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COMBAT in TOR: Fastest action in a 3rd person mmo?


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Champions Online is in fact quite a bit more intense and more streamlined.


Hmm...I think I can see that both ways. I played quite a few classes in that game when I subscribed and wasn't forced to play their gimped out archetype system, I agree that the combat was highly exciting and action based but I'm not sure if I'd say it is MORE so than this game, just different.


Champs does a really good job of capturing Superhero style action...I used to love that whirlwind skill on my dual wield sword guy where you could just spin around while moving, bouncing from group to group of mobs just wreaking havoc(thinking about it kind of makes me miss the game, but it just doesn't have the content to warrant a sub, and I am not castrating my freeform chars to fit their lame archetype system).


But to me, SWTOR does an awesome job capturing the feel of lightsaber combat. Some of the posts on these forums make me think people don't pay any attention while they are fighting, because I personally haven't played a game where my character is parrying ranged attacks from behind by extending his swords behind his back, while attacking another enemy...there are so many cool dynamics to the fighting in SWTOR, idk personally it is just something I really appreciate.

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Do I still call it a 3rd person MMO if I zoom in all the way with my mouse?


Also no... definitely not the fastest paced MMO iv played.


If anything its either exactly the same, or a bit worse.


The responsiveness of the abilities is definitely worse.


I have my E Q R F etc etc keys, bound to abilities so I can use things very fast and efficiently but having so many skills right at my finger tips makes the ability delay even more noticeable


Playing WoW it looks like I'm playing a piano, Swtor just slows me down.


People interested in action may like this soon to be released MMO




MMA fans will Recognize "Bas Rutten"


The game is called Tera.

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Despite the gcd QQers, I was trying to state combat FEELS and LOOKS more visceral and hectic/fast paced like an over-complicated hack & slash than an RPG. I like this element and wanted opinions on it. It's more satisfying in the sound and animation department.


Sitting around ilum (ilag) in a pack waiting to gank someone in 5 fps is a part of the game I don't bother with (as it should be.) PvP itself shouldnt be bothered with at all this early in the game unless you like ticking off players with knockbacks in huttball. But I wasn't even mentioning pvp when I started the thread, so meh.


I haven't sat at my desk playing every mmo that's come out since 1999, as some of you would like to lay claim to (more power to you, but im a busy man.) So what games am I personally comparing it to?


3rd person mmo RPGs that is:




Global agenda

EQ 2

Fallen Earth

WOW (And if you claim to have never played it, you're lying and sleep with a feral druid plushie.)


Also EVE, UO, Lineage 1, but they don't count as they are not "over the shoulder" games.



Can't compare it to AC 1 (didn't have good net connection setups where I lived back then and UO ran better.)


Haven't played Champions or City of Heros ( missed out, was dedicated to other games.)


blah blah

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Playing a Mara/Sent is the fastest combat I've ever seen in an MMO.


I'm only to level 15 and I have like 12 essential keybindings that I'm hitting furiously. All I see is blurred blue sabers in my peripheral vision.


Wouldn't you rather be seeing your character and the world instead? :p

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The animations are also fairly nice and smooth. When I use Ravage on my Juggernaut, the enemies react accordingly by falling to their knees, and the impacts look fairly brutal.


So, compared to the MMOs and third-person RPGs I've played with the same combat style as TOR, the animations and action are fairly visceral and rewarding.

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Despite the gcd QQers, I was trying to state combat FEELS and LOOKS more visceral and hectic/fast paced like an over-complicated hack & slash than an RPG. I like this element and wanted opinions on it. It's more satisfying in the sound and animation department.


This really boils down to how easily fooled you are by the illusion of speed/action. For example, you press the basic shoot button on your character and the result is a stream of blaster fire that makes it look like your character attacked several times. They may even split and stagger the release of the damage numbers that pop up over your opponent's head to make it appear like several attacks were made. And if you're the type of fellow that spams keypresses and mostly jams whatever button happens to be available, then this will probably seem very action-oriented to you.


I'm not saying it's worse than the alternative of seeing your character only fire once every two seconds, but let's be honest and call it what it really is. To anyone observing *you* at the keyboard, you're only pressing a single button once approximately every two seconds, and that's not going to seem very fast paced.


The point others in this thread are trying to make is that there are other MMOs out there that actually keep your hands (and mind) working the controls much faster. There are even some that take it to extremes by adding semi-complex combo maneuvers, and/or eliminating stat-based avoidance actions and placing the responsibility of mitigating damage directly at your fingertips. Combat in some MMOs come across more like an arcade-style fighting game, and to people who are used to this kind of gameplay (and can see past the illusion of speed gimmicks in other MMOs) what we have here in SWTOR will seem like snail-paced slowness.


Still, pressing the button once and seeing your character make a flurry of saber attacks is more entertaining than watching him slash half heartedly once.

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Faster, more hectic, more abilities that are a MUST to use (Naga mouse makes this cherry.)


Like a lot of you, been playing 3rd person rpg mmos since early 2000's (Not counting EVE or UO which i spend many hours playing when I should have been working...or showering.)




Pretty sure Aion has the fastest combat. And better looking...

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Faster, more hectic, more abilities that are a MUST to use (Naga mouse makes this cherry.)


Like a lot of you, been playing 3rd person rpg mmos since early 2000's (Not counting EVE or UO which i spend many hours playing when I should have been working...or showering.)




I think that since the ability delay has been largely fixed, the gameplay is revealing itself as being actually a lot of fun. It's not the fastest combat in an MMO I've ever tried (that goes to the non-GCD combat styles of either CO or DCUO), but it's faster than some (e.g. LOTRO), but without sacrificing the art (animations, timing of fx) like WoW does.


IOW it feels both "weighty" (non-floaty - i.e. GW and WoW are what I'd call "floaty"), and fast, which is a good combination to have. It helps you feel more like a Jedi Knight or a Trooper, or whatever, rather than just a dude sitting at a computer playing a toon.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Faster, more hectic, more abilities that are a MUST to use (Naga mouse makes this cherry.)


Like a lot of you, been playing 3rd person rpg mmos since early 2000's (Not counting EVE or UO which i spend many hours playing when I should have been working...or showering.)




Seriously? :eek:


If by fastest you mean slow and unresponsive then I agree 100%.




As someone said DCUO probably has the fastest combat. It isn't the best game by any means but it does have nice combat.

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