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Bioware and Goldspammers


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Not sure what you guys are doing different than other MMOs but whatever it is keep up the good work! I've been playing since 1st day of early access and have well over 20 days played on my toon. In that time I've only received 2 gold spam mails and seen 0 advertisement in general chat. Comparing that too Rift or any other major MMO launch of the past 5 years that's quite an accomplishment.


Just figured I give some credit where credit is due (no pun intended). I'm sure the GW2 forum-less troll babies will find something to whine about anyways but that won't change the fact that Bioware seems to be the first company to have this under control for the most part. So thank you for that!

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That is one thing they learned from Warhammer Online (Before Mythic was fired) and World of Warcraft. And my personal spam is same as jarjarloves's.


Stopping the spam and you make for a better game.

Edited by Romiz
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Gotta agree - the first week of RIFT was just awful for goldspam and it took a long time for it to die down (although I beleive its still around).

WoW goes through phases of massive gold sam, even after all this time, but so far Ive had only 2 or 3 emails - per toon - and then..nothing.

Amazing - and impressive!

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Gotta agree - the first week of RIFT was just awful for goldspam and it took a long time for it to die down (although I beleive its still around).

WoW goes through phases of massive gold sam, even after all this time, but so far Ive had only 2 or 3 emails - per toon - and then..nothing.

Amazing - and impressive!


WoW will never even attempt to actually get rid of gold farmers/sellers... hell they make up a sizable chunk of the games playerbase and allow blizzard to claim inflated sub numbers... it would be bad business to ban them

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WoW will never even attempt to actually get rid of gold farmers/sellers... hell they make up a sizable chunk of the games playerbase and allow blizzard to claim inflated sub numbers... it would be bad business to ban them


with the price of the game compared to subscription i am inclined to agree with you there.


as for SWTOR so far since day 1 of release i have had 0 messages from gold sellers no mesages no spam, whatever they are doing they are doing it right.

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I've had a few (very few) spam in-game mails about it, but that's about it. That's light-years ahead of most of the other MMOs I've played, which tend to have constant chat channel and mail spam from gold farmers by the end of the first week.


Well done!

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Aion was absolutely brutal when it came to gold sellers and gold farmers. One of the main reasons I quit the game. It had some really cool features outweighed by some really bad features and the farmers/sellers.


Good lord, yes. Aion was a nightmare the first few months - bots everywhere you looked, and constant spam. They finally cleaned it up, but it took about six months.

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Well, you can better start to prepare yourself for it. Because it´s comming.


And how can i be so sure about that?


Go to the high level areas and do a /who. See all lvl 10-13, Reporting them? Useless! They

still stand there week after week... Same fellows. And they dont stand there for the fun of it

camp-looting chests. They gathering up untill they can sell it...

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there is simply no need to use the services of a gold farmer since credits are bountiful from any ingame activity and there is not really any existing economy anyway.


This is why


There is no reason to buy credits, you get plenty and have nothing to buy

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Aion was absolutely brutal when it came to gold sellers and gold farmers. One of the main reasons I quit the game. It had some really cool features outweighed by some really bad features and the farmers/sellers.


That is the same reason I stopped playing Aion, COH/V, GW1. Loved the games hating the out of control spamming.


NCSoft is horrid at stopping gold sellers.

Edited by Romiz
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Not sure what you guys are doing different than other MMOs but whatever it is keep up the good work! I've been playing since 1st day of early access and have well over 20 days played on my toon. In that time I've only received 2 gold spam mails and seen 0 advertisement in general chat. Comparing that too Rift or any other major MMO launch of the past 5 years that's quite an accomplishment.


Just figured I give some credit where credit is due (no pun intended). I'm sure the GW2 forum-less troll babies will find something to whine about anyways but that won't change the fact that Bioware seems to be the first company to have this under control for the most part. So thank you for that!


Oh man, boy do I feel dumb. I've been replying to those messages thinking they were real people, "I don't know who you are, and I don't know what GF001121 stands for either."

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From my experience there is no need for anyone to buy gold, and not much that you "need" to buy from the market. credits are easy to come by.


could be from no free trial accounts also.


The only reason you see spammers in other MMO's is because they choose not to remove them.

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Yes Bioware is controlling this very well. I don't think it makes a difference whether there is a lot to buy out there, people like to buy credits and the credit farmers are not showing up. :D


Whats the point in buying credits when you have credits and have no use for them.


The reason gold/credit sellers exist is because there is a need to them.


SWG you could buy painting/weapons/gear

WOW you could buy gear and weapons

SWTOR you can have them in your inventory


When you make something useless people dont sell it. SWTOR did a good job at that. :(

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There is no need of any significant amount of credits at level 50, so no one needs to buy any.


Gold spammers even spam Age of Empires online which you don't need gold in and almost nobody plays.


They are doing an effective job of removing gold spammers from SWTOR because they choose to do so, Any MMO can do this with a little filtering and will, but most don't want to.

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