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Bad design promotes ninja'ing of quest items


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Say you want, still bad design, you're honestly not helping this game by just accepting every bad design Bioware made by rushing this game out for the holidays

I have to agree with this.


I'm getting sick of people being like: "WELL, GET OVER IT!"

Why should we? Because Bioware is too lazy to release a game with decent game design?


That's why this game is destined to fail.

Edited by Paralassa
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Not really a new topic here, but the easiest solution would be to have object interactions immediately generate a high amount of threat. If people were going to get all the aggro, then they'd ninja less. There's no reason they should be able to sneak in and generate absolutely no aggro when they loot a chest or interact with the object.
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I have to agree with this.


I'm getting sick of people being like: "WELL, GET OVER IT!"

Why should we? Because Bioware is too lazy to release a game with decent game design?


That's why this game is destined to fail.


melodrama is best consumed in moderation.



Edited by Paralassa
rude quote
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While it is annoying, you would have had a rough time in EQ where people could train mobs onto after you cleared to get to an item and the mobs would kill you and the person who did it would take the item. Seriously, though as annoying as it is, it's not the end of the world. :D
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So you used a minute or so to post a thread on the official forum complaining about an incident in which on one quest of about 200+ others one guy stole a quest item which you had gained by clicking an item and killing three mooks, which you could do at about 10 other places, which respawned after a min?


You do realize that in the time I spent writing this response I could have done that whole quest you are QQ'ing about?

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Most of you aren't adding anything to this, kindly get out (biodrones)


I have the same problem OP, it gets VERY annoying, especially the ones that take 5 min to re spawn.


So, what, anyone who doesn't agree that a quest item (of which there are several scattered about the area) being ganked by some jerk, is a problem Bioware needs to fix?


Sorry, I don't. It's insignificant. It's about as close to a non-issues as you can get, in my personal opinion. Hell, I wouldn't have even bothered wasting the time to talk about it if I wasn't amused by the people who will think I'm a "biodrone" because I don't go into a tantrum over something so completely minor.


Sometimes people will grab stuff you wanted. Get over it.


Is it bad design? Maybe, if by "bad design" you're referring to some people's inherent ability to go all ballistic over the tiniest little things.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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It may not be (in fact, it's not), but that doesn't change the opinion that it is poor design. Of course, if it did lock the pickup to the player that initiated the ambush, there'd likely be an even larger problem of the item remaining locked to a player that died, disconnected, walked away, etc. and never respawning.
You mean Defending the Shipment?
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Its bad design and no amount of round logic or apologetics will change that.


That said.


Its not a HUGE priority. Its something to add to the list of things that need to be fixed thats all.


Why do people feel the the need to say " NO nothings wrong, you are wrong, its fine, you dont know how to play" whenever someone finds a problem.


Its a minor problem that needs to be addressed at some point. After the other larger problems.


No need to argue.

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Problem solved.


Pretty bad design. Any quest where that's not what happens is dealing with items that wouldn't work for.


On the other hand, in the current situation, we have the following:


Problem - People might ninja quest items


Possible solutions:


- Have the items respawn quickly so that this is a harmless thing - in fact, they should respawn faster than enemies. The problem goes away and it's easier overall to complete quests in crowded areas.

- Tie the item to the enemy. Risks a group farming the enemy to lock them down so that other people cannot complete the quest, something impossible with the current setup on most quest items.

- Have a certain enemy drop the item. Same problems as above, and risks making absolutely no sense for many quests.

- Have many enemies drop the item. Quests become much easier.


Only one of those solutions is good design. It happens to be the one that exists in the game.

Edited by Inarai
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So, what, anyone who doesn't agree that a quest item (of which there are several scattered about the area) being ganked by some jerk, is a problem Bioware needs to fix?


Sorry, I don't. It's insignificant. It's about as close to a non-issues as you can get, in my personal opinion. Hell, I wouldn't have even bothered wasting the time to talk about it if I wasn't amused by the people who will think I'm a "biodrone" because I don't go into a tantrum over something so completely minor.


Sometimes people will grab stuff you wanted. Get over it.


Is it bad design? Maybe, if by "bad design" you're referring to some people's inherent ability to go all ballistic over the tiniest little things.


Well, back in the day of MuDs, if someone tried that you would "solve" the problem by hunting him down and PKing his butt.


