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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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My rough estimate is 2.5M Active Subscribers

What's yours?:p


They will be lucky to hold on to 250K of those people IMO, the game is full of bugs and the competing MMO's being released, are not having these problems, it's going to completely destroy this game if something isn't done soon sadly.

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.


GW2 open beta invites will go out in 3 weeks time and TERA goes live in May. Personally I don't care much for the latter, still... I'm pretty sure it won't take long before TOR numbers start to decline.


BW's lack of experience as a MMO developer (fail patch after fail patch) and their total lack of communication and/or crappy customer service doesn't help either.

Edited by darthtoph
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This month it will drop that is almost certain.


March however you have patch 1.2 which will cause more people to return then leave.


March you also have the Oceanic release which means a LOT of new players.


So by march probably more then 1.7 million.



6 months from now.... hard to say. If they keep fixing bugs and adding new content at they rate they are currently doing it then SWTOR will be in great shape. If they get some form of Free Flight Space Combat in like they have been hinting at?


Then subs will be well over 2 million.

Edited by jarjarloves
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are the servers becomming more full ?


no they not what more proof do you need.


these servers are tiny yet half of them are light, my server tomb of freedon nadd is the highest pop server eu and theres hardly no one on it probally about 1000 people at one time

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1 month from now i predict 750k and it will drop to around 300k


more people are leaving then joining


Yeah, when you make a statement like that without providing any kind of proof and when your statement basically sais that they'll lose 1 million subs in a month I have only one thing to say. Much troll I sense in you.

Edited by Runeshard
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are the servers becomming more full ?


no they not what more proof do you need.


these servers are tiny yet half of them are light, my server tomb of freedon nadd is the highest pop server eu and theres hardly no one on it probally about 1000 people at one time

During peak hours there are maybe one or two servers that are light among the eu servers. Haven't checked the us servers during peak hours but I have several times seen the largest part of the servers being standard and heavy, very heavy and full together being more numerous than the light servers. In other words, I see no reason for anyone to believe a word you say.

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are the servers becomming more full ?


no they not what more proof do you need.


these servers are tiny yet half of them are light, my server tomb of freedon nadd is the highest pop server eu and theres hardly no one on it probally about 1000 people at one time


Can you back this up with anything? They have said that they have doubled the server capacity since launch, just so you know... 1000 players on at the same time on the highest pop server in EU during peak time? From your behind or from sources?

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Well, GW2 and TERA are both around the corner and TOR is not a game peeps return to, that game is called Pandaland. If anything, MMO history has taught us that as soon as a new and anticipated MMO goes live players tend to dump their current MMO. There you go. Edited by darthtoph
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Well, GW2 and TERA are both around the corner and TOR is not a game peeps return to, that game is called Pandaland. If anything, MMO history has taught us that as soon as a new and anticipated MMO goes live players tend to dump their current MMO. There you go.


I didn't dump mine... It was taken offline because of EA. Now I'm gonna go play STO because this pile o' lard doesn't work right on my PC but EVERY other game does... It is mind boggling.

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I know how you feel, wish I hadn't given away my Aion Gladiator back in September. Then again, two years with nothing but PvE patches was enough. Kinda the direction TOR is heading towards right now, dumbing everything down. Edited by darthtoph
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During peak hours there are maybe one or two servers that are light among the eu servers. Haven't checked the us servers during peak hours but I have several times seen the largest part of the servers being standard and heavy, very heavy and full together being more numerous than the light servers. In other words, I see no reason for anyone to believe a word you say.


Kind of moot when "very heavy" is well under 3k people and those people are spread out over 2 factions and 17 planets. I played from 7p-10p EST last night on Tattooine, and there were a whopping 35-50 people there. My server was "heavy" most of last night, and there were less than 100 people at the (Rep) fleet the couple times I logged an alt there to check mail.


There are too many servers with too small number of people on them, and the game was pushed out before it should have been to meet an arbitrary deadline. EA learned NOTHING from Warhammer.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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Kind of moot when "very heavy" is well under 3k people and those people are spread out over 2 factions and 17 planets. I played from 7p-10p EST last night on Tattooine, and there were a whopping 35-50 people there. My server was "heavy" most of last night, and there were less than 100 people at the (Rep) fleet the couple times I logged an alt there to check mail.


There are too many servers with too small number of people on them, and the game was pushed out before it should have been to meet an arbitrary deadline. EA learned NOTHING from Warhammer.


Where do you get the info on server capacity numbers, and how many people did you expect to see in a mid level zone at this point?

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I'm not optimistic about the subs trend because the game in its current state doesn't provide long term value: it lacks depth, immersion and dinamism. Among other design related reasons, I'd say this is because basic RPG/sandbox/socializing/interaction features are missing.


Presently the game is a cooperative action game whose main incentive is to get better combat gear through grinding. It's the Pacman philosophy in a false MMORPG disguise.


You can expand horizontally as much as you want: they game will fail miserably on the medium/long term if the designers keep on with the Pacman philosophy. The reason: when your main incentive is to get better combat gear through grinding in an on rails scenario, eventually you'll get the same mental sensation as a hamster on a wheel or a labour worker on an assembly line. No magic, no mystery, no freedom at all in its current state.


Hope the Devs reconsider the situation and take the steps in the right direction.

Edited by Suturi
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Kind of moot when "very heavy" is well under 3k people and those people are spread out over 2 factions and 17 planets. I played from 7p-10p EST last night on Tattooine, and there were a whopping 35-50 people there. My server was "heavy" most of last night, and there were less than 100 people at the (Rep) fleet the couple times I logged an alt there to check mail.


There are too many servers with too small number of people on them, and the game was pushed out before it should have been to meet an arbitrary deadline. EA learned NOTHING from Warhammer.


Thats kinda wierd ...my server never goes above standard and between 7pm and 12am theres anywhere between 190-250 on imperial fleet and about the same on republic

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Where do you get the info on server capacity numbers, and how many people did you expect to see in a mid level zone at this point?


There have been a few threads where people went to each planet in each faction and looked the number of people there, and added it up. The thread I'm thinking of a guy was on a "very heavy" server and counted 2250ish people. Obviously, this isn't exact, but it's close enough of an estimate.


BioWare and/or people that insist server pops are fine can't have it both ways. ANY level range people complain about having trouble finding groups, a top excuse is "well, you rushed to xx level and there aren't that many people at that level yet!". What's the excuse for less than 100 people at the fleet during prime time? I guess tonight I can fly to Hoth or Belsalvis and see well under 100 people on those planets, too...what will the excuse be then?

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