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From most anticipated MMO ever to "in between MMO"


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I'm just wondering if anyone else has this feeling with SWTOR. As you can see by my join date I was anticipating this MMO for a long time. It was my most anticipated game ever in fact. However now that the game is out it went from my most anticipated game ever, to that MMO you play as you are waiting for the next big game. That's a real letdown for me.


Personally I would love it if they were to save the game somehow, but at this point I feel they are going to have to spend so much development time fixing the game that they will be unable to produce new content at a rate fast enough for people to stay on.


Having cleared all the operations on Nightmare multiple times I can honestly say that this game has some pretty fun raiding for intro level content. I was disappointed that they almost immediately nerfed Soa and didn't even give players attempts at doing the fight on nightmare due to the fact it was bugged and impossible to do before the patch that nerfed the encounter that made nightmare about as easy as normal mode before the patch. The game needs to make use of its multiple tiers of difficulty. Make normal for pugs, Hard for guilds, and Nightmare for elitists. The way it currently is Normals are for pugs, Nightmare is for everyone else. There is no reason to do hard mode (once loot gets fixed. Currently NM drops no loot 90% of the time so you are forced to run hard mode instead.)


But overall the game really does feel like a let down. World PvP is a joke with Imperials just out zerging republic in pugs, or when my guild does get a premade Ilum going we trap the Imperials in their base where it becomes a trade off pull people out to die, get pulled into the "death wall"


The UI is another turn off. It allows no customization, has horrible raid frames for debuffing, is bulky, and doesn't show information efficiently. They are trying to fix it next patch, but I fear that they won't allow for enough customization with it and it will still feel like a bulky clumsy UI.


That leads me into my next point. While the main forcus of the development team has been here the game just feels clunky when casting. This is especially true for republic when there are issues like shock vs project, mortar volley vs death from above, and smugglers vs agents. The empire side is heavily favored in all of these situations. The worst part is the development team has come out and said that these are low priorities which makes me feel as if the balance team doesn't care about the game with empire being more playable. Another nail in the coffin especially for republic players was the almost immediate fix of the one advantage republic had over imperials with the sage AoE heal vs the Sorc AoE heal. The quick fix of that without even a mention of fixes for the empire advantages just shows the devs favor the empire, but why should they not? 80% of the player base is Empire.




All in all this game went from an amazing opportunity to the game I'm playing till Tera/GW2/Secret World/Archeage come out which saddens me thinking of all the time I wasted anticipating this game.

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Right..it was something interesting until level 50..then o well.


For 50 bucks, i enjoyed the single player game. I dont see a reason to subscribe however, the MMO aspect is terrible.


Back to Rift where they understand how to keep my subscription dollars.

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All in all this game went from an amazing opportunity to the game I'm playing till Tera/GW2/Secret World/Archeage come out which saddens me thinking of all the time I wasted anticipating this game.


Moral of the story: Don't waste a lot of time waiting on these 'in between' games either. Play what you like, when you like.

Edited by Zannis
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I like how when I take the time to type out a well thought out post with reasoning, suggestions, and legitimate complaints all I get are troll posts. These forums are great.


Your thread title says all it needs to. You don't like the game and will just play it till something else comes along, what more do you want to discuss? I don't give a **** if you leave today or when the next "best game ever" comes along for you to whine about. If you do not enjoy the game NOW then don't play it NOW. Come back in a few months to see how it's developed, or don't. Every single thing in your OP has been brought up multiple times, discussing it is pointless because you will


A) Flame everyone who doesn't agree as a "mindless fanboy"


B) Completely ignore any counter-points that rise up.

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Really ? I'll be able to go from the Telos ship to fleet's main level without going through 5 loading screens ?


Yes. :) Also, you no longer need to load into a loading screens that turns into a loading screen halfway through. (Just saying that makes me laugh)

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SWTOR is one of the best MMOs every created, it's the players that have changed into picky brats.


Really ?!? If this game is one of the best MMOs ever, then I pity the industry. Now we just need a Sims MMO to complete the package.

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One common theme from these post are looking for the next big thing only to be dissappointed by it. Maybe it's less about how good a game is, and more likely that you might be just burnt out from the genre. How many MMO's did you try and play before you started this one?
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Mind showing me a bunch of thriving sandbox games?


