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You need to limit the amount of EXP we get


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I feel BW is submitting to the noobs who complain that this game is too hard. I find myself overleveled by the time I hit Balmorra and do the bonus series. When i first started out with my first character, i played some space battles and found that I was overleveled just by completing them. So now I dont touch any space battles and just quest like normal. Even then, i've become too high level for any regular quests. This has led me to roll an operative and literally stealth pass any enemies and avoid any bonuses objectives I find just to make the game a little bit more competitive.


My point is they should make this game a little bit more of a grind. Make it so that you "need" to do the bonus to be on par with your quests. If you decide not to do the bonus, things should get harder. Not like the current way where bonuses just make you overpowered for everything.


I really do not enjoy playing this when I'm doing level 32 quests and I'm 5 levels ahead of everything. Nor should I be keeping an eye out not to complete bonuses and avoid killing trash mobs.


I understand the first 30 or so levels should be easy, but by that time, we should have learned most of the ins and outs of the game to play something more difficult.


Those quests aren't really mandatory. If you feel you're outpacing the content, you could always you know, finish your class quests and move on to the next planet. The game is grindy enough as it is and lacks any other real content, so, yeah, you can keep this suggestion.

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Really doesnt have anything to do with the noobs. I think it has more to do with WoW. Any MMO that comes out with a somewhat slower leveling curve with be beat down as being a grind.


The only problem is if you do this you have to pump out content to keep people happy when they hit 50 so fast. which can be tough at launch when you are still struggling to kill bug.


It is the path Rift took and it looks like Swtor may go that way too.


At least swtor has different class story for alts. While not completely different it adds a little something different for alts while you wait. Rift was so linear it hurt.

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Really doesnt have anything to do with the noobs. I think it has more to do with WoW. Any MMO that comes out with a somewhat slower leveling curve with be beat down as being a grind.


I agree. The supreme irony of that is that WoW's current leveling speed was set that way because the game is mature -- that is, as expacs were added, the leveling speed was increased to let players reach the newer content (and the mass of the playerbase) sooner and faster. WoW certainly wasn't that speedy when it was released, and for the entirety of vanilla until well into BC, but now that the speed has been increased a few times due to having a mature game, it has set the expectation level for leveling speed for *any* game, including a brand new one. This is completely unreasonable, of course, but it is what it is. It's one of the many downsides WoW has had on the entire industry, really, in terms of setting expectations for new games.

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i believe XP is calculated to work in sync with questing. so not sure what OP is doing to be so overpowered, its working fine for me just hit the level 47 planet corellia, i'm level 46 with 30k till next level.


anyway the point is the XP gain is in line with the story. to increase the time it takes would mean completely overhauling the story

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Not sure what your doing, but I have completed every quest to include bonuses and I am at the correct level for the areas I am in, so for me the XP is right on track.


Also I am not doing any PvP or space missions.


Me too, don't blame the game when its probably your fault.:)

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The XP rate is far far too high if you do every (or even most) missions on a planet. Presumably this is to make levelling alts less repetitive


It is not too high. Unless you do PvP on regular basis, space combat more than new missions + dailies, do every single bonus series and repeat heroic quests on green planets every day until they go grey and play like only every fifth day with half a level rested, you will not outlevel the planet by more than 2-3 levels and if you do, guess what, mobs will give you less XP and their level will start to catch up. There is just NO WAY planet goes gray for you under normal circumstances

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I feel BW is submitting to the noobs who complain that this game is too hard. I find myself overleveled by the time I hit Balmorra and do the bonus series. When i first started out with my first character, i played some space battles and found that I was overleveled just by completing them. So now I dont touch any space battles and just quest like normal. Even then, i've become too high level for any regular quests. This has led me to roll an operative and literally stealth pass any enemies and avoid any bonuses objectives I find just to make the game a little bit more competitive.


My point is they should make this game a little bit more of a grind. Make it so that you "need" to do the bonus to be on par with your quests. If you decide not to do the bonus, things should get harder. Not like the current way where bonuses just make you overpowered for everything.


I really do not enjoy playing this when I'm doing level 32 quests and I'm 5 levels ahead of everything. Nor should I be keeping an eye out not to complete bonuses and avoid killing trash mobs.


I understand the first 30 or so levels should be easy, but by that time, we should have learned most of the ins and outs of the game to play something more difficult.


