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Shadow PvP.. I'm such a bad person.


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I've been PvPing for the past few levels on my Shadow and wow... It's so much fun just ruining peoples day.


The utility that a Shadow gets is so much fun to play with, stealthing and picking when you want to fight, who you want to fight and on what terms is unbelievably fun... Picking off stragglers running to the heal node..


In Void Star Shadows are the most annoying class in my opinion and I have so much fun trying to be as annoying as i can possibly be...


Anyone else finding a Shadow to be one of the funnest classes to play in PvP?


Views pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Stealth right on the edge over the reactor core. Pull someone running across the bridge, /wave as they fall do their death.


Pull, Spin Kick and Punt is fun too.


There is always that lolCasterlol cooldown you can pop to watch "Resist" "Resist" "Resist" "Resist" fly across the screen as the sorc pops every CC he has, double points for Ops popping on you in the middle of this CD.

Edited by Hethroin
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As a shadow tank who occasionally dabbles in pvp, I do enjoy being that annoying guy who refuses to die and just has to be around at the wrong time for the enemy. Even without a single bit of pvp gear (I didn't start until I was 50 and I only play maybe 1-5 warzones in a given day so gear buildup has been....very slow.)


Be it on Alderaan where I can make my team take much less damage. Be it on voidstar where you can be that guy who ghosts about a door on defense or gets into the thick of things around one door then force cloaks out to the other while nobody is paying attention. And even in huttball when forcepull is used to pull ball cariers into the fire or acid or just away from the goal line at the last second. *warm fuzzy feelings*


And in general watching as large scuffles break out then stealthing int and taking objectives when everyone is too focused on killing one another. That moment when they all swivel after the bomb announcement or the turret change....priceless.


The class and spec has always felt right to me. Now if I could just get a little more damage output via some gear, I may actually be more than just an annoyance. *chuckles*

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I support this thread.


As balance I don't even need stealth anymore (pre 50 that is) I can just run around AOE and rock tossing + instant dotting = dead imps everywhere!


Unless I am focused by a premade group I am pretty much always #1.


and I am not very good, Just better then your average pug WZ Qer

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Just mazed a guy holding right on Aldy, capped the turret, went back into stealth. He broke the mezz and went back to guarding. Took him 75 seconds to realize that the turret was capped. Finally starts to recap annnnd...back into the maze. Edited by Raja_Asenn
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I love how in Alderaan I can run into a full set of IMPs at a cap, and keep them so busy fighting me that my team can grab one of the others from under their nose. LOL


I'm afraid the 50 set isn't gonna be as much fun as I had 10-49. :(

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Wow...so many things.


1. Voidstar:

1a. From the side near the bridges in Voidstar - Force Pull/Spinning Kick/Force Wave, then /wave to the Bad Man falling to his death.

1b. Stealth door bombing...people usually in the prematch say "Stealth right, everyone else left" or something similar...I go with the "everyone else" crowd. Bad Men guarding the door see the "everyone else" coming, go out to meet them, I stealth around and cap right behind them, while they're fighting. Works 50% of the time.

1c. Bad Guy healers like to hang out up on the ledge and heal with impunity...not with Force Pull and me around. Pull that sucker right down into the middle of your melee zergball, watch how fast he dies!


2. Hutball:

2a. Force Speed out the gate, down to the edge of the first acid pit, stealth up...and wait. Bad Man grabs the ball, Force Pull/Stun/DPS spam FTW. Works EVERY time.

2b. Force Wave into acid or fire, stun.

2c. Bad Man in the pit tries to get to the speed buff because you've wailed on him too much/made him sad...Force Speed to run past him and get the speed buff, then circle strafe him to death at 2x speed. If he goes for the health buff, run ahead of him, Force Wave, get health buff, then /laugh

2d. Play GOALIE! Bad Man comes with the ball towards your end zone, Force Pull him up to the ledge.

2e. Play GOALIE vers. 2! Hang out on the last bridges by your goal line, Bad Man brings the ball down one of the ramps, run up the one next to it, jump off and Force Pull while you're in the air, then 1v1 him...see 2c. above.


3. Alerdaan:

3a. Guard left solo the whole match, stay alive even with 3+ Bad Guys until help arrives (KC build), tickling anyone who tries to cap.

