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Younglings with lightsabers, SWTOR characters/adults with sticks?


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In the prequels, all the Jedi have lightsabers, including the Younglings. In the OT, Luke was handed a lightsaber and after just a few minutres training with Obi-wan, Luke was able to deflect blasters from a flying droid.


So why do our SWTOR adults have to start with weapons that look like they belong on Jabba's pig guards rather than on Jedi/Sith in training? Is it just to have some kind of lightsaber discovery cutscene? Even though lightsabers are relatively common?


Imo the lightsaber should've been handed at the very beginning of the game (even at level 1) and should've replaced the lightsaber discovery cutscenes with story stuff.


Of course this is just fanboy QQ. But anyone else find it strange that SWTOR sith/jedi get the short end of the stick? Is there some vital EU lore I'm overlooking? I stopped reading the SW books once the prequels were released.

Edited by Jakain
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I suggest you dont play sith warrior or inquisitor, then.

Jedi are often taught that lightsabers are not merely tools, but extensions of their own self. The different ways in which the Jedi and Sith retrieve lightsabers in their class stories make a great deal of sense to me. For the Jedi Order, it's part of an apprentice's trials; for the Sith, it's either something to be sought out to prove oneself worthy or it's simply a handed-down gift. It feels "right" to me that the Sith are more pragmatic in their approach in these stories than are the Jedi.

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Prequels? What are you referring to? There were ONLY three movies, released in 1977, 1980, and 1983. I'm sure if there was an attempt to continue the story of the movies 15 years later by their aged creator, I'm sure they'd be awful, uninspired, and grossly commercialized.


So I'm glad TOR is doing anything different from what terrible prequels would have done. If terrible prequels existed. Which they don't. Not in my reality.

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The sabers in the prequels were training sabers with adjustable power. You could literally grab the blade with your hand and nothing besides maybe a slight burn would appear.

Plus, I've seen countless topics whining how nothing advances and so on.. well here you go! Something does change in 3000 years =)

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K, real reason: BioWare wanted us to have the opportunity to experience making them ourselves. At least if we were Jedi. Sith get a different experience (and I feel that inquisitors get slightly ripped off, but that's another story).


A couple of after the fact lore excuses I've come up with:

1. Traditions, standards, and requirements for building the lightsaber changed over the centuries.


2. With Ilum in Imperial hands, the Jedi order's supply of crystals was cut hard, and they had to limit who got to make lightsabers to padawans facing their trials or padawans who had just finished them.


I see the first one as something of a cop-out. The second one makes sense to me.


In the mean time, I thing the vibroswords and training blades look aweful. I prefered the ones we saw in KotOR and KotOR 2. Just sayin.

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I wish we could actually have some sort of decision about what kind of lightsaber we make. For instance, I really, really want a green one. I want it so much that I actually pass up significant upgrades because they'll change the color. When building the saber, we should be able to choose from a pool of crystals, mods, hilts, etc.
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I wish we could actually have some sort of decision about what kind of lightsaber we make. For instance, I really, really want a green one. I want it so much that I actually pass up significant upgrades because they'll change the color. When building the saber, we should be able to choose from a pool of crystals, mods, hilts, etc.


I agree wholeheartedly. Choosing to ally with Bengel Morr is the only way to get a green lightsaber at the very beginning so I chose it instead of the light side option =/

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I suggest you dont play sith warrior or inquisitor, then.


Care to elaborate? The Inquisitor earns their saber upon being the only acolyte to survive their trials... which isn't until level 9 about. And you inherit your master's, so some significance there. The mighty Ffon never even gets one.


Sure it's not as epic as the Consular's first saber, but it's still a special and meaningful achievement to earn it.

Edited by Pubsam
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I wish we could actually have some sort of decision about what kind of lightsaber we make. For instance, I really, really want a green one. I want it so much that I actually pass up significant upgrades because they'll change the color. When building the saber, we should be able to choose from a pool of crystals, mods, hilts, etc.

Well, your first saber is orange gear - you can in fact make all those choices once you get to Fleet - usually within 10 minutes of getting your first saber.


