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Republic < Sith ?


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Why is republic have poor designs on there amour and is out numbered on every server ATLEAST 1 to 4. I think BW needs to do something because why would people roll republic if here gear looks like horse $hit compared to Sith, there amour looks like the designers put alot more time into sith then Republic. ^^


If you Agree Post a comment and Concern.


If your sith and you came to TROLOLOLOL. Well your welcomed too but not much you can say. ^^

Edited by SkillzKillz
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Same reason why Destruction outnumbered Order when WARhammer Online came out. Destruction had better looking armors and cooler looking classes (eventually it evened out in the later months because Order had some ridiculous OP classes... cough Bright Wizards cough) Edited by AndantePhist
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Bonus points to me because I act like that a lot, too.


Edit: Also, I'd prefer the Jedi Knight, Trooper, and Smuggler gear over looking like a Power Ranger for a Warrior, a hunk of metal for a Hunter, or a Scuba Diver for an Agent.


Not to mention Smugglers get Twilight Sparkle as a romance option, and Troopers get Panthro from the Thundercats.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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Why is republic have poor designs on there amour and is out numbered on every server ATLEAST 1 to 4. I think BW needs to do something because why would people roll republic if here gear looks like horse $hit compared to Sith, there amour looks like the designers put alot more time into sith then Republic. ^^


If you Agree Post a comment and Concern.


If your sith and you came to TROLOLOLOL. Well your welcomed too but not much you can say. ^^


I generally agree with you. I play both sides and from what I have seen the armor is much cooler on empire side. For instance, starting out Troopers look honestly like Star Trek rejects in my opinion, but later on their armor does look pretty bad ***, Bounty Hunters, while not starting with the coolest gear in the world at least have an armored look. Sith have cooler looking armor but come on, the robes you see so often on jedi are kinda a trademark thing you gotta have it lol. Not too sure as far as smug/agent armor yet as i just started playing these too classes. While I am not sure it is at least 1-4 (my current server seems closer to 1-2 or 1-3) but there is a definite pop imbalance.


Cant really blame Bioware for pop imbalance because come on, most people wanna play the bad guy anyway.

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Why is republic have poor designs on there amour and is out numbered on every server ATLEAST 1 to 4. I think BW needs to do something because why would people roll republic if here gear looks like horse $hit compared to Sith, there amour looks like the designers put alot more time into sith then Republic. ^^


If you Agree Post a comment and Concern.


If your sith and you came to TROLOLOLOL. Well your welcomed too but not much you can say. ^^

I disagree. Especially the highlighted part is a distortion of the truth and extreme exaggeration that we don't need in discussions about this topic.

Yes, a number of servers do have a problem with (high level) Empire players being more in numbers and more active in PvP. But nowhere near is it 'every server' or 'ATLEAST 1 to 4'.

People, less dramaqueening and more objectivity and common sense please.

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I disagree. Especially the highlighted part is a distortion of the truth and extreme exaggeration that we don't need in discussions about this topic.

Yes, a number of servers do have a problem with (high level) Empire players being more in numbers and more active in PvP. But nowhere near is it 'every server' or 'ATLEAST 1 to 4'.

People, less dramaqueening and more objectivity and common sense please.


Actually there are ZERO EDIT: PVP servers where republic outnumbers empire.


I dare you to find me a server where republic outnumbers empire... you can make an alt on every server and /who survey and you won't find a server were republic outnumbers empire. (trust me my friends and I tried... unsuccessful, there are no balanced servers...)


Also on the best of servers empire outnumbers republic AT LEAST 1.5 to 1, and these are the "best" servers, on the worst servers, yes its at least 4 to 1 and is getting worse because all the republic have quit those hell holes of servers and probably rerolled sith or quit the game all together.


Also just because republic players dont enjoy being base camped and farmed because they are outnumbered greatly in ILUM, doesn't mean empire is more "active" in pvp. Riding on a bicycle in ILUM for 3 hours to farm armaments does not mean you are "active" in pvp, especially since you secured ILUM with numbers alone.


