mirror classes with some animation differences -- to say the sorc > sage and BH > trooper are both silly. I will say force lightning is cooler than pebble throw, and death from above is cooler than the barage troopers have, but i think that is where the "advantage" ends.

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Say what you will NO class should be able to pump out 350k Dps and heal at all. But, you see it all day everyday 350k damage 150k healing. Yes I know the hordes of posters need to l2p..


You realize they are not really "healing" anyone? Their bubbles count as healing. It is an odd mechanic scoring wise, one would think those would be defense points.

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I can somwhat buy class envy, but when we are talking mirror classes with some animation differences -- to say the sorc > sage and BH > trooper are both silly. I will say force lightning is cooler than pebble throw, and death from above is cooler than the barage troopers have, but i think that is where the "advantage" ends.



Dude, you really have no clue....The is animation delay.. It is a known problem... When you pop project it does not do damage until AFTER the animation is done, it is not a truly instant ability, where as the sith sides does, because its ability does not have the long animation.

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