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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Im enjoying it, its running smoothly for me. I feel it is balanced.

Has an amazing foundation to build on, with a huge company and money to make it better.


In comparisons to other MMO launches Ive been through, this is the most polished LAUNCH maybe besides Rift, but Rift really didnt pull me as an original IP.


If it fails it will be to slow content updates, not fixing the issues, and Bioware not being innovative or creative.


Perfect example. 1.2 will pretty much make or break my continued subscription (Also TSW is out in April so it will be perfect timing)


The Legacy System needs to be innovative, they need better customized UI (addons will fix this in a jiffy) and fix certain class balance changes (for example Dps Sorc / Sage only have viable hybrid spec, sure the hybrid spec itself can vary some but I would like the top tier abilities in the trees to actually be useful. But the hybrid spec shouldnt be made irrelevant, it should be equal to other specs.)


But these are all fairly small compared to the game being just 2 months out the gate, issues are being fixed weekly and there has already been an improvement since launch

Edited by jinfire
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Not really:


It's kind of a fundamental thing for me. The universe feels....cold, detached and segregated. At no point in the game (I have a 50 and several 20-40's) do I feel like I care about any character that I run into during the levelling. No one is memorable. It's all Sargeant this and Corporal that all completely lifless despite the very good voice acting.


Having 10 seperate planets only serve to detach the player from every environment they run across once they move on to the next world. It all feels very incohesive. I truly think it would have been better having fewer worlds with larger level ranges on each world.


Bugs, pvp, endgame content can all be added to and fixed but this aspect of the game is just inherant in the univers Bioware has created and can't be changed at this point. Coming from the incredibly rich and realized world of Middle Earth with LotRO it's very apparent that what the game is missing is...soul.


I couldn't have possibly said it better than you have just done.


There is, sadly, a fundamental error with SWTOR. I still think, though, that if they fixed most of their errors in PVP, bugs, and user interface; it would ALMOST be at the level of that "other" MMO everyone talks about.

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43 for NO

43 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.




How can there be more votes on feb 1st than there are now? Did people actually withdraw votes?


Whats the use of a poll if you dont take everyones vote that voted in it?


I actually liked this originally but now it is complete trash.

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How can there be more votes on feb 1st than there are now? Did people actually withdraw votes?


Whats the use of a poll if you dont take everyones vote that voted in it?


I actually liked this originally but now it is complete trash.


SOLVED. Your concerns (and the concerns of many others) HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED AND FIXED. All counts have been revised to include votes from thread #1. Thank you for your feedback to make this thread the best it can be.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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What are you talking about?


The old thread was locked, this is a new one. I have re-started the voting, and I have counted every single vote with exacting precision in both threads.


There are many many reasons why I did this, but if everyone would like me to simply continue adding the old thread's votes to the new one, I will.


Dont you think you should. Do their votes not mean anything.

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If anyone wishes to add an argument for/against adding the votes from the old thread to this one, simply express your opinion to me as we go along. If enough people wish me to continue the vote from the previous thread, I will go back and edit it in across the entire thread.


I have spent a lot of time on this thread to make it one of the best on the entire forum. It takes a lot of time to keep the thread troll-free, tally the votes, create the pie chart, and post the results. I have spent a grand total of 13 hours on the old thread and this thread combined. I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying it, and it continues to be a source of fun and pride for myself. Thank you, everyone, for the excellent job thus-far.


EDIT: Counts revised to show votes from old thread. Problem solved.


Continue on! :)

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I like the game over all and having fun. there are issues some silly some dumb and some may be gamebreakers.


my pet peeves are the sorting for items. Jar Jar Binks works for BW obviously. fix it. The travel systems seems really dated. The UIs lack of customization. Tab Targeting is almost full retard. RNG PvP items is dumb.


These issues can be fixed and complaining this early and cancelling over it just shows how impatient you are or new to MMOs. Especially those who compare it to WoW or any other game out for years. They seem to forget those games and the massive downtime and lack of content they had early on.

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If anyone wishes to add an argument for/against adding the votes from the old thread to this one, simply express your opinion to me as we go along. If enough people wish me to continue the vote from the previous thread, I will go back and edit it in across the entire thread.


I have spent a lot of time on this thread to make it one of the best on the entire forum. It takes a lot of time to keep the thread troll-free, tally the votes, create the pie chart, and post the results. I have spent a grand total of 13 hours on the old thread and this thread combined. I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying it, and it continues to be a source of fun and pride for myself. Thank you, everyone, for the excellent job thus-far.


Continue on! :)


In my opinion, I think you've put enough time in to this thread. I know I appreciate it, as I'm sure many others do. Not many people are willing to do that, so kudos to you. It shows you do care about the game and its future.


If the developers or whoever truly are keeping an eye on the thread (plus the prior), I think they have a pretty good idea based on the work you've done so far, and I believe just about every comment that can be made has been made, and most of the new stuff is just rehashing the stuff already said.


