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POLL: Hutball Goalie Strategy, Fair Play or Exploit? [VIDEO]


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Yup, this is the current big debate in Star Wars TOR Hutball.


Huttball Goalie Tactic



This is the goalie strategy some use, to stop an overwhelming force...


So take a peek at the video and you decide.. is this a overlook on game mechanic being exploited? Or is this a fair play tactic designed to be utilized?


So should it stay or should it go??? Please comment below :D

Edited by Shrug
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My buddy got pissed about this one game. The persons response the announcer encourages cheating in huttball the only true rule is no kicking the ball. Which kinda makes me wish there was a kick feature just to see what would happen.
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Yup, this is the current big debate in Star Wars TOR Hutball.


Huttball Goalie Tactic



This is the goalie strategy some use, to stop an overwhelming force...


So take a peek at the video and you decide.. is this a overlook on game mechanic being exploited? Or is this a fair play tactic designed to be utilized?


So should it stay or should it go??? Please comment below :D


Works right up until they pass it to someone like an assassin who will go immune, or some tard muffin who stuns the guy when they're past the fire pit making them immune to CC.

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Hey i use this same tactic in Aldaraan when those cocky center guys come to close to our center spawn there.... Zip.. splat.... is that exploiting?? they come to grapple me down, they come to prevent me from going right.... IMO, its fair game and designed to be utilized!!
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This tactic also works on campers... If you spawn and there is some punk sitting there camping the goal waiting for a pass... yank... SPLOOEY... what else can you do?? I mean you stand right on him he still catches the pass ... interceptions suck!! Worst yet, he yanks the ball carrier right to the end zone while you try to endlessly beat him down.. I say explode that SOB! :D Edited by Shrug
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Not an issue, because


1) There is a cooldown on that ability, so you can't pull the whole other team like that


2) You can't stand there forever. You can see on your screen that you have the safezone debuff, meaning if you stay there you'll get booted from the instance.


sorry, but it isn't cheating any more than pulling the ball carrier to the goal line.

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BW has already said that it is acceptable. Probably because they won't be getting around to any pvp fixes anytime soon.


Byron Deathmark:

"Grab the ball, throw the ball. Get the ball over the opposing team's line any way you can and your team gets a points."
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2) You can't stand there forever. You can see on your screen that you have the safezone debuff, meaning if you stay there you'll get booted from the instance.

But he isn't standing there forever. In the video the guy intentionally jumped into the fire vent to kill himself when the ball carrier got close. You can stay up there forever by just killing yourself now and then.

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the player is part of the ball? until the player touches the ground, the code has no way of knowing the ball has crossed, it isnt human perception here.....


if player x. is on x,x coordinate, SCORE.. unfortunately, player x doest update until foot hits ground

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But he isn't standing there forever. In the video the guy intentionally jumped into the fire vent to kill himself when the ball carrier got close. You can stay up there forever by just killing yourself now and then.


yes and very so on purpose for this video as a big complaint is that, you can't dictate when to do this.. as shown here, i very well can.. its a gamble.. so is it a valid gamble?

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But he isn't standing there forever. In the video the guy intentionally jumped into the fire vent to kill himself when the ball carrier got close. You can stay up there forever by just killing yourself now and then.


You don't win by standing on your goal line yanking players to their death. You win by taking the ball to the other team's goal line.


Standing behind your own goal line, and killing yourself to respawn, is a guaranteed way to lose the match. This is a good tactic only when the other team is camping your goal line. If they're there, use this tactic. It's just as fair as standing on the other team's goal and pulling your players to you.


If you have someone on your team doing this for fun, then you have a complaint, because he or she is not trying to help his team win. He's just farming easy kills. Otherwise, this is fair game as far as I'm concerned.


If you're thinking I'm biased, I play a juggernaut, which has no such ability. In fact I've had this done to me more than once.

Edited by NineInchNinja
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You don't win by standing on your goal line yanking players to their death. You win by taking the ball to the other team's goal line.


Standing behind your own goal line, and killing yourself to respawn, is a guaranteed way to lose the match. This is a good tactic only when the other team is camping your goal line. If they're there, use this tactic. It's just as fair as standing on the other team's goal and pulling your players to you.


I beg to differ, and I think i have the whole video and we won this game, so i saved a goal and turned the game around and rallied my team who probably was about to rage quit :D


As to your edit, seems you're mad when i use this on you, but when you use your invuln or burt or whatever the heck you tanks get... can't i get mad? Do i get mad when some invisible guy camps by a acid pit and then knocks me down into it, where i am dead with no choice? I didnt get to see him there.. *** can i do?

Edited by Shrug
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Even though it is frustrating, it's not an exploit. It's part of the game mechanics if people want to make us of it sure let them. I see no one complaining about Guardian/Juggernaught friendly charge nor do I see anyone complaining about the Sorcerer/Sage Rescue pull abilities.


Also resolve stops it from working as well and from the amount of CC I've seen ballcarriers get in huttball I'm surprised anyone manages to do this. Now I will admit I have done it myself on the otherhand it's usually when it's 0-5 so the bloody thing stops. I'm actually surprised by the amount of people who will just stand around the goal line with the ball just so people can farm...

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Well, um.


"Weapons, Name-calling and cheating are all encouraged."


Guess the question is: how literal does he mean that? :D

It's a bad argument overall, it's just a flavor bit tossed out by an NPC. If cheating is allowed, no-one should be complaining about speed hackers on Huttball, either.

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2) You can't stand there forever. You can see on your screen that you have the safezone debuff, meaning if you stay there you'll get booted from the instance.


Except you can get that debuff to reset without putting yourself in a position from which you can't get back to the ledge above your goal line.

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It's a bad argument overall, it's just a flavor bit tossed out by an NPC. If cheating is allowed, no-one should be complaining about speed hackers on Huttball, either.


meh, when you use an external hack, i would consider that a bit different... if you can't comprehend that.. well i dunno, seek some help, because thats borderline insane

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definitely exploiting.


Exploitation is using game mechanics to give you an unfair advantage over the other team. You might say both teams can do this...but then we would all tie every single huttball game ever. That sounds like fun to me!!


Wait, explain that again. How is it unfair if both sides can do the same thing?

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It's an exploit


Here's the deal


1) it's an insta-kill

2) the death field is there to keep the opponents from camping your spawn

3) you have to cheese the wz kick mechanic to stay up there


Finding some way to cheese the game geometry to avoid penalties/evade damage, etc is a classic example of exploiting and has been for as long as we've been playing these games.


Cheaters gonna cheat


They'll fix this as it is clearly not intended

Edited by Kwyn
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You can't sit up there forever as it counts as the spawn and you will get kicked.


The timing of pulling that off is pretty much luck.


There is a cooldown on the ability.


BW already said its legit.


Seriously, who cares, it rarely ever happens, and when it does its pretty damn funny. How about you pull him off the ledge first next time? Or just do it back to them?

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