But as far as I know, Knights start with a blue lightsaber, and Consulars start with a green lightsaber.


I took Artifice as my first crew skill specifically so that I could craft lightsaber elements for myself. I am on an RP server, and yes, I actually roleplay upgrading my lightsaber in /say and /emotes.


Back to the actual topic at hand.


It was explained somewhere at some point (I probably read it on the Jedi Council Forums at theforce.net) that the sabers seen used by younglings in the training scene with Yoda in Attack of the Clones were training sabers, much, much less powerful or dangerous than the weapons weilded by Jedi.


Low-powered lightsabers are probably a development in the technology that comes in the intervening 3,600 years. At the time of the game, the training blades we use are apparently what padawans learned with before earning their Jedi weapons.


Since you only have the training blade for 9 levels, I don't feel this is game-breaking, and, having played at lest to advanced class selection on every force-user class, I feel that acquiring one's lightsaber is a pivotal moment in all four - the culmination of the arc played through on the starting world.

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Also would like to note that though the kids might not merit actual Sabers yet, the younglings of that era have been trained from birth.


The Old Republic era is a lot less anal about recruitment. Force sensitivity, whenever discovered, has you marching to Korriban if you're in Empire territory. It is likely that you've not been training as long in the sword arts. May not want to have your lightsaber until you've passed the 'trials' proving your skill.

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I think having to earn your first saber, which is THE iconic weapon, is better narrative. They shouldn't be handed out like candy canes!

Too bad that if you decide to play a Jedi Shadow you trash the lightsaber you crafted yourself about one level later, just to get handed out one.

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The sabers in the prequels were training sabers with adjustable power. You could literally grab the blade with your hand and nothing besides maybe a slight burn would appear.

Plus, I've seen countless topics whining how nothing advances and so on.. well here you go! Something does change in 3000 years =)


Its simple numbers. In TOR there are a lot more force users. Lightsabers are hard to make and valuable, but with a bit of spit and polish even an ancient light saber can be repaired.


Now roll up to the movie timeline. A heck of a lot less Force users. And shed loads of these ancient lightsabers still kicking about from the good old days of the old Republic.


The Jedi order probably has so many spares they use them as doorstoppers and cracker prizes.

Edited by Elbrop
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new to the game (just got it Saturday) and I've been enjoying it, but this is bugging me.


According to the lore, one of the tasks a youngling has to complete before becoming a padawan and being turned over to a Jedi Master for 1 on 1 training is the construction of a lightsaber. This is done around 11-12 years of age. (hence, the 12-14 year old in episode III who comes at a group of clones with a lightsaber, kills some and is gunned down) It's a requirement because, when you're with your master for 1 on 1 training, this training often consists of "in the field" training, where a lightsaber would be necessary for combat. Training sabers are used for just that, training. You're not supposed to go into combat with them.


Unfortunately, this comes down to typical RPG nonsense about being "too powerful too early." (even though I haven't noticed a great increase in combat effectiveness since I built my lightsaber) In the 1st KOTOR, it made sense. You weren't a Jedi, so you started with blasters a vibroblades. But, even then, you constructed your lightsaber before becoming a padawan. In the 2nd game, you were an exile and had turned over your lightsaber to the council. Even though that made no sense because the Jedi Council can't tell someone to stop carrying a lightsaber, it was acceptable because your character had lost his/her connection to the Force and didn't want to be a Jedi or carry a lightsaber anymore. However, in this game, it's ridiculous. You're a trained padawan, you should have a lightsaber from the start.


Because your just entering training, it's not like those younglings were handed those blades from the begging.


We're done with our training, this is mentioned in the opening dialog. We're ready for our trials, the final phase of a Jedi's training before they become a Knight. Watch episode 1, Qui-Gon says to the council that Obi-Wan is ready for his trials, he's a adult (as our characters are) and has already constructed his lightsaber.

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Your reality sounds wonderful; How do I emmigrate? is there a form I can fill out?


First watch this, then close your eyes and imagine...



and by that I mean... Imagine what if they didn't kidnap Lucas and replace him with an imposter... ;)

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