It's not fair to you to put in any more time than you have. Let the folks getting paid at Bioware take over some of the work now based on the overwhelming responses you have received up to this point. :D

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In my opinion, I think you've put enough time in to this thread. I know I appreciate it, as I'm sure many others do. Not many people are willing to do that, so kudos to you. It shows you do care about the game and its future.


If the developers or whoever truly are keeping an eye on the thread (plus the prior), I think they have a pretty good idea based on the work you've done so far, and I believe just about every comment that can be made has been made, and most of the new stuff is just rehashing the stuff already said.


It's not fair to you to put in any more time than you have. Let the folks getting paid at Bioware take over some of the work now based on the overwhelming responses you have received up to this point. :D


Thank you very much for your compliments. They mean a lot. Seriously!


I think I will continue these threads for as long as people show interest in them. It takes time, but it is also something I enjoy as long as others like you enjoy them too! :D


I was thrilled when I learned two days ago that the chances of developers and other higher-ups keeping an eye on this thread are very very high. The person I spoke to use the wording "Pass threads like these up the chain of command in Bioware". My goals were to make a thread where almost everyone gets along, everyone shares opinions that are fun and interesting to read, and so developers could take note and help improve the game by reading those opinions.


I'll happily keep updating the tally and I am open to any other ideas on how I can improve the thread further. :D



Continue on, everyone! Excellent work, so far!

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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If anyone wishes to add an argument for/against adding the votes from the old thread to this one, simply express your opinion to me as we go along. If enough people wish me to continue the vote from the previous thread, I will go back and edit it in across the entire thread.


I have spent a lot of time on this thread to make it one of the best on the entire forum. It takes a lot of time to keep the thread troll-free, tally the votes, create the pie chart, and post the results. I have spent a grand total of 13 hours on the old thread and this thread combined. I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying it, and it continues to be a source of fun and pride for myself. Thank you, everyone, for the excellent job thus-far.


Continue on! :)


Could me for adding the old ones votes :D

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I like it, it isn't everything that I had it hyped up to be (is anything? ever?) but it's still what I spend most of my gaming time on, I'm a single player gamer before anything but I have been having great fun running Flashpoints and even the two Operations we did this week.


TL;DR :rolleyes:


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I love it!


I've enjoyed my Trooper story so far, my Jedi Knight story so far, and the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter stories as well.


I played a Smuggler/Gunslinger in the beta and loved that story too, so I'm waiting a bit before I redo that one now that the game is released.


I've also enjoyed the dabbling in Sith characters, but will hold off on those until my Jedi is complete and I've played a few others for some story distance.


Seems like the game has a great start with a solid foundation and is only going to get better as time goes on.

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Overall I'm ok with it. It does need some work though


First they said the game could run on lower grade pc's with onboard video. Yet mid grade pc's with graphics cards melt running the game. I had upgraded to a $1600 PC.


Basic utilities lacking ie: Simple word search auction house, cross server LFG, cross server warzones, chat bubbles.


Too many loading screens....


And no server transfers!

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If anyone wishes to add an argument for/against adding the votes from the old thread to this one, simply express your opinion to me as we go along. If enough people wish me to continue the vote from the previous thread, I will go back and edit it in across the entire thread.


I have spent a lot of time on this thread to make it one of the best on the entire forum. It takes a lot of time to keep the thread troll-free, tally the votes, create the pie chart, and post the results. I have spent a grand total of 13 hours on the old thread and this thread combined. I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying it, and it continues to be a source of fun and pride for myself. Thank you, everyone, for the excellent job thus-far.


Continue on! :)


No one is saying that you havent put alot of time into this thread. But for all the time you put into it you should want to keep acurate.

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The PVP in this game is a total joke.


I leveled two characters to level 40 on a crowded server, and I fighted two times in open world...


I can't count the number of times I had fun on other games while leveling my characters.

I still remember some of the open encounters I had 7 years ago on WOW!!!


Swtor is so, so, so, pathetic on this point. It really makes me sick because I though it would be great.


And Alderande is a piece of ****. Having to camp the whole game on a turret is bad bad bad, no fun.


I really hope Bioware will have blasting PVP news during this month otherwise I'll be the last for me.

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Like.... yes.

Love... no.


Sad as it is, there are so many little things that detract from the experience, from outright bugs down to little niggles. I'm sure many of them will be fixed in time. I really hope so. I'm sticking with it for now and hoping that I do grow to love it.

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No one is saying that you havent put alot of time into this thread. But for all the time you put into it you should want to keep acurate.


Your feedback, along with several other people, have convinced me to add the tally from the other thread.


This will take a moment.







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Your feedback, along with several other people, have convinced me to add the tally from the other thread.


This will take a moment.








Bad idea since that had people voting multiple times.


Is the "poll" feature broken because that would keep track and allow each account to vote once?

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Bad idea since that had people voting multiple times.


Is the "poll" feature broken because that would keep track and allow each account to vote once?


I believe he is going to check vs multi votes as why he said it might take a while.


Is there a inforum poll that will account for 1 vote per account?

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