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Tumult is a waste of money


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It is great for leveling though, because of incoming damage. Often, strongs or even weaks in large numbers will put out more damage than your average elite, which means you spend a longer amount of time healing up after a fight. This is especially true at higher levels.


If you do a pull, CC one mob, then tumult another, that means two mobs have already been taken out of the fight fairly quickly, with no chance to do damage. This is a significant and welcome damage reduction. I use tumult on every pull if I can.

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It is great for leveling though, because of incoming damage. Often, strongs or even weaks in large numbers will put out more damage than your average elite, which means you spend a longer amount of time healing up after a fight. This is especially true at higher levels.


If you do a pull, CC one mob, then tumult another, that means two mobs have already been taken out of the fight fairly quickly, with no chance to do damage. This is a significant and welcome damage reduction. I use tumult on every pull if I can.

You can use tumult only on CC'ed targets. So if you're going to "one-shot" a standard mob with it, then you also have to waste a CC on the same standard mob, which you could've used on the strong mob and came up with the same end result.

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I don't buy any of these abilities either.


I know they're decent in PvE. Not GOOD, because they have 45 sec CD. Yeah, they cost nothing to cast, but it's still too long a cooldown.


But more importantly, they don't work in PvP. And if you use them in PvE you'll get used to using them, and develop a bad habit of it. And since I PvP a lot, I choose not even to have the ability. I don't want anything that's PvE only on my action bars.

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I think every class has a wasted skill like this. While Tumult can be useful if you quickly want to get rid of a silver add, is okay but really the skill needs a lot of polish.


Personally if I didn't have the gotta buy 'em all attitude towards skills this one could easily never be bought and not affect the effectiveness of my Tankasin at all. (or any SI for that matter.)


Personally I think every ability like this needs to be looked at and reworked. IMO unless you need to buy everything like myself, don't waste the money on this talent.

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This ability is certainly not wasted. It is a godsend while levelling, especially when fighting more than one strong mob.


Ex: On my assassin there are pulls of 2 strong mobs which cannot be pulled individually. Mind Trap one and kill the other. Can't heal up, but opening with Tumult on the second gives me a nice damage headstart (especially if it crits).

Edited by insendial
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I took tumult off my hotbar.


On a two strong pull, I mind maze one of them and then spike the other one. That gives me a 2 cooldown head start on the second mob. You can then electrocute if you want which will give you another 3 cooldowns. The mob will make up in the middle of the third. By 5 cooldowns, most strongs are 75% or more dead anyway.


That is how I do it at level 50. *shug*

Edited by Ramsese
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Tumult loses its appeal as you go up the levels, but, for Assassins at least, it's our best opener until we get Spike.


... At least for every mob that isn't worth bothering the micro on companions or hasslng with groupmates breaking your Mind Trap (stealth mez). Fortunately that description fairly accurately describes the only targets that Tumult can be used on anyways.



Assassin + Mind Trap -> Tumult = :D

For all values of Assassin < 42

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Tumult doesnt even get a place in one of the 48 slots across my 4 quickslot bars its so ho-hum. So many restrictions they've made it into a pita to use on the few paltry things it useable on. Not to mention, if I "can" use it on something....I genereally don't "need" to use it on something. I have other more important things to remember in my hotbars, like, oh I don't know....fleet pass?

Tumult was just discussed in another thread and Posted similarly. Tumult is a waste of space. To many restrictions on the power. Just replace it with something I can use like....an emmote.



Why can't I round house kick anything higher than a weak or standard enemy? Why must they be held for me to kick them? Who designed this garbage power anyways? Fire them please.....? Also the person who approved it as is.....fire them too for good measure. :D

Edited by WickedImage
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I don't buy any of these abilities either.


I know they're decent in PvE. Not GOOD, because they have 45 sec CD. Yeah, they cost nothing to cast, but it's still too long a cooldown.


But more importantly, they don't work in PvP. And if you use them in PvE you'll get used to using them, and develop a bad habit of it. And since I PvP a lot, I choose not even to have the ability. I don't want anything that's PvE only on my action bars.


Funny, I thought it WAS a PvP ability. It's practically useless on elite mobs, and non-elites die so easy it's not worth an extra keybind. I figured maybe PvPers used it for some kind of stunlock sequence in which Force was a precious commodity (as far as I can tell the ONLY advantage of Tumult is that it's free.)


But, on the other hand, a sequence you can only use 1/minute is sort of annoying too.


Yeah, I don't even have it on my bars and stopped paying for the training.

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