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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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I'm Audi 5000. Shout out to everyone who posted great shots of their toons, but for them to disallow the use of image tags has utterly derailed this section. It's just one more area in which the devs have managed to show that they are completely out of touch with this game's community. It's pathetic. Edited by Prototypemind
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It is sad that the image tag no longer works in here. I just hope the thread doesn't completely die because of it! I love this thread. :( Seems to be okay so far though, so....fingers crossed. I'll upload some photos and add them here in a bit, just gotta narrow them down.....I take an ungodly amount of screencaps, lol.


jaxkorpsdan, is that the new trooper set that just came out?

Edited by blindxsecrets
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hey everyone, thanks for all the lovely inspiration for my own toons, but I don't think I'm gonna keep lurking here :( I find clicking little links annoying on my tablet (where I used to read this thread, great fun, despite some of the massive pictures ;) ). I'm just not that fond of clicking on links, so most of the time I don't bother.







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Did they at least give a reason for doing so?


Not a decent one. Just an excuse, hiding behind a wall of feared possible abuse...I've never seen any inappropriate images here, I think for the most part we're a pretty decent group of folks. It's clear though that BW would rather just take nice features away rather than properly police the forums.

Edited by Saregon
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Even if embedding was disabled, I'll post the obligatory screenshot for the Yavin questline.











"I'll build solar collectors here, and mines over there and..."

"Stop playing Civilization!"



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I've got two characters so far: an Imperial agent and a Sith Inquisitor. I tend to try to design non-standard characters whenever I have the opportunity to mess around with sliders and the various character creation options. In both of these cases the faces I chose REALLY ended up fitting the character and voice acting almost perfectly.


In the case of the Agent, I went full roleplay. A person who's utterly devoted to the empire, and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it better and help it win the war. Traitors are executed with extreme prejudice, but she also has a distinct distaste for the Sith and their excesses. Most of her time is spent in professional/serious mode, but there's a rare laugh to be had now and then:








The second character I went with a twi'lek female. I deliberately picked a younger/less mature face and attitude. Let me tell you, if you play a female inquisitor and pick all the sassy/snarky conversation choices....holy crap! It's hilarious! Nothing but trash-talking and making fun of both her superiors and enemies. And I swear no Sith has EVER been this happy about everything. She must be insane.








Also....I may have a thing for red-skin, but I swear it seems to work out better than the other colors.

Edited by EliteSeraph
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Nice - is that Recovered Hero (or an in-game dropped chest armor) on the Guardian, or does Fortified Defender dye that completely?


It's the Recovered Hero armor set, with a light brown and white color dye.


The Fortified Defender has the hood up. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Ha! Pleased to finally have the full DM look I take it.


I rolled a 9 that night. A freaking 9:(


I was never expecting to actually get a helmet anytime soon! Just dumb luck I was already wearing the rest of the outfit when I got the helmet Saturday :p

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The second character I went with a twi'lek female. I deliberately picked a younger/less mature face and attitude. Let me tell you, if you play a female inquisitor and pick all the sassy/snarky conversation choices....holy crap! It's hilarious! Nothing but trash-talking and making fun of both her superiors and enemies. And I swear no Sith has EVER been this happy about everything. She must be insane.








Also....I may have a thing for red-skin, but I swear it seems to work out better than the other colors.


any chance you can tell what face that is? I love it.

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any chance you can tell what face that is? I love it.


Fortunately for you I kept all the original settings.




Also, now that my sass-talkin twilek has gotten a few more levels, and has gotten a little more powerful: Here's a few more screenshots. I really REALLY love some of the one-liners and other responses that virtually drip with sarcasm on this character.


Pointing and laughing is my speciality!





Not my fault you're failing:



This helmet is awesome, btw.



A little bit of saber posing:


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