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Everything posted by AmigoSalsa

  1. Ich spiele nicht auf Marken, da ich auf jedem Slot Battlemaster-Gear habe. Die Szenen stammen wie gesagt aus zwei Matches, vom dem eins gewonnen und eins verloren wurde. Jeder weiss, sobald der Gegner 2-0 vorne liegt leaven die Leute und man hat im Prinzip keine Chance mehr zu gewinnen (wenn man solo queued), da immer neue nach joinen. Im Winner-WZ hab ich zwei oder drei mal gescored, wird aber nicht gezeigt. Dieses Video stellt nirgends objective-play dar, da es kurze cutscenes sind. Zu null Action kann ich nur sagen das der Sorcerer eben so gespielt wird, safety first! Würde mich allerdings mal interessieren welche Klasse Du spielst. Ich wäre dir auch sehr dankbar wenn du mir eine Location sagst in der openpvp getätigt wird, damit meine ich aber nicht dieses wo man vor der Rep base steht und alle 5 sekunden auf den gruppenbuff drueckt, ich nehme an du haelst dich dort hauptsaechlich auf.
  2. da es ausschnitte aus ca 33 minuten videomaterial sind, ist demnach nicht alles zu sehen.
  3. Well, i enjoy watching sorc videos, to see how other people play. maybe i get some input to improve my play and/or i get some other spec ideas. yeah you got it, it is the class design. this class relies on forcelightning procs, especially when you are hybrid (not heal though). so how are you supposed to play it in an other way unless you want to gimp yourself. madness is quite strong aswell but not entertaining, at least for me. i played a warrior in wow from vanilla to tft, so dont tell me anything about faceroll stuff. i didnt count this as a personal attack, because i never claimed to be pro. i didnt cut the video to look like a superhero. yeah, sorc is quite easy to play and you shine early, but there is more to this class than FL-spam as you tried to show off in your link. i saw this vid earlier and against any decent player you cant pull this **** off. may i ask what class you play, sir?
  4. Ich hab leider keinen Sith-Krieger, sonst würde ich mich darauf einlassen
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iQxVG5piT8 Paar Huttball-cutscenes aus zwei verschiedenen matches ohne ausgefallenes Editing, enjoy.
  6. ty for your opinion the lack of objective play is because these are cutscenes and im solo queueing, i did score a few times, but only showed 1 score i think. i jumped because its quite hard to fight against 2 or 3 guys unless they are that kind of players which you see in the first scene
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iQxVG5piT8 Just some cutscenes from two different huttball matches without the fancy editing, enjoy
  8. funny that this comes up again http://youtu.be/-PleGHSMFag
  9. yeah, they get that on top of the damage reduce from their armor. basically he gets about 30% reduce from armor itself (kinetic and energy), a quite fair amount i'd say. when a vanguard pops his defensive cooldowns my FL ticks for about 220, which is okay for me.
  10. quite high i guess, but what has this to do with the question of this post?
  11. well basically, its the link you get when you click on "share" on the youtube video page but here i copied the link directly out of the hyperlinkbar for you, maybe it looks more legit for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PleGHSMFag
  12. dunno if someone already posted a video about this. anyway, here is one video i just made that shows if armor does mitigate force lightning (energy attack) http://youtu.be/-PleGHSMFag
  13. No, i believe he doesnt, because this screenshot was made before lvl 50 players became their own bracket (rakata medpack got a new icon now). this dmg / death ratio was quite easy when a couple of sub 50 were in the warzone.
  14. Yeah, there are no extra symbols for advanced classes, people need to keep that in mind when QQing. When you see 6 lightning symbols, i bet there are at least 3 of them assassins. applies also to the republic counterparts and other classes.
  15. Are you aware of the fact that assassins and sorcs have the same class symbol ? just asking.
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