Now what has 'noobs thinking stuff is hard' to do with the fact you have a choice not to do every single quest? I'd prefer to skip some on alts, without being 5 levels below cause I did not do specific planet bonus series etc, they're 'bonus' for a reason. Space battles, FPs, repeatable heroics, are all CHOICES.


Not doing bonus is not making stuff harder anyway, there are other ways to lvl aside from solo questing. Easy vs hard, its mostly easy AT LEVEL. Should difficulty in general be a bit higher? I guess. Should I be made to grind every single quest on every planet to hit the level of next one? Hell no. It is not HARD its just GRIND, there are enough mmos that make you grind mobs for xp, this is not one of them and should never become such.

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Hmm, played Lotro for a number of years myself, it's alittle grindy but better examples imo would be:


FFXI (pre level sync) to name one, and afew of the older sandbox mmo's (EQ/EQ2).


Great mmo's in my opinion, but that was true grind :rolleyes:



Never did play FFXI, myself. LotrO isn't too bad if you're a VIP and you aren't trying to break your neck for all the slayer deed traits.


A free player spending nothing and not turbine point deed farming to buy regional quest packs is gonna be mob grinding past about level 35-ish though (last I played). More than enough grind for someone that thinks they need more grind, eh?

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bonus series




it's not bioware's fault you're doing all of the bonus series, sorry.


It's not just the bonus series.


If you dare to do any PvP, space battles or dungeons at all, you will outlevel the planets by a lot.



I agree with this thread, it doesn't seem properly designed. Many other games offer you a choice between at least 2 overlapping areas for most leveling brackets so you can always skip an entire area and leave it for an alt. Swtor is so massively linear I have no idea why the experience gain: quest level ratio is so screwed up.


well i do have an idea as to why that is but I don't want to anger all the carebears on these forums and those guys mistaking this game for a solo player experience :)

Edited by mufutiz
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I agree. On all my characters I have been massively over-leveled, more than 6-7 levels. In fact on my last character I skipped three planets - guess what, still over-leveled.


I don't know how it happens, but on my most recent character I noticed that I was already 3 levels over-leveled on Coruscant. I hit Taris (on Pub side) at level 19 (Should have left Taris at 18).


Doing 2 space missions, 2 pvp battlegrounds, all the missions including bonus series a day should be the bare minimum. I think xp gain should be nerfed by 25% across the board.

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Don't waste your breath OP, you are only getting flamed. The leveling is pathetically easy in this game and aimed at people that probably get by smashing the keys on their keyboard grunting like psychopaths.


The game is extremely linear and easy and every zone is outleveled by the simple fact of doing its quests.


Its quite funny really because the endgame is complete crap so they should actually make it a slow leveling process so they have time to actually implement something waiting for you there, but instead cave in to today's video game player: the noob. I could have called him the casual, but the true term for casual implies you cannot play as much as a hardcore player, not that you want the game dumbed down, because you are incompetent and your definition of challenge is playing halo on normal mode.


The game as all other ones before it have copied WoW's post WoTLK period. The introduction of nerfs to the leveling process and cakewalk endgame that robbed WoW of its Vanilla greatness and delivered the crap we know today.

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I agree with people asking for an Exp toggle. There were moments when I would have loved to just stay the same level so that I could earn money and not outlevel flashpoints and planets. CoH had an exp toggle, and it was great. I only used it sparingly, but the few times I did I'm glad I had one.


I don't think the rate of exp should be reduced, far from it. I would just like the option to reduce it myself.

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Yup, as per the link in my signature. So come on Bioware, give us something that those who want it would love, and those who don't want it wouldn't be damaged or adversely affected at all by it being implemented (since they would simply choose not to use it). Please? :)

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But that's in there so that the weekend warriors don't get completely behind the curve. Also, if you are not logging on your ship/fleet/cantina, how much rest XP are you getting?


40-50 over 4 days is not logged into a Cantina/Fleet or ship, if I log out in one of those places rest seems to hit 100+k in the same time frame.

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Dear god no to the OP.


I level through


Korriban (Imperial) / Hutta

Dromund Kaas (Imperial)



Doing all of the quests and bonus series because I enjoy them. By this point im higher level then I need to be for Nar Shaddaa but when I have finished this puts me nicely to do its Bonus Series w/ some help for the end bits.