Now get off your delusional high horse and accept the fact that you rolled a zerg faction that all the casual masses flocks to and can win with no skill, but through pure zerging.

Edited by AndantePhist
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I think the 4 to 1 ratio is accurate, but in a sense most haven't considered.


The ONLY time server imbalances are important or relevant is PVP. While my random surveys on my server show Fleet averaging about 2 to 1 in favor of the Imps... nearly every single time the survey on Ilum showed... Imps 60 Rep 12.


If not for PvP, server imbalances wouldn't matter at all. Period. I could care less how many of you like beating hammer station with lightning instead of pebbles or spin circles in a sugar induced frenzy with your red lightsaber out typing "IMMA SIF LAWWWD!!!".

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I think the 4 to 1 ratio is accurate, but in a sense most haven't considered.


The ONLY time server imbalances are important or relevant is PVP. While my random surveys on my server show Fleet averaging about 2 to 1 in favor of the Imps... nearly every single time the survey on Ilum showed... Imps 60 Rep 12.


If not for PvP, server imbalances wouldn't matter at all. Period. I could care less how many of you like beating hammer station with lightning instead of pebbles or spin circles in a sugar induced frenzy with your red lightsaber out typing "IMMA SIF LAWWWD!!!".


I lol'd.


Mainly because I did that once.


However, I can't talk. Every time I use Stockstrike on my Trooper I have to say 'Hiya' in a completely passive and neutral voice.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I couldn't agree more. Are there people spinning wild tales? Of course. However; in this instance it is hard core truth. The republic on most servers is massively outnumbered at 50 and on Ilum. On my server it is a rare day that a republic group can finish an Ilum daily anytime after 11 am. We have people setting their alarm clocks for 6 AM server time just to get on and do their stupid Ilum daily.


My guild has often discussed how we feel left out by Bioware. We all agree that the republic side looks and feels like the red headed step child of SWtOR. Our graphics for the most part are no where near as in depth as those on the Empire side. Our troopers look fantastic but our poor Jedi? Every single thing is a shade of brown and either the same skirt with different brown shades or the same drab "robe" that looks like some half open cloak and not a tru jedi robe. Our smugglers? Are forced to wear capes on their high end PVP and PVE gear.. and it looks ridiculous. Do some smugglers love them? Of course.. but the amount of complaints about having to look like Lando is huge.


I play my two main fifties on the republic side because some of our friends are die hard Republic in their hearts but art wise, story wise, choices wise.. I'd rather be Empire. I'm tired of my less pixels gear, and being slaughtered by Imperials who cheated the Ilium oops and are all battlemasters and refuse to let us get a foot in the door.

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Actually there are ZERO servers where republic outnumbers empire.


I dare you to find me a server where republic outnumbers empire... you can make an alt on every server and /who survey and you won't find a server were republic outnumbers empire. (trust me my friends and I tried... unsuccessful, there are no balanced servers...)


Also on the best of servers empire outnumbers republic AT LEAST 1.5 to 1, and these are the "best" servers, on the worst servers, yes its at least 4 to 1 and is getting worse because all the republic have quit those hell holes of servers and probably rerolled sith or quit the game all together.


Now get off your delusional high horse and accept the fact that you rolled a zerg faction that all the casual masses flocks to and can win with no skill, but through pure zerging.


Typical. Some people, usually exaggerating dramaqueens crying doom and gloom, always resort to insults instead of supporting their claims with cold, hard data and facts. I don't see what's delusional about objective numbers and figures :rolleyes:

I couldn't be bothered to create a whole new post about this again, so I just quote what I posted elsewhere.


I read a lot of people yelling about faction imbalance, and how Empire vastly outnumber the Republic faction, people claiming the ratio is 1 to 4 or 1 to 5 all the time on all servers with like 4-5 times as many Empire players as Republic players etc.


