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Why do people with Female Characters not suck?


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I never really thought about it.


My best guess is, that my female character habbit started with Project Entropia (Entropia Universe now) back in early 2000's. Because female gear was cheaper in that game, as there was more people playing male. And since then, 90% of my mmorpg characters have been females.


Never ever have I done any "real" roleplaying or tried to fool people to think that i would be female in real life.


It might also have that little mental factor in it. As in, how will that guy feel when tiny skinny female character kills him in PvP :p

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In my experience, I've had a fairly equal ratio of dude/girl assistance, so I'm not necessarily apt to agree that gender is a point in the matter.


Same, I met some female chars (dont know which gender they are irl) which I would love to have tossed around as a huttball for being total *cant insert names due to BW policy* and doing really stupid actions.

Edited by Kirameki
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I've been running my guild for almost 9 years now. And this is the FIRST time I've struggled to find new members for a game. I'm not one to spam at the fleet or anything-- but it's been really tough for me to find fresh blood here.


Must be losin' my touch.


You're not the only one having issues in this. Our guild is pretty much looking for any warm bodies so we can fill a 16 man raid at some point lol. Just been running 8 mans while some of the slower people catch up. But looking like this week going to have everyone caught up (11 people) and not enough room for everyone =(

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I do similar. :) I will always cast my character buff on random passersby too. Also if it looks like someone's struggling with a fight, I will stop what I am doing and watch. If it looks like there is a strong chance they might die, I will assist. But sure, I know some don't like that (because they weren't actually in trouble), so I'm very cautious.


I am a girl and I do the same things you listed here. Ill Heal players I see die as well, and help them with quests. I just figure hey why not help out.

Edited by JediHeroine
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In my opinion people playing female toons are more likely to be older and more mature. Teeny boppers are more likely to try to make their toons look "cool" to their friends. They would probably be too embarrassed to play a chick toon.
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My guild is having the same issue too. We are looking for a few active players but it seems like most people have already settled on guilds. I guess that prelaunch guild stuff really worked.


We were part of this. However, the 12 or so of us who play together don't always get to play at the same times. I'd like to have about another 8 people, but have been unsuccessful thus far.

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You're not the only one having issues in this. Our guild is pretty much looking for any warm bodies so we can fill a 16 man raid at some point lol. Just been running 8 mans while some of the slower people catch up. But looking like this week going to have everyone caught up (11 people) and not enough room for everyone =(


We've been together too long for me to want to give up yet. I really don't want to disband what we've built for so long, but we've considered packing it up and joining another group. It would really be hard. Again, 9 years is a long, long time. At one point we had over a hundred or so real people in our group-- but it's not ike that anymore. There are 12 of us or so-- but we aren't ever on at the same times-- normally like 6 at a time- and so even though we have 50's we can't get content done due to playtimes.


I'm frustrated a bit.

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Also, it occurred to me that there's an actual answer to the question the OP has asked.


The answer is, "...because we have bewbz."


I have spoken.


bewbs basicaly dominated WOW trade lol. i know guys who used to send google image pics to people just to get stuff that dropped in raids.

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It seems like people who play female toons (guys or girls) are generaly much nicer people. They seem more willing to help you out. They won't bash you in general chat. And they always seem more willing to group up.


I have only been playing MMO's for like 2 years, nut it seemed to be the same thing on WOW too.


Maybe it's girls playing as girls and they are just nice people. Maybe it's guys playing as girls and being helpful so people will send them stuff.


Just wanted to get some opinions?


I can't verify if being female would mean that it's a generally nicer people... but a lot of my male friends are nice in person... but totally evil in game. I think it's a gaming attitude to be a sadist or something.


Also, it has something to to with being raised as a kind and loving individual... that turned jaded as she turned 20. :D

Edited by Shiningriver
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Tell me about it, my bh ended up running atleast 20 diff low lvls through Bt. But all in all it was fun and it feels good to help out other players.


This is why I try and get a day of the week in-guild devoted to helping lowbies. Yeah, everyday should be about supporting fellow guild members, but I find it's nice to set aside a day where it's encouraged to offer to run your alts with new low-level members or, if all else fails, do run-throughs and help them with harder quests. I find it really helps foster some community among new members and "war-bonded vets". :p


Of course, I'm still a lowbie in swtor, myself, so I haven't suggested this yet with my guild (don't want to seem I'm being self-serving or suggesting it for the wrong reasons), but when I get to 50 it'll be my pet project.

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At a completely wild guess, guys who play female toons (and I am one) tend to be secure enough in our masculinity and sexuality that we simply don't feel the need to engage in epeen-waving and digital urination competitions, which is what most of the "bad" behavior in MMOs boils down to. . . "Heh lok at me im so leet noob you suk goo bak to maio it you can hand le." Translation: "Heh, look at me, I'm so elite, you're only a beginner player, you don't know what you're doing, you should go back to playing Super Mario Brothers, it's about all you can handle."


As I stated, this is just a total guess on my part.

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That's a sweeping generalization that might not be true, and isn't in a lot of cases.


A lot of girls that I know play as male characters, too. So, it's probably just a coincidence.


Edit: Either way, I guess it could be that there might be more competitive, testosterone-fueled guys playing as male characters than there are female characters.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I've met plenty of friendly guys and gals in this game tbh - so I'm not really sure if there's any connection.


However at the same time, I guess I do kinda agree - they're generally seemingly nicer (though I always try to be super nice myself, and I'm a guy)


And referring to an experience yesterday - I got killed by world boss, posted on Genral chat I clicked on the 'Interesting Skull' on tatooine. People laughed :p Then some suggested grouping to do it.


Eventually only 3 of us grouped, being a lvl 49 female, and me and one other lvl 30. She pratcically soloed the boss, and then gave me and the other lvl 30 50k credits just to "help us during lvling" :p That kinda kindness is rare hehe

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Eventually only 3 of us grouped, being a lvl 49 female, and me and one other lvl 30. She pratcically soloed the boss, and then gave me and the other lvl 30 50k credits just to "help us during lvling" :p That kinda kindness is rare hehe


For most MMO's it is, but i dont know about this game. With wow, people just played the game and interacted with eachother. I feel like, with this game, people sort of become their characters. The archtypes of jedi and sith have existed for so long, that it's hard not to get caught up in it. even on a non-RP server.


As far as the republic goes, everyone seems to be genuinly nice. And genuinly helpful. But it seems like girl toons are just willing to go that extra distance.

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