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10 Good
  1. I cancelled mine too. Almost as fail as WaR. the lore was written for you. You could of had so much more at release. the sort system and droid on my ship saying the same damn things over and over alone made me hate this game somewhat. I wanted to like it but didn't. I guess the PvE is ok but the BH armor is unoriginal, unimaginative and just plain sucks. Games graphics look FTP and the engine reminds me of 1999.
  2. I never said it was hard fanboi children. Sorry you are all butthurt but the truth of the matter is level 50 in this game was the biggest let down ive ever had in a MMO. The gear difference although large and a little stupid doesnt make the pvp hard or even unplayable. What does is the lag in Ium. I know I know some basement dweller wearing a wookie mask made with real human hair he grew since he was a kid and seen starwars is going to say how his comp can play with no problems blah blah. Level 50 is just not fun for me. So i gave my opinion =P
  3. and I will sub til you can figure out the whole lvl 50 suckage part of pvp =) First game I ever dreaded dinging lvl 50 cause pvp is fun til then
  4. My comp which plays any other game just fine is a slideshow in Ilum. however my laptop does ok.....yet my laptop was slow for rift.....
  5. I have my G15 using rail shot, range DoT auto shot then i bind all three to 1 with no delay. I have rail shot , oil slick, rocket punch, flame bound to 2. 3,4,5 is escape,shield,vent. I have all heal over time bound to 6 and instant heals to 7. Charge is 8 and pull is 9. Quell is mouse 5. DfA is 0. I have it all remapped on me Macro KB so that I can reach it all easily.
  6. I like the game over all and having fun. there are issues some silly some dumb and some may be gamebreakers. my pet peeves are the sorting for items. Jar Jar Binks works for BW obviously. fix it. The travel systems seems really dated. The UIs lack of customization. Tab Targeting is almost full retard. RNG PvP items is dumb. These issues can be fixed and complaining this early and cancelling over it just shows how impatient you are or new to MMOs. Especially those who compare it to WoW or any other game out for years. They seem to forget those games and the massive downtime and lack of content they had early on.
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