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For every I quit post here how many quit in game?


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That's where I rank this game at its current state.


..so long..

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100% wrong. The sub numbers were as of the earnings call last week, not 12/31.


An earnings call regarding results from the previous fiscal quarter. You realize that not everything in life is in that very moment, but that meetings and financial results generally take time to report.


Trying to explain the real world to fanboys and fangirls is irritating at times though - but oh well. For ever 20 deaf ears like yours it falls on, one more might actually understand.

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An earnings call regarding results from the previous fiscal quarter. You realize that not everything in life is in that very moment, but that meetings and financial results generally take time to report.


Trying to explain the real world to fanboys and fangirls is irritating at times though - but oh well. For ever 20 deaf ears like yours it falls on, one more might actually understand.


This whole thread is speculation. Don't act like your more informed with yours.

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Any successful game developer needs to have its own vision and stick with it. Listening to anyone or anything else is a mistake.The numbers will speak and dictate what to do next not a bunch of whiny self proclaimed pro gamers in cyberspace. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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An earnings call regarding results from the previous fiscal quarter. You realize that not everything in life is in that very moment, but that meetings and financial results generally take time to report.


Earnings calls include a mix of past financials (in this case as of 12/31/2011), current status (in this case as of 2/1/2012), and forward looking statements. The active subscription count was as of 2/1/2012 and in the Q&A it was clarified that most of the 1.7M subscriptions are, and I quote, "paying at this point" [emphasis added].


Source: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19915-electronic-arts-q3-fy12-earnings-call

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They said they sold 2 million copies and that now they have 1.7 mil in active subscriptions. So we have lost 300k so far...


Not really accurate to say "lost." Many of those were people who bought the game and decided no to sub after their first month. Perhaps it's a small distinction to some extent, but it still matter to characterize things accurately in order to understand them correctly. People who decided not to sub at first might be more likely to come back once BW shows progress in afddressing issues that are getting common complaints...as opposed to someone who actually subbed and then ragequit.

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I read a study some collage kid did once and I wish I could find the link


...but basically he figured out that for every I quit post on the WoW forums after Cata, 100ish people actually quit in game.


This was based on a hand forum count over a month and compared to the drop in subs reprted by Blizzard


I think this is really worth looking into for SWTOR as well, it could give Bio a pretty accurate picture of what they are doing right or wrong.

Seems like there are 2 groups of quits:

1.) People that quit playing

2.) people that quit PAYING


The ones that post that they quit, continue to pay for the game.

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You clearly don't see the point


The point is people who on here saying they quit represent a much larger number them just themselves.


Not really. The I quit posts represent a group of trolls, shills, and people who will simply never like this game. If BW makes changes that upset the 80-90% that are happy they'll lose more customers than simply showing the malcontents the door.


And Blizz did lose over a million subs and thats easy to verify.


WoW is a tired old game that jumped the shark years ago. People are leaving it for a 100 different reasons from classes being homogenized for arena to pandas and pokemon.



Bio needs to pay attention to the I quit posts and why they are saying it.


See above. You can't please everyone. BW shouldn't try.

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An earnings call regarding results from the previous fiscal quarter. You realize that not everything in life is in that very moment, but that meetings and financial results generally take time to report.


Trying to explain the real world to fanboys and fangirls is irritating at times though - but oh well. For ever 20 deaf ears like yours it falls on, one more might actually understand.


Your first line is WRONG! I had my series 7 license while you were likely still in your diapers.


Every quarterly call I have ever been on talked about that quarter, things going on currently and plans for the future. Which is exactly what EA did on their call last week.


Hopefully this information will get to the one person that incorrectly takes what you posted as being accurate so they won't repeat your misinformation.

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your first line is wrong! I had my series 7 license while you were likely still in your diapers.


Every quarterly call i have ever been on talked about that quarter, things going on currently and plans for the future. Which is exactly what ea did on their call last week.


Hopefully this information will get to the one person that incorrectly takes what you posted as being accurate so they won't repeat your misinformation.



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You clearly don't see the point


The point is people who on here saying they quit represent a much larger number them just themselves.


And Blizz did lose over a million subs and thats easy to verify.


Bio needs to pay attention to the I quit posts and why they are saying it.


1 for every 1 billion, i make make up numbers too!

That means SWTOR must have several billion subscribers atm, but they only say they have 1.7 million.


It's a conspiracy!

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None of you, for or against this game actually know *** your talking about, you dont have the facts and figures most of you are just talking **** for the sake of it apparently...


The only way we will know if or when this game fails is when there is nobody playing it and bioware turn the lights off.


Until then its game on, not that i dont have serious issues with many (seemingly) incompetent decisions made by bioware, and the overall smothering restrictive-ness of the game. I do recognise that the game is running and they have proimised to make it better. (whether they make it worse or not is a matter for the future).

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I read a study some collage kid did once and I wish I could find the link


...but basically he figured out that for every I quit post on the WoW forums after Cata, 100ish people actually quit in game.


I hope the kid got an 'F' because that's ridiculous. There's no CHANCE he'd have access to the actual number of posts or subs, which means everything he did was assumptive and non-verifiable.


A better study would be "How many people actually QUIT after they post they will?".

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