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Micro-transaction Shop. Yay or Nay?


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I was not talking about what you buy just how much money you spend on it. Btw no one will force you to buy this if it's just social stuff do they? But noooo <I'm not paying for that pet and you will not pay for it to> If you can't afrod that kind of money well I'm sorry for you.


Yeah cause we all know the economy of the world is amazing atm and everyone has money to blow on stupid visual things that should actually be rewards for doing something.

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Absolutely against cash shop, you pay a sub already to help them maintain the game, cash shop in a sub game is greedy double dipping, they might say oh but we only plan to sell cosmetic stuff....! yeah right my *****. the only company that truly has proven to be able to make such a cash shop game is arena.net, knowing EA they will get greedy, look at blizzard sub+cash shop, no idea why people put up with that $hit. not to mention sooner or later it becomes pay to win. Same reason I will not play secret world already announced that it will be sub+cash shop.


like someone else said, it's like driving on a highway with toll booths every half a mile.


/end of rant.

Edited by Latinkuro
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Hell No..just No no no and more no to inifinity. MIcro Transactions should stay where they are.....Not in this game. I play Subscription games to avoid cash shop shenanigans. Edited by Kindara
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I hate microtransactions. That said, anyone who is a long term follower of the game knows that initially, years ago, they said SWTOR would have a robust microtransaction system. So, don't be surprised if we get a 'store' after release. :p Though, they have admittedly been very quiet about it for some time now. So, it's equally possible they got so much backlash back then that they scrapped the idea.


Actually they never said this. It was a comment that was blown out of propotion and tagged onto SWTOR.

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i'm sure paid server/race/sex/faction/ac changes will come, but i wouldn't call them microtransactions. I also strongly hope acs won't fit in there and will just be respeccable in game for credits once they'll implement it.
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I've seen these mentioned in various threads with many different opinions, so let me ask the question.


Do you want a micro-transaction shop added to SWtoR? And Why?


I ask "why?" because I'm very much in favour of these kinds of shops and I'm not sure what people's objections are. I'd love to hear from the people who don't like them and find out why.


I should say I like them, so long as they don't offer anything you *need*. Just optional extras. Like the costume parts they sell in City of Heroes, or the different looking ships in Startrek online.


If there was a zone in the game you could only access if you bought a 'pass' item in the store, I wouldn't be in favour of that.


Special colour crystals

Different looking mounts

Maybe different style starships (Same ability as the originals, different look)

Special Companion appearances


I think I'd be fine with those and I would actually buy them.


This is probably all moot of course, all MMOs have these shops eventually and mugs like me become their customers, but I would like to understand the pros and cons before we get that far.


What do you think?


A thousand times nay. I'm paying fifteen bucks a month to support the development and profit of the game. Why should I have to pay more to get stuff that I'm already paying for? If I'm going to be paying for the development of it, I want it there, waiting for me. I might have to kill 10,000,000 mutant Rhakghoul bunnies to get it, but I can deal with that.


If they then want and additional $5, $10, $15, whatever, then they have crossed the line.

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No please. I'd understand if this was a free to play game. . .but with me paying a subscription fee everything month, there should NOT be any microtransactions at ALL in the game.


idc if it's purely cosmetic of what. They shouldn't be introduced into the game.

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We already have micro transactions, our subscription charges. They have a decent flow of income from this, so anything they add to the game we already pay for. If it was f2p then I would say yes. But it's not.
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For purely cosmetic stuff, sure, why not. You want a wookie pet who follows you around and does absolutely nothing but occasioanlly cough up a furball, if you wanna pay for it then go right ahead.


The minute it impacts on gameplay however, forget it. Speeders for RL cash instead of ingame credits, no thanks. Stat gear, weapons, transport, absolutely not. Not even consumables. Everyone should have a level playing field. It shouldn't be whoever has the deepest pockets. By all means create a game around that model, but not adding it to a game that doesn't


Agreed. They should stop offering CEs with items, too.

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Its a dirty word for alot of gamers,


oh they want new games, the best code, the best dev teams. It all comes with a price tag, Without a good return these big companies like EA will do bad things so Id beware chasing off more cash.

It freeks them out when they see goldsellers make money that really should be theirs.


So with that said, Selling fluff is ok. anything that impacts the game NO

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Hell nay.


The only thing I could support is mounts/non-combat pets like WoW does, and MAYBE customizable gear(with no mods in them).


But, we already pay a monthly fee there shouldn't be anything on top of it.

Edited by ckoneful
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Its a dirty word for alot of gamers,


oh they want new games, the best code, the best dev teams. It all comes with a price tag, Without a good return these big companies like EA will do bad things so Id beware chasing off more cash.

It freeks them out when they see goldsellers make money that really should be theirs.


So with that said, Selling fluff is ok. anything that impacts the game NO


We already pay the price tag at $60+ for the game and $15 a month.


Trust me, they make a profit.

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Big freaking NAY, Microtransactions have no place in subscription mmo's, games like Swg who put it in are a abnormation, thankful SoE payed for theyr greed.


Microtransactions ontop of subscriptions is about the only thing that would make me ragequit..


What he said....

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The advantage of MTs is they enable developers to add features which only appeal to a minority of the playerbase.


Consider, for example, an irish accented VO for the Smuggler. Some people might want this, but it's very expensive to add, how many people would really want their monthly subs going to pay for this?

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I would much rather see cosmetic stuff put in game as a reward for doing some accomplishment in order to retain subscriptions and give us something else to do end game.


I don't think we will see a MT shop in this game.. I think biowares target audience are not the same as WoW's.


One of the reasons I am subbing this game rather then something like WoW. And intend to keep subbing this game rather than a game like TSW is because of NO MT shop.

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