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Troopers are op need nerf asap!


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Inquisitors actually are overpowered.. 1v1. I can't be beaten by anything less than another sage/inquisitor of equal skill or a player of much higher level. But I don't see them getting nerfed. Working as intended.:D


Soundrels and Operatives would like to have a chat.

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Without insulting the OP or anyone else (Because, I am an adult.) I will say this.


Low level PvP is dangerous to complain about. Different classes get spell interupts, escape abilities, gap closers at different rates. So while you may have died to an onslaught of damage in low level PvP, your class is balanced under the assumption you have all your abilities. I believe it wise to reach 50, then re-assess what you believe is OP or not.

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With all due respect to every player here. It's Threads like this that start the wheels of destruction on good MMOs. Star Wars Galaxies was the biggest victim to date.


The process went like this:


Small group of people whined about things being op


Devs reviewing it decide to scale things a bit


Everyone complains that everything is underpowered


Devs come out with a combat upgrade


Everyone complains some more


Devs do a total revamp of the game


Everyone has a digital pile of #$% on their hard drive


Mass un subs



Please...please please. Do not ruin this game with cry baby threads like this. Devs take things like this VERY seriously. You have been playing the game for 3 days, please take the time to learn your character IN & OUT before you start something that will ruin the game for you and everyone else in the end. /rantoff



You can add AOC to that list too (Age of Conan). When the game came out, you had to have some skill/dexterity in your combat. i.e. circle straffing while landing multi hit combos. Many noobs, likely from WoW, complained how it was so unfair to have PVP so "skill" based regarding player movement etc and how they could not just stand in one place toe to toe and press a single "i win" button. As a result of all the whining, the combat system got revamped which then resulted in a mass exodus.


For all those whining and crying about OP classes already in SWTOR BEFORE the game has actually launched and BEFORE anyone has reached lvl 50, it basically boils down to this point: If you want to PVP (because this is a choice) and you as a player expect to stand still and hit a few abilities in random order and succeed, then please go play pokemon or something to that effect. If you dont want to take the time to break down the strengths of the character class you have chosen, and implement them effectively in logical order etc then you really have no business whining about being killed by a better player. Seriously, pokemon is that way ----------------------------->

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Inquisitors actually are overpowered.. 1v1. I can't be beaten by anything less than another sage/inquisitor of equal skill or a player of much higher level. But I don't see them getting nerfed. Working as intended.:D


Well all i can say you is that i nuked 3 down in 1on1 situations ~ lvl 12 in BGs ...


They may pull off good damage but theres nothing i cant send to hell :F


Gunslinger FTW

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Seriously , learn to play before you cry your nerf song. Your enemies knows how to play their class well while you don't.

If you want to be the godliest player, go and play with a skipping rope outside.

But then you might find something to nerf because you can't skip properly.

Maybe you should nerf yourself.

Edited by Krondorf
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they should really ban greenhorns from posting on the forums, i mean if theres any people ruining pvp with whining its people like OP, who know nothing about the game and class and just make wild accusations because they cant handle the fact that spamming 123 just doesnt cut it...


Naw, why? Because after all its better to be thought a fool then open ones mouth and remove all doubt. This thread is a perfect example.



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Sounds like someone thought he was so good he couldn't be beaten. Everyone can be beaten, including yourself, always remember that. Doesn't mean the other class is overpowered. I see a lot of overblown egos that are one bad fight from crying nerf on this board too.


Back on topic, I've read on the mercenary class boards that its pretty even dueling 1-1 vs snipers, with an edge toward the sniper. Instead of crying nerf they are refining their fighting strategy.

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oh you got owned??? thats too bad.....I have been cleaning house with my sniper. right from lvl 10 without my advanced class


only time ive lost to a trooper is when he came in after i had just defeated an assasin.


40% health with minimal cool downs and i still got the trooper to 20% before dying

Edited by Kalliadies
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Not only can troopers do amazing damage, but they can go in their healer tree and still do amazing damage...


Not only can they do damage, but they have a knock back and the single best cc in the entire game in the Cryo Grenade...


So not only are they the strongest healers, they are the strongest DD, and the strongest CC.


I open on this trooper (as Sniper) get him to 50% health, he heals to full instantly, he then cryo grenades me, to which my cc break is down, (at this point im at 100% health) I cannot break the cc and he kills me b4 the cc breaks... seriously broaken.


This must be a troll.... no way you think a Commando is OP. They can tear some things up if you ignore them....put throw down some pressure and they won't be able to get away from you.....if they are healing they are not attacking you....keep the pressure on till their resource is burned then they are toast.


I lose to people all the time because my trinket is on CD...that's how close the balance is currently...and I am A Merc!

Edited by Soljin
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He's an inquisitor, this is just the sort of deception they are known for, don't listen bioware! And btw, speaking of OP, those sorcereres need a serious nerfing, in pvp all i see is lightning and stuns all day long. really BW? fanboi lust for unlimited power does not justify giving these SI tools the best abilities in the game. Shame on you.
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He's an inquisitor, this is just the sort of deception they are known for, don't listen bioware! And btw, speaking of OP, those sorcereres need a serious nerfing, in pvp all i see is lightning and stuns all day long. really BW? fanboi lust for unlimited power does not justify giving these SI tools the best abilities in the game. Shame on you.


time to roll a sage?

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

Just saying Troopers are not overpowered in any way and do not need to be nerfed in fact the Sith Inquisitor is overpowered and needs to be balanced out/nerfed.Nerfing in my opinion is a last,last resort it would be best to start with balancing all classes both Republic and Sith Empire so all players have a fair chance at killing each other in player vs player warzones and Ilum player vs player.BTW i have managed to kill Sith Empire players in warzones with my lvl 43 Trooper.

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Not only can troopers do amazing damage, but they can go in their healer tree and still do amazing damage...


Not only can they do damage, but they have a knock back and the single best cc in the entire game in the Cryo Grenade...


So not only are they the strongest healers, they are the strongest DD, and the strongest CC.


I open on this trooper (as Sniper) get him to 50% health, he heals to full instantly, he then cryo grenades me, to which my cc break is down, (at this point im at 100% health) I cannot break the cc and he kills me b4 the cc breaks... seriously broaken.


1. Get better gear.

2. Get your bounty hunter friend that is the exact same as the trooper to help.

3. Don't go after the target with the heavy armor when you have soft targets to pick from...like sages or med armor wearers.

4. Strongest CC class is gunslinger/sage and the mirrors.

5. Get better gear.

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Wow, Ratatech, you had to go back HOW many pages to pull this post out of the history book?

Last post was over 3 months ago. :eek:


Ahh the power of forum necromancy.


I actually wish I could go back even further to some of the beta testing forums, those would be some interesting necro reads.

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Hi all,

When the developers nerf something someone gets upset and rages on the threads about it so nerfing is really a last,last resort it is better to try and balance classes or equipment.

In my opinion troopers/commandos need a damage balanced rocket launcher to counter Sith Iquisitors and their overpowered attacks to counteract the huge damage potential of a rocket launcher a limited supply of rockets would force players of troopers/commandos eqquiped with a rocket launcher to decide between constantly firing the laucher and using up their supply of rockets or firing the launcher when the enemy player is focused on another friendly player.

Edited by ratatech
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