This allows me to do the class lines on Tatooine & Alderaan because I hate these two planets. There big, slow and I find myself questing for 5 minutes travelling to and throw for 10 minutes, which I don't enjoy. So I skim over these planets ( done this twice now )


At which point iim onto Taris which i'm just above the recommend level for and with Bonus series this leaves me high then expected for Quesh and Hoth.


You can't do Hoth till your 46 anyway and i'm 42/43 at this point (I do pvp daily so sometimes I get a few extra bars from having to play a few games of PVP to get my win.


At which point i'm 43 and arriving at Belsavis from here it doesn't really matter weather I want to do it all or save the bonus series for later for the story purposes I'll be 50 by the time I land Corellia if not shortly after.. So no it is not "easy" to get to 50. I chose to do the bonus series which takes more time and I'm rewarded with nice loots, a cool story and a higher level for the follow up areas.


Which I enjoy because it means I don't have to cry when I fight elites because I don;t die 10 times because paying attention + a level or 2 makes these fights fun and not a struggle.

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Can I just say how nice it is to see how spoiled the current generation of MMOplayer is?


10 years ago, it was a quick hop to get your character to some level where you can actually do something i.e. not just kill rats and imps, and then the grind started... but guess what: we enjoyed it!


It may have taken a week to make a level, but yes, each fight was a challenge, each time you logged in you may have found some new people to team up with, whether just to help them out, or to progress together, who knows...


and eventually you hit that golden portal saying 'you know feel ready for some PvP!', you went thru, you got ready... and then you lost...


so you went back to some more PvE, took another PvP test, but this time you found some buddies to help, got a bit of an idea how to do things 'out there'...


and now you started to mix up things: a bit of PvE some PvP, and it always was a thrill!


And months and months after starting the game you actually get to the point where PvP felt like the clash of Titans (not the remake, maybe not even the original, just like, well, really Titans clashing...) and yet, there was still more to gain, new things to explore...


We had FUN! :)


But, these days, all I'm seeing is 'I've been playing for 5 days and I haven't hit lvl50 yet, just 45... this sucks, the game is full of time sinks... man, I so want to PvP... but I guess I have to grind for another day before I hit 50...'


Are you actually trying to destroy your game experience on purpose? Or is it really that 'instant gratification' is the only way of gaming/living you know? :confused:



Edited by Goreson
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bonus series




it's not bioware's fault you're doing all of the bonus series, sorry.


I can't do the bonus series. I've never done one. By the time I get there, the quests are greyed out and there's no reason to do them.


I agree with OP that I accumulate far too much XP by even playing normally. I have tried on multiple characters to limit this, but it rarely works. I skip missions just out of fear that I'll overlevel. It's not for the challenge; it's for the fact that I want to do missions in the future without them going grey. As a matter of fact, three of my characters are banned from PvP because they'll be too high of a level. My Sentinel is also barred from Space Combat for the same reason.

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I feel BW is submitting to the noobs who complain that this game is too hard. I find myself overleveled by the time I hit Balmorra and do the bonus series. When i first started out with my first character, i played some space battles and found that I was overleveled just by completing them. So now I dont touch any space battles and just quest like normal. Even then, i've become too high level for any regular quests. This has led me to roll an operative and literally stealth pass any enemies and avoid any bonuses objectives I find just to make the game a little bit more competitive.


My point is they should make this game a little bit more of a grind. Make it so that you "need" to do the bonus to be on par with your quests. If you decide not to do the bonus, things should get harder. Not like the current way where bonuses just make you overpowered for everything.


I really do not enjoy playing this when I'm doing level 32 quests and I'm 5 levels ahead of everything. Nor should I be keeping an eye out not to complete bonuses and avoid killing trash mobs.


I understand the first 30 or so levels should be easy, but by that time, we should have learned most of the ins and outs of the game to play something more difficult.


I vehemently disagree with your opinion. No additional time sinks, thanks.

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I agree that it's rather easy to become over-leveled in this game and a No XP button would be one way to solve the issue. Another would be a 'hardmode' that you choose at character creation and increases the XP necessary to level. However, I disagree with making it harder for everyone. I come from the world of console RPGs and frankly, if you aren't over-leveled, you pretty much die. If being a few levels over means i end a fight with 40% health instead of 10%, my sense of accomplishment is hardly diminished.


Incidentally, everyone that complained the XP was too high never said they took pains to stay away from rested XP.


I, for one, welcome my XP benevolent overlords.

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