He'd come back with friends (or never be seen again) and you would come back with firend, and a nice roleplay (with real emotions of ill intent) feud would go on for awhile until it wasn't fun anymore.


These days, people act like jerks because there is nothing stopping them.

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reading all this i wonder, whats the real problem here ?


Is it the mission item that is usable by anyone with the mission ?



or is it the dude that passes by and picks up the item an other dude is fighting mobs for....



Its human nature guys, whatever one designs, someone will figure out how to exploit it to get his personal stuff easier done.

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k you guys obviously have no idea what hes talking about. one of the first quests on balmorra you have to collect like 5 power cores. You click the item to make the core pop out. Then you get ambushed. During this period anyone nearby who is on the quest has free reign to run up and ninja the item. Thus forcing you to wait roughly 1-2 minutes for it to respawn at which point you have to go through ANOTHER ambush. Its a mild annoyance really but considering how easy it would be for them to fix it i think its just stupid of them to leave it as is.


There is no way to prevent that without causing more serious problems. If you lock it to the person who opens it, you'll get people opening it and leaving, and now it's jammed.


An exclusivity timer reduces that a bit, but has its own problems. It will always be either too long or too short.

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Me thinks you Nay Sayers are missing the actual point here. The real issue is not that somebody ninjad. Seriously it happens and while yes we should be able to (like in the old muds) go and pk the player as that would be fun and add consequences for your actions in game. That part is a moot point and honestly yes players need to just deal with it.


The real issue is the avoidance of the quest mechanics. The quest mechanic in this case is, you click on the item to open it, you then have to face an ambush of NPC's trying to prevent you from doing what it is that your doing to said quest item. You then beat the npcs and do what you need to do with the quest item. Thats the intended mechanic of the quest line.


What is happening here is another player is coming along after you click on the item but before you have defeated the ambush and getting or destroying or what ever the quest node without having to face the ambush themselves.


This is actually a work around of the quest mechanics and that is what needs to be fixed. In this particular instance should you interact with the quest item that would spawn an ambush it should spawn an ambush for you regardless if somebody is already fighting the ambush or not.

Edited by Lerthan
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So, what, anyone who doesn't agree that a quest item (of which there are several scattered about the area) being ganked by some jerk, is a problem Bioware needs to fix?


Sorry, I don't. It's insignificant. It's about as close to a non-issues as you can get, in my personal opinion. Hell, I wouldn't have even bothered wasting the time to talk about it if I wasn't amused by the people who will think I'm a "biodrone" because I don't go into a tantrum over something so completely minor.


Sometimes people will grab stuff you wanted. Get over it.


Is it bad design? Maybe, if by "bad design" you're referring to some people's inherent ability to go all ballistic over the tiniest little things.



Whoa! You need to calm down buddy, did I touch a nerve there? Sorry :)

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K so apparently you guys think im railing on BW for not fixing it. All I meant is that its a very simple flaw that wouldnt be very hard or time consuming to fix. A few lines of code maybe.


And on another note the quest I was referring to on balmorra isnt a quest where you can just go loot any items in the area. there are 5 total items on the entire map with roughly a 1 minute respawn. They are numbered 1-5. The point i was making is that is just a mild annoyance to have it setup the way it is. Im certainly not saying it should be a priority or that they are even obligated to fix it. It is what it is.


Although in future content I think it would be nice for them to add preventative measures on new quests that require stuff like this. IE Lock the item to the person who clicked it and is being ambushed.

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K so apparently you guys think im railing on BW for not fixing it. All I meant is that its a very simple flaw that wouldnt be very hard or time consuming to fix. A few lines of code maybe.


And on another note the quest I was referring to on balmorra isnt a quest where you can just go loot any items in the area. there are 5 total items on the entire map with roughly a 1 minute respawn. They are numbered 1-5. The point i was making is that is just a mild annoyance to have it setup the way it is. Im certainly not saying it should be a priority or that they are even obligated to fix it. It is what it is.


Although in future content I think it would be nice for them to add preventative measures on new quests that require stuff like this. IE Lock the item to the person who clicked it and is being ambushed.


Ah so someone can stand there and keep you from getting the quest forever?


The design exists as it does for a reason and your suggestion is very flawed.

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