I was curious, so I did some measuring the past 2 weeks on various moments of the day (on prime time but also outside of prime time).

These are the numbers I found while doing my ingame player counts:


(the figures between curved brackets are the number of L50 players of that faction)


Dune Bantha: 540 Republic (23), 520 Empire (28), a 1.04 to 1 ratio


Red Eclipse: 1560 Republic (445), 1550 Empire (428), a 1 to 1 ratio


Trask Ulgo: 1160 Republic (174), 1120 Empire (177), a 1.04 to 1 ratio


Ula Vii: 280 Republic (24), 540 Empire (73), a 1 to 1.9 ratio


Grandmaster Zym: 840 Republic (196), 1080 Empire (297), a 1 to 1.3 ratio


Lord Calypho: 1060 Republic (202), 1500 Empire (381), a 1 to 1.4 ratio


Freedom Nadd: 1570 Republic (572), 2160 Empire (819), a 1 to 1.4 ratio


Saber of Exar Kun: 270 Republic (49), 580 Empire (113), a 1 to 2.1 ratio


Ebon Hawk: 540 Republic (42), 460 Empire (39), a 1.2 to 1 ratio


Iron CItadel: 850 Republic (268), 1530 Empire (505), a 1 to 1.8 ratio


The Courageous: 440 Republic (8), 320 Empire (23), a 1.4 to 1 ratio


Fort Garnik: 290 Republic (3), 270 Empire (8), a 1.1 to 1 ratio


Krath: 730 Republic (52), 830 Empire (82), a 1 to 1.2 ratio


Crevasse CIty: 300 Republic (9), 260 Empire (13), a 1.2 to 1 ratio


The Progenitor: 1240 Republic (174), 1460 Empire (261), a 1 to 1.2 ratio



Ok, people, I get that these are merely 10-20 random servers and that there may be more extreme situations, and that on average the Empire players may be more eager and active for PvP and on some occasions may level a bit faster.

But come on: if these 10-20 servers together already don't show that disastrous and extreme a gap with a vastly outnumbered Republic faction, then when it comes to overall population I doubt the overall picture will show as extreme a faction imbalance as some people are making of it.


Seems to me you just didn't try hard enough in your search.

Edited by dyves
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Seems to me you just didn't try hard enough in your search.


We were only looking at PVP servers... for some reason most of your list consists of PVE and RP servers, where its known that the factions are more balanced.


I could care less about PVE and RP servers honestly.


And your numbers just CONFIRMS what I suspected (and known from surveys done by my friends and I), that sith outnumbers republic 2 to 1 on average in pvp servers.

Edited by AndantePhist
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We were only looking at PVP servers... for some reason most of your list consists of PVE and RP servers, where its known that the factions are more balanced.


I could care less about PVE and RP servers honestly.


And your numbers just CONFIRMS what I suspected (and known from surveys done by my friends and I), that sith outnumbers republic 2 to 1 on average in pvp servers.


OP mentions nowhere that his statement was only restricted to PvP servers, he did mention 'every server'. Also he and other posters were talking about armor looks which makes Republic faction less favorable: what are you saying, that they meant that armor looks and the alleged influence it had is supposed to only affect players on PvP servers?


So, that's number 1:

- faction imbalance is less to no issue on PvE servers, and Republic has a larger population than Empire on a larger number of PvE servers


Now, regarding number 2:

- armor looks and preference for it has little to do with whether a player plays on a PvP or PvE server, so if someone uses that argument as a reason for Empire dominance, then by default he refers to all servers, not only PvP servers


Up to number 3:

- OP and several other people claim an 'at least 1 to 4 difference on EVERY server'. A random check of a number of servers however clearly shows this to be a gross exaggeration and dramatisation. Differences on PvP servers in overall population ranged from 1 to 1.4-2.1 on the servers checked.