3b. Sit there in stealth, wait til someone comes up to cap, mezz

3c. If someone is with you, /guard them then stealth...Good Guy always gets the Bad Man aggro, who don't realize that he's guarded because they didn't see you when they got there..."Blue bubble? Wuzzat? Must be a Sage."

3d. Bad Man runs for expertise buff/health buff...nope, don't think so buddy. Force Pull, Force Speed, MY buff.

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Wow...so many things.


1. Voidstar:

1a. From the side near the bridges in Voidstar - Force Pull/Spinning Kick/Force Wave, then /wave to the Bad Man falling to his death.

1b. Stealth door bombing...people usually in the prematch say "Stealth right, everyone else left" or something similar...I go with the "everyone else" crowd. Bad Men guarding the door see the "everyone else" coming, go out to meet them, I stealth around and cap right behind them, while they're fighting. Works 50% of the time.

1c. Bad Guy healers like to hang out up on the ledge and heal with impunity...not with Force Pull and me around. Pull that sucker right down into the middle of your melee zergball, watch how fast he dies!


2. Hutball:

2a. Force Speed out the gate, down to the edge of the first acid pit, stealth up...and wait. Bad Man grabs the ball, Force Pull/Stun/DPS spam FTW. Works EVERY time.

2b. Force Wave into acid or fire, stun.

2c. Bad Man in the pit tries to get to the speed buff because you've wailed on him too much/made him sad...Force Speed to run past him and get the speed buff, then circle strafe him to death at 2x speed. If he goes for the health buff, run ahead of him, Force Wave, get health buff, then /laugh

2d. Play GOALIE! Bad Man comes with the ball towards your end zone, Force Pull him up to the ledge.

2e. Play GOALIE vers. 2! Hang out on the last bridges by your goal line, Bad Man brings the ball down one of the ramps, run up the one next to it, jump off and Force Pull while you're in the air, then 1v1 him...see 2c. above.


3. Alerdaan:

3a. Guard left solo the whole match, stay alive even with 3+ Bad Guys until help arrives (KC build), tickling anyone who tries to cap.

3b. Sit there in stealth, wait til someone comes up to cap, mezz

3c. If someone is with you, /guard them then stealth...Good Guy always gets the Bad Man aggro, who don't realize that he's guarded because they didn't see you when they got there..."Blue bubble? Wuzzat? Must be a Sage."

3d. Bad Man runs for expertise buff/health buff...nope, don't think so buddy. Force Pull, Force Speed, MY buff.


I do/did most of that grip/stun steal buff as a vanguard but instead of sprinting past them i waddle waddled past them.. so i made a shadow i'm going to try get to 50 aswell now >_>

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Anyone else finding a Shadow to be one of the funnest classes to play in PvP?


Amazingly fun PvP class. Just love the versatility, durability and DPS output of my Shadow tank. He wrecks faces.


If you like Stealth in WZs, you really should visit Ilum. So fun to stir the Imp hornet's nest and get the whole zerg chasing you around the map for picking off stragglers and constantly flipping the Imp base turrets.

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Shadows are incredibly good at capping the left or right turrets if they only leave one defender.


No need to waste time killing them, allowing reinforcements a chance to arrive (depending on how sturdy the defender is).


You Mind Maze, start to cap. If their cc breaker is on cooldown...you get it.


If it's not they break the maze and interupt, you hit resilience (incase they dotted you) and force cloak, then (because unlike the scoundrel/ops from stealth cc ours doesn't fill up their resolve) Mind Maze again.


Cap the turret, job done.

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Forgot to mention the 'Stealthy Sprint of Death'.


On Voidstar, in the second room, if you get killed before the bridges extend, you'll respawn on the other side.


Go into stealth, wait for a bridge to extend ..... then force sprint into the middle of the red mob of bad guys that always, always thinks it's clever to rush to the door.


With your speed boost you'll usually get into the middle of them before they get across. They never see you coming.



Force wave, and watch those imps fly to their deaths!


I often get two-three this way. Mind you, I usually die shortly after this as the ones follow behind stun and push me of the bridge/gank me to death.


But it's worth if for that initial killing spree.

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