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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Wow! You basically summed up what i've been driving at for ages!! Linear, static, hollow, single player... blah! blah!! Thank you for putting this into words I could not.


I always remember the first time I stepped out into Mos eisley on SWG! People running around, chatting, laughing.. Blaster fire sounds in the distance, as some got on with some missions... then, wow!! Was that someone on a Bantha MOUNT!!!?? I want one!! It felt instantly as I'd just gone to bed and woke up in my dream and I was in Star Wars!! Now that what's I call emmersion, a true MMO.. not a linear SP game with some online content.. in a boring static environment


BW please don't send me another mail warning me about my posts... it's ridiculous, or are you scared of the truth????????!


I have to say that kind of atmosphere is what I am talking about, chat bubbles are such a simple addition to any MMO, yet with them the worlds just seem to come alive, people stop to chat, to ask questions, social hubs begin to form….and so on. All aspects which are so incredibly lacking in SW:TOR at the moment sadly.


I don’t think anyone here would ever want a game that is quite as sandbox as SWG was? It was incredibly empty as a game at times, yet the polar opposite such as SW:TOR is perhaps a step too far the other way? Such a shame that games find it so impossible to come up with a happy medium?


Another nice feature which is also lacking a little is a ‘Help a friend’ type feature, say for example you are stuck on a dungeon, right at the far end of the map of the planet you are on, and I am at the far end of another planet, for me to get to you to help you………well it’s a mission and a half to say the least. Especially if you only need my help for 5 mins, it could well end up taking me 20/30 mins to get to you, 5 mins helping you, only for it to take another 30 odd mins for me to get back to where I was before? Why can I not transport to you to help you with a quest, the transport back to my last location? It would mean I could pop over and help you without seriously hindering my own playing time, it helps breed helpfulness and friendliness and a sense of community in the game? Honestly why do MMO’s fight so hard against building a community in a game? It baffles me??

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Honestly why do MMO’s fight so hard against building a community in a game? It baffles me??


Whilst I know this is figurative speech, I don't think they are fighting against building communities. I feel that they're just stuck in the same outdated mentality and design in the name of pleasing the more vocal, more rigid and conservative hardcore crowd, a design that was probably more due to technical restrictions than anything else... But is, in this day and age and with the new and improved technology, counter intuitive.

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Yes I like it. Combat is fun and there is a great story.


Once I hit 50, I wonder if I will like it as much. I don't feel like there is really any incentive for me to do ops, and exploring the planets seem pretty moot after you've quested there. I don't really get a great sense of uniqueness from each zone, they all could pretty much be different areas of the same planet.

EDIT: For example human seem to be the dominant species on every planet, even hutt planets.

Edited by Czechout
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I just feel that the guys at Bioware , must feel like the luckiest peopol i the world.


If they didnt have the Star Wars brand, this game would have been closed by now.



Its the far most bugged MMO i have tried, the worst part is that some of the bugs have been there since BETA testing and havent been solved yet.



But im a Star Wars Fan, so ill keep playing for some reason.



but please


FIX endgame


FIX Ilum


FIX Warzone


FIX those bugged quest


FIX the way we travel around

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I'd have to say no, overall.


Prior to launch, I researched all the classes and advanced classes searching for the one that fit my play style. I came up with an operative healer. I leveled her to 50. I really liked the class story line. Now she sits, unused, at imperial fleet. The fact that BW has seen fit to nerf the damage in the class, but can't see their way to fixing the Medical Therapy talent (I only want it to actually WORK!) in my talent tree is just game-breaking for me. The only time I log on my operative is if I'm feeling up to the challenge of some RNG crafting. (ha!)


I'm currently leveling a warrior, an assassin, and a mercenary so I can experience those class story lines. I really don't see the point of continuing after that.


My chosen class has broken talents and really lackluster healing. But apparently it's more important that my companion be automatically summoned after getting off a taxi than having talents that actually work. So no, I'd have to say I'm not especially impressed with this game.