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So, that's number 1:

- faction imbalance is less to no issue on PvE servers, and Republic has a larger population than Empire on a larger number of PvE servers



Way to twist your own data... based off your own data, faction balance can go either way on PVE or RP servers. the ones that republic outnumber sith 1.4 to 1 are super low population servers, and even in your data you have high population PVE servers where sith outnumbers republic.


So basically it comes to this.


PVE/RP Servers- population are generally balanced


PVP Servers- Huge Imperial imbalance outnumbering republic almost 1.5-2 to 1.

Edited by AndantePhist
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Way to twist your own data... based off your own data, faction balance can go either way on PVE or RP servers. the ones that republic outnumber sith 1.4 to 1 are super low population servers, and even in your data you have high population PVE servers where sith outnumbers republic.


So basically it comes to this.


PVE/RP Servers- population are generally balanced


PVP Servers- Huge Imperial imbalance outnumbering republic almost 1.5-2 to 1.


Shrug. No twisting at all. You just confirmed with your own words that the OP was wrong and that what I was saying was right, based on the available data: namely that Empire isn't always the larger faction on every server, that the faction imbalance when it occurs is nowhere near 1 to 4-5, that the PvE servers have minor to zero faction imbalance, and that when imbalance happens on the PvP servers, it's in the range of 1 to 1.4-2.1 and not 1 to 4.


So, yep, agreed, as I was already saying in my earlier posts in this thread.

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Idk if this has any relevance here in this topic. I do like the empire armor more than repub side armor however that wasnt really even part of my decision. Main reason i went empire was because of the starter planets. They're just much easier on the eyes and i feel like i can blow through them much faster than I can the repub ones. But then thats really just personal taste I guess.
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Why is republic have poor designs on there amour and is out numbered on every server ATLEAST 1 to 4. I think BW needs to do something because why would people roll republic if here gear looks like horse $hit compared to Sith, there amour looks like the designers put alot more time into sith then Republic. ^^


If you Agree Post a comment and Concern.


If your sith and you came to TROLOLOLOL. Well your welcomed too but not much you can say. ^^


Trooper is the most win in the whole game as far as gear goes(If you don't love Clone Troopers go away now, watch clone wars until you do.). Jedi look like Jedi(well except for high level knight pvp but that's going to be moddable soon anyway.) what the **** did you want them to look like?! And Smuggler's all about being Han Solo!

Edited by Lightmaguz
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It seems to me like the Sith Warriors get these ****** Roman soldier-esque outfits, and we Knights get this armour which I think is intended as space samurai. If we actually looked like ****** samurai it would be awesome but I don't really like the look so much right now. Also screw the whole "jedi wear robes" thing, if I could wear a T51b from Fallout 3 and leap around with a lightsaber there's no way I would ever go Sith.
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Why is republic have poor designs on there amour and is out numbered on every server ATLEAST 1 to 4. I think BW needs to do something because why would people roll republic if here gear looks like horse $hit compared to Sith, there amour looks like the designers put alot more time into sith then Republic. ^^


If you Agree Post a comment and Concern.


If your sith and you came to TROLOLOLOL. Well your welcomed too but not much you can say. ^^


This always happens on MMORPGs with PvP systems. One side always dominates the other.


The main reason for this is once the one side gains an advantage it atrtacts more players to join that side so they can in turn enjoy the advantage. People like to be on the winning team after-all.


The root problem is it is far too easy to switch sides on games like this - so basically everyone but the ones who don't really care about PvP switch over so they can win more at PvP. It's a predictable cycle that always happens. Kind of lame I agree.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I was thinking if BW gave a little bit of more flavor to the amour designs for the republic Jedi's and smugglers the numbers will go up and people will have a better sense of looking foward to somthing while they grind or lvl up. They need to focus on Republic Amour Designs because I know they can do much better then a Space Samurai for pvp gear that looks nothing close to what we call "Cool" or "B@d@ss"
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