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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What made YOU play an Assassin


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I choose after looking at the madness tree, as a lock than later a death knight in WoW it looked to be the best. A melee warlock with a lightsaber! I couldn't resist. The only thing I wish was that I had a choice to use a single bladed lightsaber or be able to dual wield.
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On DDO my pet flavour build was a Rogue/Monk Acrobat/Ninja stick-fighting tank. It wasn't exactly viable in the later end game content, but it was my build and I enjoyed it.


As an Assassin, I can be all that and be viable. Oh, and shoot lightning. What else would I roll with? :D

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Honestly? Darth Maul. I just can't say no do a double-bladed lightsaber. If another class got it instead, I'd have made that class instead.





Also, this...



Although I wish we could use tumult in PvP like Maul does twice in the video. :p

Edited by Cowflab
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I wanted to try a cloth tank (always wanted to play one in WoW lol...priest tank build spec please!).


Also my guild had people rolling all the other classes, so...


I certainly don't regret the decision. I didn't come into it with any kind of prejudices so I wasn't disappointed by anything that didn't fit one archetype or another.


I also wasn't swayed by the "oo assassin" kind of name either. Its just meh for me.

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Heart was set on playing a Sorc. After leveling to 25 and noticing that about half my server was Sorcs and hearing everyone talk about how OP they were, I knew I had to change classes as I try and stay away from anything fotm. Given I knew there were lots of Sorcs running around, I tried to go with something that was a decent counter to them in pvp...
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Since my main was Jugg and I was losing interest in the clumsyness of the class itself during HM runs, I made a Sin out of pure curiosity. Well there's also no denying that I was a fan of Darth Maul when Ep1 came out. But that's beside the point. I just wanted to see what the class could do getting the feeling like Juggs lacked that umph when it came to generating threat that, so far as a 46 Sin, I've come to find the Sin doing pretty well. There was of course the fight at 30 in the class story line that drove me nuts but that was because I approached it with the mindset of a Jugg which since then I've also built my character up to be more versatile in similar fights.
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Double bladed light saber ! pew pew pew.


Also light armor tank with a few spells is also appealing to me. With the potential for a dps alternate spec, I figured light armor would be best dps, and when I looked at the assassinate skill for the marauder at 20%, and for the assassin at 30%, I figured my expectations wouldn't be too far off. I was expecting more lethality in either spec than what I've got. I do alright in darkness, so I guess I can't complain too much, but if I had intended to roll deception as my main spec, I'd be pissed.

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After looking at the skills, it seemed like a great class to annoy the enemy team like hell :p


Not even talking about kills, just being able to disrupt enemy team cohesion and pissing them off by being able to often make a run for it if a fight doesn't go my way.


I have a fulltime job, and therefore am not really all the great for guilds...which means I mostly join solo or, after a few games, temp team up with some guys I get along with. Given that, having a class that's able to simply annoy the other team and disrupt team cohesion is how I'm best able to help my team even though I'm not part of a "premade" or organized team.


Oh yeah...and the double-bladed lightsaber :D


PS: Upzie's video's had something to do with it as well.

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I typically try to play the counter to stealth classes. I knew as an assassin could easily play as a stealth hunter with the right spec. (though, so far I have never spec'd darkness)


I also wanted to play a class that would really reward good movement / positioning.


And then another part of me wanted to break my habit of playing hybrids and focus on being a pure offense character.


So, so far I am fairly happy with the class. I have leveled and played as pure deception (48 currently) and I'm getting good results. I wish maul were completely reliable.

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I wanted to play a saber character to start, and my friends were already Empire side.


Sith Warrior looked OK, but the Juggy felt too much like a typical fantasy warrior in a Star Wars skin. The Marauder's twin sabers didn't ring my bell either.


I also disliked the vestigial light saber aspect of the Sorcerors, and again they seemed too much like a fantasy character in Star Wars clothing.


Despite the stealth power, Assassins immediately struck me as something different from other game classes (i.e., not just a Star Wars Rogue). I ended up going tank side with him because it was such an odd mix with Light armor and tanking abilities.


So far, I have come around on my previous views regarding other classes. I'll probably do a Juggernaut next, but the Assassin is an awesome class.

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