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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Game is as much an MMO as Quake right now, being played by a million people does not place it in the MMO genre. This is a single player game with forced multi-player online capabilities and I have no illusion that Bioware cares, it has been talked about in massive threads for over a YEAR OF BETA TESTING already with not a single word from Bioware on the issues spoken about by testers.


There is nothing for roleplayers,

There is no enviorment interactions,

There is no real social clothing, having to group to stand around town in clothing is moronic at best...dont ask what it is as worst.

There are no in town activities.

Player hubs are either ghost towns or there is no one chatting outside of LFG, selling.

Crafting is a joke

They provided nothing to do outside of PvP and a couple flashpoint/operations at 50.

Too many systems created that slap RPGers in the face and the legacy system smacks of someone that has never played one before...legacy name should be for ONE character, not all and the upcoming family tree idea is a *** stupid idea for an MMO with different RACES...either going to force us to have alts of the same race to unlock skills or allow us to have different races in the same family tree...***!


There is NO depth to this game and I mean the kind of depth games RELEASE with.

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Going to work.


Will update when I get back.


Thank you, everyone, for not feeding any trolls and for biting back responses to people intentionally trying to provoke a fight. Not even a crumb for them to nibble on. It has kept this thread mature and worthy to be read by developers, which is my goal.


Thank you for the maturity.


Continue on, everyone!

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I do enjoy TOR in its current state very much so.


There is always room for improvement but with reading the dev blogs etc I see that a lot of my concerns are being addressed and will be in the game in time.


The lack of communication from the devs on the actual forum is a concern but I would rather the devs be busy actually improving the game than bowing down to the community all the time.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


Not enjoying it :(


Soloing is not fun because my main's surviveability and versitility are like... missing.


I have no interest in raiding until at least I can build a UI (LUA addons) and properly analyze the performance (combat logs/recount/target dummies?). I would have no interest in raiding in the 'other' game with its default UI and no combat logs either.

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Altought it has best mmo launch ever I think , the game feels more like single players then reall MMO.


1. No big social hubs , I would like to see pazak tournament , racing , great pubs etc...

leveling 1 - 49 is awesome for the first time then it gets really boring really fast.


2.Terrible costumer services , almost no dev feedback on forums , no testing of new things , every patch breaks something even more.


3.I wonder where they spent all of their money in this game.


4. I was hoping for story more like kotor 2 , altough I have to admit some of the dark side choices are really well done and you are chilled to the bone.

Great class story but it could have gone more deep.


5.Incredible easy space combat. Why the heck when I destroy engines , ships are still moving ? Bad design of ships , you could have learn something in very old Starlancer even now it still has far better space combat.



I hope things will change in the future so I can play this game once again but not know.For those who likes the game I wish only the best fun , lot of operation bosses down plus loot in your pockets :DMay the force be with you

Edited by Feanor_cz
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No, I just canceled my sub. The game isn't well polished for the length of time it was being developed. I was having fun at first, but once the thrill wore off I just couldn't get into it.


I may consider returning once the bugs and polish are worked out, but for now its just not worth my time or money.

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Sterile world feel, Nar Shaada/Coruscant questing areas look like impeccable hospital corridors rather than seedy underworld. Environments seriously lack atmosphere. Being on rails is fine but try to at least give the illusion that the scenery isn't just wallpaper.


Nothing for explorers. Datacron collecting isn't exploration, it's a min/max grind for stats. Putting stats on them basically made them a necessity ala Biochem; exploration should be about discovery and adventure, not crossing off a checklist.


UI/macros/mods. I'm not a fan of parsers and IWIN mods like DBM, but give us some ability to customize a bit. What we have to work with is abysmal.


Alignment system = morality grind. Rewarding 2 extremes... you may as well have had us check "Jesus incarnate" or "Diabolical psychopath" at character creation and spared us the trouble of having to pick dialogue choices. The "grey" gear implementation is just a 3rd facet to this fubar, as it'll likely encourage being purposely neutral and as close to the middle as possible. Stat items like the relics should have nothing to do with how you want to play out your story.


Space. Should've just left it out until something better gets implemented.


My main gripes. I think the companions, group dialogue options and the story are all awesome, but it's not something I can justify paying a sub for when I can get a more immersive and enjoyable single player experience from Skyrim.

Edited by Aristopantys
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My reasoning is more from ideal.


In my opinion, BW had a huge amount of material to research and improve on. Sure, we got a playable game. But there are barely any of the trademarks that make BW what they are. They brought single-player quality story to an mmo, but without making what mmo is, in my opinion, about. And that is a living, breathing, ever evolving virtual world.


First, the visual quality of this game is sub-par. Say what you want, in 2012, this is less than acceptable. You can say that they chose an engine that would work well on all hardware systems. But you all know that other mmos out, not only look better, but run better as well. Visually, the game doesn't feel alive - most places are devoid of movement and flora, which gives the game an un-finished look, as if the areas were not done.


Next - combat. You can say that it's fast (which it is) and that the animation are superb (I agree they are pretty good). But the way they are integrated into a fight, the way the defend animation just pops ups halfway through an attack - this takes away from the immersion. Skills are uninspired and boring to look at, I never feel like I'm doing battle with defense towers. I see no need to move from my spot, not even against melee enemies. I just stand and spam the same skills. And every battle is like this. In other mmos, at least I move for cover or to stay away from melee. Even the enemy ranged don't move for cover, unless they were right beside it. In pvp I get an experience which is a lot closer to pve in those games.


Items - design is boring as hell. Guild Wars had a similar system, which was mods for functionality, and looks for vanity. Here we have a large amount of mods - most are useless, because of the sheer volume of them. Sounds weird, but compare it to GW to try and understand my point.


Character design is something that I believe I don't need to talk about. Just reminding it as badly designed is enough.


Travel - too much time is spent in pointless travel. It's function is more like loading screens (hanger-ship-map-planet).


This is star wars on diet. But the biggest oversight is not including any form of meaningful light\dark side system. That is my biggest disappointment. I see no BW trait here at all. No intention to improve upon the basic western mmo. And we all thought Korean grinding mmo are lame. I see only western complacency.

Edited by Tomeru
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YES!, otherwise I wouldn't be paying for it.



Can it get better? yes


I believe Bioware will keep on adding stuff with time.


From the moment I log in until I log out, I enjoy my time in the game, and that's all it matters.

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YES - levelling up the first time was addictive. Second time not so much but decent.


NO - end game PVP is ****. Buggy Voidstar and Civil War too but they can be fun most of the time anyways. Hutball and Ilum are pure ****. Whoever decided to allow all the force jump / pull skills to work on the ball carrier should be castrated.

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Ilum and warzones suffers from really poor coding and lots of spikes/fps drops, even with a high end pc. Endgame PvP is basically unplayable. They havent given a sign of fixing it anytime soon, which means im going back to WoW I guess :/


The game has great potential, but suffers from major issues like the one above.

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