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Just accept the invite if you're on the same quest.


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I refuse blind invites flat out, if only because the average player still seems to be figuring out how to use party / ops chat, much less how to respond to a whisper.


It take a few seconds to send a whisper to someone. For a game with social aspects, communication is pretty important, especially if you're partying up.

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I refuse blind invites flat out, if only because the average player still seems to be figuring out how to use party / ops chat, much less how to respond to a whisper.


It take a few seconds to send a whisper to someone. For a game with social aspects, communication is pretty important, especially if you're partying up.


I used to feel the exact same way whenever I'd receive an invite. Then one day I realized that it's just easier to accept and get the stupid quest done faster. If it looks like they are gonna slow me down, or if they are not helping at all; I'll drop group and let them finish on their own.

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If you're incapable of typing out a complete question or unwilling to do so, then I have zero desire to group with you. It's as simple as that. If my help's not worth 5 seconds of your time to you, then I'm not giving it. If you can't do something as basic as form a sentence, I have no faith whatsoever that you would know better than to just run in circles for the duration of the party. Edited by Ronamo
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I understand that some people might want to quest alone. I'm one of them. But if I see someone on the same quest as me, and it's a choice between inviting them to a group, or competing for the same objectives like an idiot; I'm going to invite. I really don't understand why some people won't accept when they're nowhere near being finished with the quest.


It's polite to ask before inviting someone.

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If you're incapable of typing out a complete question or unwilling to do so, then I have zero desire to group with you. It's as simple as that. If my help's not worth 5 seconds of your time to you, then I'm not giving it. If you can't do something as basic as form a sentence, I have no faith whatsoever that you would know better than to just run in circles for the duration of the party.


It's quicker just to ask the question by sending out the invite. The invite is the question. The only time one needs to actually type it out, is when it's not obvious why the invite is being sent. If we're both killing the same mobs; There is no need to whisper.

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If there is a mob with a respawn timer that needs to be killed, then I will generally accept a blind invite. If I'm the one inviting, I'll most of the time ask before I invite unless we're standing there both waiting on a respawn.


Other than that, I do prefer to kill quest mobs solo, or with a group of friends. Sorry, it's just my preferred play style. Very often, people will be on the same quest as me, but i'll be on 38/40, and they'll be on 3/40 when they invite. It won't make sense for me to take the invite- I'll be out of their way in a second. Also, i have had people invite me and then pull more groups of elites than we could handle and wipe us.



Finally, it is quite possible that if they're in combat they just don't see the invite. I once had some smuck invite me while I was killing an elite (I don't even think killing it was a quest objective- but it might have been). I didn't see the invite until the mob had died, and I offered to stay and help when the next respawn came, if he needed it. He proceeded to trash me in general chat for not accepting the invite, and said something like "It's too late- I already know you're scum," or something like that when I offered to help.


Also, there's a setting that auto-declines group invites (I'm pretty sure), so it may be that they're not even seeing that you did invite them.


There are plenty of legitimate reasons for someone not to accept our invite, which you seem to not be taking into account.

Edited by ElhonnaDS
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It's quicker just to ask the question by sending out the invite. The invite is the question. The only time one needs to actually type it out, is when it's not obvious why the invite is being sent. If we're both killing the same mobs; There is no need to whisper.


um, i think you do not understand the "if you don't whisper first, I don't accept" part


here, let me translate for you...


it means that sending them a whisper first IS needed if you want them to accept the invite.


there, hope that helped!

Edited by crica
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um, i think you do not understand the "if you don't whisper first, I don't accept" part


here, let me translate for you...


it means that sending them a whisper first IS needed if you want them to accept the invite.


there, hope that helped!


No. It's really not needed when it's obvious. Not my problem if people just want to look for reasons to be difficult.

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It's quicker just to ask the question by sending out the invite. The invite is the question. The only time one needs to actually type it out, is when it's not obvious why the invite is being sent. If we're both killing the same mobs; There is no need to whisper.


Yes. It might quicker to assume somebody has a clue what you're on about simply because you're killing the same things. Again, if someone can't be bothered to spend a few seconds typing out a question, then I'm not interested. Based on that sort of action, they aren't the type of person I want to help, and I don't need their help.

Edited by Ronamo
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It's quicker just to ask the question by sending out the invite. The invite is the question. The only time one needs to actually type it out, is when it's not obvious why the invite is being sent. If we're both killing the same mobs; There is no need to whisper.


This is what I do. Must of done this 20+ times on the imp and rep sides. Never had an invitation request rejected yet.

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No. It's really not needed when it's obvious. Not my problem if people just want to look for reasons to be difficult.




what is obvious for some is not always obvious to another...


kinda like right now for you it is not obvious that if you want them to accept your invite, sending them a whisper first IS needed, but for the rest of us it is quite obvious...


o well...

Edited by crica
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This is what I do. Must of done this 20+ times on the imp and rep sides. Never had an invitation request rejected yet.


Yup. Same here. For the most part, I have no issues with this. I even had someone thank me yesterday for inviting him. Said it was better than competing. It's just once in awhile you get the moron who lacks the common sense to just accept and finish the quest faster.

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No. It's really not needed when it's obvious. Not my problem if people just want to look for reasons to be difficult.


Clearly it is your problem as you're the one who has felt the need to start a thread on the forums about people not accepting your blind invites.

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what's annoying is when more than one person is on the same quest and they take objectives from you while your killing the mobs around the item or they kill a certain npc you need and you have to wait for the respawn timer which sometimes can take 5-10 minutes....although this was my experience back at launch, now there are less players leveling and possible faster respawn rates.


Well i always sugest a group first, if they want to go solo ok it is their choice, it is from that point onward free for all. If you really want to compete for questkills or other objectivs like boxes/pilars to destroy/loot/investigate then it is your choice and we will compete.

You get more XP in a group and you kill faster so there is verry little incentive not to group.

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Why is so hard to understand?


People has it's own way of playing, if YOU want MY help (probably because I'm killing all the mobs that you need) it is only polite that YOU spend some time asking me for help.


The invite IS NOT the question, the invite is an attack, a window that appears in the middle of my screen bothering me.


If you let me know first I might accept, if you don't tell me anything only send the invite it will be denied 100% of the time.


If you're incapable of typing out a complete question or unwilling to do so, then I have zero desire to group with you. It's as simple as that. If my help's not worth 5 seconds of your time to you, then I'm not giving it. If you can't do something as basic as form a sentence, I have no faith whatsoever that you would know better than to just run in circles for the duration of the party.




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Clearly it is your problem as you're the one who has felt the need to start a thread on the forums about people not accepting your blind invites.


shhh... he knows this... he knows all that is obvious, after all!


no need to tell him the obvious!



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those ARE coming you know. Soon actually. Maybe in March update :)


And ppl who prefer to not auto-group (IE: not accept blind invites) will have the option toggled off.


So the ppl who are refusing to accept the OP's blind invites right now will still be refusing to accept the OP's blind invites in March.



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I will never accept an invite, if someone does not bother to ask me first. I did a few times in the past and it turned out that those people were either deaf and dumb or that they were expecting me to play all day along with them.
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