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Level 50 - Do you use any other companion than Doc?


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I find Doc is the only decent companion to use at 50. Simply because he heals himself and you, it means less downtime between killing mobs (read: 0 downtime).


If you use another companion you might kill the enemies a tiny bit quicker, but you and the other companion will have lost a lot of HP and need to rest up afterwards, slowing it way down. Is it because our class has only a DPS tree and no healing / tank?


I really want to use Rusk or T7 or ANYONE else frankly because I don't even *like* Doc, but i'm stuck with him because of the heals. I tried gearing up the others in BoE epics and PvP gear, some even have spare raid loot that nobody from the raid needed so we greeded it for companions, and they all still suck compared to Doc. :mad:


I think we should get more base Presence stat as sentinels, it would solve a lot of problems for sentinels while levelling up and might even mean we can use another companion.

Edited by SunwindIon
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Sorry for borrowing your thread, and if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a question.

I'm lvl 38 and I on Balmorra now, doing quests. Can't wait to get Doc for healing. My question is, do you leave Doc's skills as they are or did you change them? My companion is Kira and just until recently I didn't notice companions have a lot of skills as well, but only 2 of them are under their skill bar.

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Sorry for borrowing your thread, and if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a question.

I'm lvl 38 and I on Balmorra now, doing quests. Can't wait to get Doc for healing. My question is, do you leave Doc's skills as they are or did you change them? My companion is Kira and just until recently I didn't notice companions have a lot of skills as well, but only 2 of them are under their skill bar.


I left them alone and just put him on healing stance, only recently did I start disabling his attack abilities so he could focus on healing

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I left them alone and just put him on healing stance, only recently did I start disabling his attack abilities so he could focus on healing




lol I assume doing that it makes the fights that much easier cause i didn't even think to do that lol but it makes since that may have been my issue a few times whare it seemed like we got burned down rather quickly.

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Personally I use Lord Scourge, he is in full Columni/Champion PVP gear, and tanks like a ******. I am watchman too, so there is just no stopping killing the mobs. Just chew through 15-20 mobs, very short regen time, then do the next 15-20. This includes chewing up Elites and Strong mobs.
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i used kira and doc for levelling (kira when i was tank speced, doc for dps spec). now that I'm level 50, i'm once again in tank spec and i do my dailies with doc, simply because i'm lazy.


i put him in offense stance because i don't need a lot of healing and he does somewhat decent damage with a ilvl 126 gun while still healing good enough to reduce our downtime to zero. i turned off his carbon stream CC ability because if you allow him to use it, he will stand there and channel the ability for 8 seconds or something and contribute nothing to damage or healing. i find him much more useful without that silly CC.


my kira has some level 50 gear, too (a 126 hilt and a few armaments, everything else is 48-50 blues), but i only use her when i group for H2 daily or something and the other guy is a real healer. i would probably use rusk for this job if he had decent gear (judging from his abilities, he's probably the better dps companion), but he is still in his green level 35 starter gear and i don't really feel like gearing him up right now. maybe at some point in the future, though.

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I've had T7 slicing pretty much non stop since i hit 50 and he was my weapon of choice for leveling. I have used Doc in T7s absence, because he's my only geared companion. If i had to choose who i wanted to use it would probably be Kira, two melee dps working together normally goes pretty well, just i haven't geared her up since i was forced to use her back in Chapter 1.
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Kira definitely seems to lose step after about 40.

Doc is a killer healer and as long as you can keep aggro on yourself, it's damn near impossible to die.

I've only had Scourge for a bit, but he's a pretty beastly tank and offers a little healing power too.


But yeah, gotta agree that Doc is a beast. I don't think he's the only choice though. Others can be viable if you take the time to gear them out right.

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I'm a tank and I'm running with Rusk. If properly geared, he pulls off very solid damage (3.5k crits in blue gear on charged blast ability). Plus, he's ranged, so I don't have to fear for him taking AoE damage, and if he aggros, he gives me a nice space to charge.


We blow through dailies with ridiculous ease.


Scourge is good for hand-me-down gear, but he simply doesn't scale as well damage-wise. And I don't really need a tank companion.


Doc, sadly, scales like poo-doo. My level 32 sawbones heals more than he does at 50 in blues.

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i like to know how all these sentinels are speccing "tank'. please do share, cuz id love to figure that one out. Or just trolling Guardians in the sentinel forums.


Sorry, I clicked the link from the starting page on the forum. :)


But, to amend myself, as an Annihilation Marauder, I run with Vette, who fills the exact same role. Don't see a lot of difference. Stuff dies fast, I lose from 5 to 10-ish% HP per pack.

Edited by Helig
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I find I do enough DPS myself and only use doc. If i ran into issues where my dps was not enough, i would use my R2 pet because he seems to take damage the best giving me the most amount of time to finish off the mob. He also puts out a decent amount himself once geared.


That's just me though - i lvl'd to 40ish using my R2 with no problems at all.

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For watchman and combat spec I preferred kira because she could hold her own and do good dps vs scourge, though I am full biochem so in a pinch I could heal myself. For focus though I do use doc, because the upfront dps is higher for non strong mobs so it's quicker to just aoe them.
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I've used Kira since I got her- never really messed much with the other companions. She's awesome when you keep her gear the same general level as yours.


I'm at 50 and use her exclusively when doing the dailies and such without any issue.


As for gear- social I from Coruscant gives you a nice set of moddable gear.. just have to keep her as up to date as you keep yourself and you should mow things down.



I am gearing up Scourge but thats mainly for something to do with the extra Str mods I get from the dailies. He hasn't seen much use yet.

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Leveling up from 7-14, T7.

14-45, Kira

45-50 and solo stuff at 50, Scourge


I had no issues with any of the chapter bosses with Kira out. We were both burning the bosses' faces no problem. Although I did die on the first attempt of the bosses, I figured out what I did wrong and easily killed them by the second attempt or the third in worst case scenarios.


At 50, I use Scourge because he gets all of my Tier tokens that I don't need and he's freaking beastly. If his health ever goes low, I just dismiss and resummon him. No stopping for healing. Only stopping to turn in dailies and what not... I can't solo the 4-man heroics though because of obvious limits.

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I use Kira when I take on regular mobs (Ilum/Belsavis daily quests) and Doc whenever I have to take on multiple Elites or a Champion (heroics).


I got Scourge and Rusk in full Champion gear but they're lousy tanks and/or the last thing Watchman need is a tank. Doc is in full Centurion gear while Kira is in her sexy slave girl outfit with decent mods, magenta crystal included (cause she's a girl, lol).

Edited by darthtoph
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I used Kira until I got to slept with her. Once done, Doc was a way better companion to have on the road for killing :p


Joke aside, I rotate based on what I am fighting. a Single boss, doc is the man but for anything that is just go in and out, Kira. Need a tank, Scourge is pretty nifty.

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how did you get doc in full centurion and youre a watchman sentinel?


you can buy other classes pvp and pve gear from the vendors.


I geared out Kira in full pvp epics last night after saving 11 bags for the patch change, went with her to belsavis to do dailies and I actually died. I was being careless I suppose, but only because i'm used to being healed by Doc. fact is, we can't use any other companion without seriously hindering out ability to 'solo', because we have no way to heal up :( I wish we could spec our companions, i'd make kira / rusk both healers and use one of those, i'm just so sick of Doc and his goofy looking cape and hat.

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