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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are we ever going to get better customization options for our characters? A seperate height/weight option, more hairstyles preferably some longer ones and that sort. Would also be nice for makeup and lekku patterns for example to be seperated also.
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Are there plans to introduce a mentor type system in SWTOR?

EQ2 and City of Heroes both had this system and it allowed players to keep playing together regardless of level differences. I found it invaluable when bringing new people to the game and playing with my more casual friends.

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This is kind of a many part question.


Is there any near plans to 'sexy' up Republic? Everything from space station details to class stories to gear design is more detailed. Abilities are more developed too (consulars throw junk that is delayed compared to instant attack lightning or mortar volley delayed compared to death from above and many many more) Everything Republic is an after thought.


So again will there be any near plans to 'sexy' up Republic?

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What was the motivation behind Roots not adding resolve in pvp? as a melee they're on par with a stun if you don't have some kind of cc breaker/impaired movement removal tool, which not everyone has.


Having played as a commando/gunslinger and my main being a shadow, I really notice the decrease in dps when people chain root me. playing as a tank, I at least get a breaker every 20 seconds not everyone does though.

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Repeatable Quests, Any chance in making all quests repeatable? Heres a good reason Why:


Many adapted to not getting much XP if a higher level helps us, issue is we lose quests that are not repeatable. So anyone stronger who helps us , destroys XP giving missions , leaving us with painfully repetetive Space Combat, and less experience from PVP.

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Was it your intentions to make watchman the only viable raid spec for a sentinel,And do you ever intend to give them the force push skill back they had in beta???


More than likely this wont get answered as the hundreds of threads on this so far are pretty much all ignored buy what the hell cant hurt to try.

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What was the thought process behind the champions bag change? Being a fresh 50 I find it extremely hard to do well or even contribute to my warzone due to lack of gear. The notes state that it will create a steady gear gain, but at 73 commendations to a weapon I (and others) just find this frustrating. I will have to go through hundreds of games of getting destroyed by people that are already in battle master gear. Maybe introducing lower commendation prices for centurion gear could help alleviate this.
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Some planets seem to take an extraordinarily long time to load, even on systems that play the game fine. Alderaan being the worst offender in my mind. Are there any plans to streamline what each planet loads initially to make traveling more consistent?


(Oh, and add speeders to the spaceport, please!)

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i had read somewhere about lightside points making your character look more wise and poised etc, this seems to be missing, will there be any bonus' put in game for getting lightsdie points ? other than the gear limitations
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Can you speak to the future of Nightmare mode operations? Specifically, are you considering a more radical differentiation from the other difficulties both in terms of challenge as well as reward for future operations tiers?
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I think I speak for many when I ask, will we see more mini-games implemented aside from the space battles? I know that I would love to see Sabacc, Pazaak, and/or Dejarik.


Also, if Sabacc or Pazaak is implemented, would we see the ability to gamble credits, or some other form of currency?

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