One comes to mind. EVE Online. But thats a PVP game through and through. Not for everyone. But just because there are not a lot of them doesn't mean they can't be made. The #1 problem of just about every new MMO coming out (besides Guild Wars 2 which seems to be doing it right with dynamic missions etc, things to keep people interested instead of the same boring "kill 10 orcs and get a green biscuit" crap that passes for most MMO questing) is everyone is copying EQ/WoW. There are other ways. SWG's sandbox mode was pretty damn good until SOE sodomized it with the NGE and turned into the fiasco that everyone knows. But even though it was flawed, there was a huge following for SWG. Thats why most people who played it during its heyday look on it fondly when they see the way game are today. Not to mention Planetside was great in its day, although no NPC's or questing it was all PVP.


But to be honest, how many theme park based MMO's do well? WoW is one a few when you get down to it. Most MMO's are crap. Rift might be another (never played it so don't know), but really, the regular type MMO's don't do much better than the sandbox games.

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One comes to mind. EVE Online. But thats a PVP game through and through. Not for everyone. But just because there are not a lot of them doesn't mean they can't be made. The #1 problem of just about every new MMO coming out (besides Guild Wars 2 which seems to be doing it right with dynamic missions etc, things to keep people interested instead of the same boring "kill 10 orcs and get a green biscuit" crap that passes for most MMO questing) is everyone is copying EQ/WoW. There are other ways. SWG's sandbox mode was pretty damn good until SOE sodomized it with the NGE and turned into the fiasco that everyone knows. But even though it was flawed, there was a huge following for SWG. Thats why most people who played it during its heyday look on it fondly when they see the way game are today. Not to mention Planetside was great in its day, although no NPC's or questing it was all PVP.


But to be honest, how many theme park based MMO's do well? WoW is one a few when you get down to it. Most MMO's are crap. Rift might be another (never played it so don't know), but really, the regular type MMO's don't do much better than the sandbox games.


It's because a themepark or a sandbox can't really stand alone anymore. They don't offer enough for both sides because well, sandboxes don't offer enough structure or direction, and themeparks offer too Much structure and direction.


It's why a combination of both is a good idea, a good alternative. I call it a Sandpark. It offers you structure, and direction, while giving you the option of how you go about following the direction that it gives you, and doing what structured things they provide, your own way.


Breaking away from the Raid or Die mentality is just as important as breaking away from the "Ultimate Freedom" mentality because well, it doesn't exist. Guild Wars 2 is doing a great job of marrying these two types of game together. I'm not going to get into a long winded thing about it. But having researched it, and watched a ton of available videos, I really think the way they're breaking the standard MMO mold might help push this genre into a place where it can start moving forward again, and a lot of people will be happy about that.


It won't be perfect, but nothing is. However, they're doing a lot of exciting things. If anyone's bored of the standard grinder mmo, I recommend they check it out, might like it.

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Really ?!? If this game is one of the best MMOs ever, then I pity the industry. Now we just need a Sims MMO to complete the package.


Where have you been? There was one, but it closed REAL fast. :p Saying what is the best MMO is dumb because it's a matter of subjective taste. Some say Aion is the best MMO ever, I couldn't stomach it for more than 30 or so levels till I quit and never looked back.


The whole arguing if this or that is good or not is so inane it makes me sad for the people who engage in it. If you do not like something, then do not play/listen/watch it. If you like something, then play/listen/watch it. Discussing the validity of something that is 100% subjective is pointless. The world would be a much better place if people would just shut and do or do not instead of getting angry because someone doesn't agree with their personal, SUBJECTIVE taste.


I like this game, so I play it, simple as that. I'm not going to bash other games, and most importantly I'm not going to bash *you* for playing or liking other games.

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It's because a themepark or a sandbox can't really stand alone anymore. They don't offer enough for both sides because well, sandboxes don't offer enough structure or direction, and themeparks offer too Much structure and direction.


It's why a combination of both is a good idea, a good alternative. I call it a Sandpark. It offers you structure, and direction, while giving you the option of how you go about following the direction that it gives you, and doing what structured things they provide, your own way.


Breaking away from the Raid or Die mentality is just as important as breaking away from the "Ultimate Freedom" mentality because well, it doesn't exist. Guild Wars 2 is doing a great job of marrying these two types of game together. I'm not going to get into a long winded thing about it. But having researched it, and watched a ton of available videos, I really think the way they're breaking the standard MMO mold might help push this genre into a place where it can start moving forward again, and a lot of people will be happy about that.


It won't be perfect, but nothing is. However, they're doing a lot of exciting things. If anyone's bored of the standard grinder mmo, I recommend they check it out, might like it.



If GW2 ends up being good i will definitely buy it, as for how often they update it, well, it has no monthly fee so i can't complain about that.

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