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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are you going to change anything about current companion missions level\affection requirements, or is it working exactly as intended to? Also, will there ever be any clarifications on how those are supposed to be triggered (possibly with no numbers - just basic logics), for there is, very likely, a huge misunderstanding among people whether they experience a bug or something else.


As it is now, according to my own gameplay and a lot of posts, on a chapter-swich player may recieve a pack of missions, including ones that are about +10lvl and some of those seem to be further plot-related (e.g. Corso with a female scoundrel char gave "Gunfight in Gorinth Canyon" at lv33, before they finished Alderaan and Nar Shaddaa:bonus, and "A Simpler Life", that was even earlier in that chain of talks, hardly fit that part of story).

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Can we expect a First form of the Guild Bank being Included in patch 1.2 ETA March I think? If not then can you give us a ETA/Guess as to when or what Patch line we can expect to see it?


I am really looking forward to this feature and am excited to have it in game (Hopefully Soon)


Thank you for your time and for the addition of a weekly Q&A (Great Idea, hope to keep using it)



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Will the coding of the game ever be changed to allow multiple copies of the game to run on one computer? I just want to know if I should purchase a 3rd party product to allow this or wait for you to let me run 2 instances of your game on one computer.
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Will you guys make neutral work arounds on how itemization is currently set for both factions seeing the items diffrently?


Further explanation to understand what I mean:


(aplogies on its size but I am sure 2/3rds would just say "what?" without it)

Republic characters and Empire characters see item graphics diffrently, which is cool and all. but also very limiting. There are quite a few items that would be nice to see vise versa. there is a HUGE lacking of darkside robes for Jedi Knights/Sith (MARAUDER)


There are several items in name that would be nice to see. the Essles(?) flashpoint guardian chestpeice that would be nice to see for Empire side characters have. and the graphics of Empire side Dark Synth robe(and Muse robes) items would be a nice set to have Republic side.


P.S. Because of this graphic seen diffrently, it roally effed up the Compaion Lord Scourge on Jedi Knights his starting gear may be fixed to stay sith graphics but his quest reward gear isnt fixed and it would just be better if he was set to show empire side clothing perminatly. :<

Edited by Magnusheart
letting it stand out better
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Are there any plans to introduce daily quests that feel more like they should be...daily?


Currently, most of the "Daily" have a story that seems like it should be a one-and-done story, which is a severe lack in a story-driven MMO. I'd like to see a focus on having new Daily Quests have stories that feel like they could be done every day.

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Hi guys! I was just wondering if there were any plans to re enable certain headgear with hoods in the near future.


Obviously some pieces clip, so not all can be used, but there are many which appear to have been specifically designed to be worn under hoods for that Sithy appearance like we saw in all the trailers!



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Understandable about certain helm/hood graphics clipping but I am saddened that with the Columi Sith Warrior set that I can hide my helm as an option but cant toggle the hood up on the chestpiece. Any plans in the near future to add a hood toggle option? Please and thank you.
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In Beta, there were many titles that were obtainable from heroic quests, bonus quests, milestones in terms of light/dark or social progression. However, most of these are missing from the live client. More confusing, they still appear to show up in the codex entries for the planets.


As an avid collector of things, I am curious if some or all of these titles will be returning at any point?

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