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Last week I would have said yes ... but now ...





It just does not have lasting apeal or the replayability (to make up a word) I have grown accustomed to from bioware. And it makes me sad. I WANT to love this game. I like what is here. It needs more than just another game of huttball

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Had it been a singleplayer game, I'd probably have loved it. As an online RPG, it's just barely "fit for purpose", and to be honest, that's not going to be enough to keep me playing SWTOR when there are many MMO's out there that not only are fit for purpose, but actively enjoyable.


I've played on livelier Neverwinter Nights persistent worlds.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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There are pros and cons, but I'd have to say no. I can break it down into three areas.


1. Weird/unfinished design features. The item filters on vendors don't work. That's a small thing but it shows a great deal of carelessness. There's no way to filter and organize your crafting list. The GTN is frustrating to say the least. How about I just type "Chanlon" and get the results for chanlon? NO YOU MUST FOLLOW MULTIPLE STEPS AND THEN FIND CHANLON AMONG ALL SCAVENGED MATERIALS.


2. The TV commercials show a different game. I'm looking for some meaningful large scale battles. Why is it that each TV commercial for SWTOR shows a hundred lightsabers appear and a massive battle follows? Is this happening while the rest of us are questing in a mostly solo game? Please don't tell me it's Ilum.


3. It's the same old grind. Not everyone wants to go through the slog of dealing with guild drama and scheduling their lives around a game (again) just to access the content. Warzones are 10-49, but flashpoints are restricted by level...why not let flashpoints scale like warzones? Sure, give the raiders their exclusive endgame, but give the rest of us something to do with our higher or lower level friends. GW2 is going to address this...take heed Bioware. This isn't 2004 and not everyone wants to repeat the last 10 years of gaming. Innovate at least a tiny bit to survive. I'm not going to keep subbing because everything takes forever, I'm going to keep subbing because the game is fun.


For balance, here are some pros: I do love the companion and crew skill systems. I love that it's a Star Wars game. Warzones can be fun when they're not a complete steamroll. The classes are interesting and fun to play.

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Frustration to Enthusiasm ratio is still positive however it is increasing rather than decreasing. One would think that over time patching would improve the situation.


As far as it goes, the crew skill mats is the only improvement. Possibly the warzone win bug is finally fixed so that would be another when it is completed. Other than that, every patch has been a dissapointment.

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Had it been a singleplayer game, I'd probably have loved it. As an online RPG, it's just barely "fit for purpose", and to be honest, that's not going to be enough to keep me playing SWTOR when there are many MMO's out there that not only are fit for purpose, but actively enjoyable.


I've played on livelier Neverwinter Nights persistent worlds.


Very well said, I agree 100%

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Yes. I love this game.



To all you ones calling it easy.. if it is so easy why are you crying out macro's? which in essence sets up combos and plays the game for you.. what the point of that? I like the game without them then I can react to situations as they happen.. yeah it makes it harder but is that not half the challenge?

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I'm actually quite Fond of the game, maybe Its because I'm with the republic trooper or have seen the worst WoW or any other MMO can hurl at me. my only Problem is the Lack of a threat meter. That's it, things run so much smoother when you can see your threat level.


Beyond that, I'd rather stay here than deal with the ensuing panda plague that will be fall wow.

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NO - for the dead, soulless, timeless and sterile mazes that are supposed to be planets(who will now say its EA's not BW fault). MAX 1 more subscription from me just to laugh at patch 1.2A. The patch that will fix 1.2 - because things get worse pretty fast and they will (as everything else) push it early. Edited by SBite
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world pvp is a joke, and bioware is treating it like blizzard did 6 years ago. It's leading to a failed pvp product.


The planets suck horribly. Everyone has voiced this opinion, but I have to follow suit. This is the most 'themepark'-like mmo I've ever seen and played. The utter worst an mmo 'world' could ever be.

Edited by Auxili
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